AAVSO CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 2005 - PART 2/4 --------------------------------------- John Pazmino NYSkies Astronomy Inc www.nyskies.org nyskies@nyskies.org 2005 November 27
Introduction ---------- The American Association of Variable Star Observers held its fall convention in Newton, Massachusetts, on 13-15 October 2005. The meeting was far too complex and lengthy to summarize in a single article. I'm issuing a series of four articles to adequately treat the material generated by the meeting. This is the second in the series, covering talks and discussions about individual stars. Polaris - discussion ------------------ The North Star, alpha Ursae Minoris, is a delta Cephei star that caused a sensation in the late 1980s. Its pulsations petered out! From a modest 2/10 magnitude amplitude thruout the 20th century, it quickly 'turned off'. To the visual observer, the star became constant, with no discernible change in brightness. Detailed study showed it was still varying but only by about 2/100 magnitude, far too small to detect by visual techniques. It also continued to pulsate weakly as revealed by radial velocity features in its spectrum. By 2002 it began to revive, very slowly increasing its amplitude to a few hundredths magnitude. On top of this there is confirmed a longterm increase in Polaris's period by ~3-1/2 seconds/year, or about 6 minutes since 1900. Polaris may have swelled over a couple millennia by a full magnitude, from 3rd to 2nd. This is suggested by assessments of its average brightness from Ptolemaeus thru the 19th and 20th century. Polaris's amplitude may have always been small, so its variations were not recognized until the early 20th century. The distance to Polaris, as a delta Cephei star, was always of critical importance. It is too far away for good parallax by traditional methods. The HIPPARCOS spaceprobe put it no closer than 132 parsecs, 430 lightyears. Polaris may be shifting on the HR diagram toward the red side of the instability strip to eventually become a semiregular variable star. Now it is at ab magn -3.4, spectral type F7, lum class I-II. V725 Sagittarii - John Percy &a ----------------------------- This star, in southern Sagittarius. was noticed by Henrietta Swope in 1928. It was classed as a Cepheid of ~14d period. She studied it until 1935 and found that it steadily increased its period from 14d to 22d. This was at the time an incredible behavior for a variable star. The star was neglected in the late 1930s thru the 1960s, with only scattered observations. Fitting these to extrapolated cycles showed that the period continued to lengthen. Measurements back to 1889, on Harvard plates, suggest the period was shorter in the prior decades. By the mid 1960s it was 40d. It was studied continually since the late 1960s. By the 1990s the period grew to about 70d and is about 90d in the early 2000s. The period also became erratic with time. By the 1970s it was no longer possible to treat V725 Sgr as a Cepheid but more like a semiregular star similar to R Scuti. Spectra were first obtained in the 1960s, due to the low declination and proximity of interfering brighter stars before them. The spectrum drifted from F in the 1960s, to G in the 1970s, to M now. The star is now considered a Pop II supergiant. The star's amplitude increased gradually from 0.3 magnitude in the 1930s to 0.5 magnitude today. There were a couple instances of sudden momentary fading, as if by veiling dust, as faint as 16th magnitude. Its average magnitude increased from 13-1/2 to 12-1/2 magn over the 1930-1990 span. This star is under rapid evolution out of the instability strip back to the red giant region after one of its 'blue loop' excursions as a giant star. The time scale of the changes agrees with theory but this is the first time a star was observed in realtime to undergo such radical alteration of behavior in the red giant phase of its life. eta Aquilae - Doug West &a ------------------------ eta Aquilae, in southern Aquila, is a delta Cephei star observable by eye or binoculars. In the past, it was studied by home astronomers only in the optical band by visual techniques. Recently, modern CCDgraphs allow home astronomers to collect infrared data about variable stars. The two bands easiest to employ are the J band at 1.25um and H band at 1.65un. While these bands are passed thru by the atmosphere, a dry climate is required for consistently good results. The width of the bands passed to the telescope is sensitive to the moisture in the air. It narrows with increasing moisture, constricting the influx of infrared radiation and distorting the star's perceived brightness. The tactic is to insert a narrow-band filter to exclude the outer parts of the bandwidth. The ensures that the same range of wavelengths is collected regardless of air moisture. eta Aquilae is used as a calibration star because of its regular and predictable behavior as a Cepheid and its proximity to the celestial equator. The phase of the infrared cycle lags behind by about 0.2 from that of the optical range. CY Aquarii - Ron Zissell ---------------------- This star, of 11th magnitude in northeast Aquarius, is often termed a 'dwarf Cepheid'. It is only about one solar mass, A1 to A2 spectrum, +2.5 absolute magnitude. It sits in the instability strip near where it intersects the Main Sequence. When discovered it had the shortest period of any known variable star, 88 minutes. It is a favorite star for astronomy exercises in photometry because a large fraction of its cycle can be observed within one lab session. During Zissell's 40-year study of this star, from the mid 1960s thru mid 2000s, its period has slowly lengthened. Superimposed on this trend is an oscillation which thwart fitting to a simple monotonic curve. One possible cause for the anomaly is an unseen companion star. Such a star would exert Doppler motion in the visible star and add or subtract light travel time to the variations. The estimated period of the binary system is about 63 years, so the drift in light travel approximates in timescale the 40-year record for CY Aquarii. To analyze longterm trends in variable stars, the definition of 'time' is crucial. The plots showed a discontinuity at at 1972, when atomic time was substituted for solar time. The newer measures were clocked in UTC, which is based on a smaller second than the one for old UT until 1972. The graph has an artificial break. Worse, the second of solar time varied over he years as the time signals were tampered with to keep the UT clock in step with the rotation of the Earth. That is, in place of today's leapsecond, to accomplish this end, the extra bit of time was added in slices to the second at assorted instants thruout the year. The other point in time definition is that the Julian Day Number is not at all a system of timekeeping. JDN is the time scale for variable star work to simplify calendar arithmetic. JDN merely is a translation of the prevailing instant of UT and not and independent scheme of clocking off time units. Julian Day Number is broken at the UT-UTC boundary, too. As one flaw in JDN, it can not deal with leapsecond. It maps the leapsecond, as a fraction greater than unity, into the next Julian day. This instant duplicates the first second of the next UTC day. delta Cephei - Grant Foster ------------------------- This talk covered the general properties of delta Cephei stars as demonstrated by 65 stars in the AAVSO database of visual observations. delta Cephei stars on the whole over many decades, or a human lifespan, have secular trend of increasing or decreasing period. The accumulated shift is many minutes to an hour. At first this seems to upset the period-luminosity relation but the shift is only a minuscule fraction of the period while the magnitude assessments are taken only to 1/10 magnitude. So there is a leeway for the period within a given 1/10 magn zone. Stars can suddenly switch to a shorter or longer period for timescale of 500 to 1000 days, then they return to the former longterm trend as if nothing happened. The switch could be large enough, if not recognized, to cause error in applying the period-luminosity curve. The profile of a delta Cephei star can be surprisingly closely modeled by a three-line curve. The first line runs from a minimum to the next maximum. Line #2 runs from maximum to about 2/3 maximum at about 1/2 cycle. Line #3 completes the cycle to the next minimum and is of slightly lesser slope than line #2. For some specimina of star, lines #2 and #3 are of so similar slope that they become a single line, making the model a two-line curve. This 3, or 2, line model fits the Fourier description of the real profile. delta Cephei stars typicly have a bump on the declining slope of the cycle. Stars with periods less than 5 days have no bump. The bump grows on the fall side of the cycle for periods between 5d and 25d. At about 25d period the bump merges with the peak and broadens it. Greater than 25d, the bump moves to the rise part of the cycle. delta Cephei stars can have two simultaneous periods or overtones of the main period. These beat against each other to strengthen or weaken the profile, much like sound or water waves add or subtract. In the case of Polaris, the beat nulled out the cycle to make the star turn off its variations for about a decade. One ongoing need for visual observations is for precise timings, to the minute, of Cepheid star maxima or minima. This can be done with uncalibrated CCD images taken across the peak or valley of the cycle. Continuation ---------- This is the second of four articles about the AAVSO 2005 October convention. The articles are named 'aavso05a.htm', '...b.htm', '...c.htm', '...d.htm'.