 John Pazmino 
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2005 November 27 

    The American Association of Variable Star Observers held it fall 
convention in Newton, Massachusetts, on 13-15 October 2005. The 
meeting was far too complex and lengthy to summarize in a single 
article. I'm issuing a series of four to adequately treat the material 
generated by the meeting. This is the third in the series, covering 
talks and discussions about visual observing methods.  

Visual observing - discussion 
    There were several presentations and open dialogs about visual 
observing on Friday morning, October 14th. On other days, some papers 
covered observing topics, which I moved to here. They are part of a 
workshop on the art of assessing the brightness of stars by eye-&-
chart methods. 
    Visual observing was, and still is, the traditional means of 
capturing the brightness of a variable star. In this method the 
observer is provided with a starchart from AAVSO with the variable 
star marked on it. Other stars in the vicinity are labeled with their 
stellar magnitudes as comparisons. 
    The observer by eye at the telescope or binocular assesses the 
variable against these comparison stars. He makes a judgement for its 
magnitude. He then records on a form the magnitude, along with the 
date and other indexing information.
    The forms are either in paper form, like a ledger sheet. Until the 
1990s virtually all reports collected by AAVSO were on paper forms 
snailmailed or faxed to headquarters. The forms were typicly 
handwritten, altho a few were generated in replica layout by word 
    There was a small, but energetic, section in AAVSO for capturing 
observations by electrophotometry, or photoelectric photometry. The 
light from the star is focused by the telescope onto a photomultiplier 
cell and converted to an electric current. This current is compared to 
that received from the comparison stars. The variable is gaged among 
the current readings and converted into a magnitude value. 
    This method, as objective as it was, never caught on. It remained 
a niche area of AAVSO mostly for the expense of the apparatus and the 
squander of effort and time to operate and maintain it. 
    Never the less, important work was realized in the fields of 
eclipsing binaries and Cepheid stars. This was due to the 
electrophotometry's ability to operate automaticly over many hours. It 
could record the moment of minimum or maximum more precisely than the 
human observer. It was the moment of least or greatest current 
generated by the star. 
    In the 1990s the CCDgraph entered home astronomy. Intended for 
digital photography and astrometry, it was soon put into service for 
photometry. While still an expensive accessory, it was far simpler to 
operate and maintain than the electrophotometer. Also, by the 1990s, 
pretty much every home astronomer had a home computer, unlike in the 
1980s when they were still an uncommon feature. Also by the 1990s, the 
diversity of computers, that made it just about impossible for easy 
comms and transfer of data among them, was washed out.  Home computers 
are oow  dominated by the IBM and MS operating systems. 
    CCD-based photometry is a steadily growing practice among variable 
star observers, the more so as prices of the equipment continue to 
drop and telescopes with solid mounts and precise tracking are more 
    The rise of Internet as a public utility also pushed CCDs forward 
thru its easy and spontaneous ability to send data between computers 
by email, websites, or webcasting. Internet also made it far quicker 
and simpler to send in the traditional visual reports by the same 
means. With the data in digital form at AAVSO, it was a natural next 
step to automate the initial processing and validation of the incoming 
reports and then distribute them to astronomers who need them. 
    With CCDgraphy diffusing into home astronomy, is eye-&-chart 
observing still viable? Definitely so. Despite the precision of the 
CCD apparatus, it is still fiddly to work with and riddled with 
errors. These are both patent and latent. Unless the observer 
exercises a heightened care, a CCD-based report can be of worse value 
than eye-&-chart one. 

Aging eyesight - discussion 
    AAVSO found an amazing phaenomenon among its observers who have 
decades of records. Their observations can monitor the deterioration 
of their eyesight! This decline comes from yellowing of the ocular 
lens, filtering out the blue end of the spectrum.
    By the nature of variable stars, the easier ones to follow are 
red, being the long-period and semi-regular red giants. The comparison 
stars, which have constant brightness, tend to be main sequence stars 
from the blue to white range of color.
    In the ideal situation, you should select those comparison stars 
that are of the similar spectral type as the variable. It is hardly 
ever possible to do so, specially for the red variables. So the 
measure is made of a red star against white, blue-white, or blue 
stars, these being the only ones to hand on the charts.  
    As the eye lens yellows, it filters out the blue end of the 
spectrum, making the comparison stars dimmer against the red variable. 
The result is that the variable is gaged brighter than it would be for 
a clear-eye, that of a young observer! 
    The effect can be dramatic, a full magnitude of excess brightness 
or more. It shows up as an annoying scatter on the lightcurve when the 
data from the older observers are included. It proved impractical to 
adjust the estimates of these elders because the decline of eyesight 
is progressive and irregular. It was best to note the error and give 
greater weight to the younger clear-eyed observers.

Visual observing advantages - Mike Simmons
    Visual observation of variable stars has many advantages, which 
seem unlikely to be overthrown any time soon. It is available to any 
observer, without the barrier of cost for the newer CCDgraphs and 
hefty telescope. There are plenty of important variable stars in the 
brighter range for small telescopes and binoculars. Even the charts 
are free for downloading from the AAVSO website. 
    There is the crucial need to keep the continuity of record with 
the same general method since the 19th and 20th century. By comparing 
records of the same star using visual and electronic methods, AAVSO 
finds subtile, but important, deviations that prevent naively pooling 
the two together.
    Visual observing is quick and spontaneous, allowing for fast 
response to novae and sudden changes in other variable stars. The 
sheer number of visual observers across all longitude zones gives
good coverage of these special events. CCDgraphs tend to cluster in 
the more affluent parts of the world with large longitude gaps between 
    All that's required for visual observing is the same instrument 
used for regular stargazing, plus starcharts for the variables. These 
charts are free for downloading from the AAVSO website in PS or GIF 
form for any computer to display or print. The observer can fit 
himself for variable star work on a stargazing trip merely by packing 
a folder of these charts. 
    The learning curve is shallow with competence coming after a few 
observing sessions. Visual observing makes a fun and worthy project 
for camps, schools, clubs, even for children. It is quickly regained 
if the observer is dormant for a long period, like for career or 
family burden. 

Human eye for photometry - Mike Linnolt 
    Linnolt gave a detailed physiological description of the human 
eye, with comparison to several other animals. Humans are one of the 
few species that specificly distinguish color. More accurately, humans 
register different responses in the brain for each wavelength of 
incoming light. It is unknown what other animals 'see' in their own 
wavelength-dependent responses, but it surely is NOT a straight 
mapping of human colors.
    Colors are registered by one of the two kinds of cell in the 
retina, the cones. The cones decrease in density from the center of 
the retina to the periphery. At the center, in the fovea centralis, 
there is an extra dense packing of cones. When you look directly at a 
target, you place its image on the fovea to get the maximum resolution 
and color, 
    Altho each person can describe and match the colors he sees, he 
can not visualize what colors others see. That is, the 'orange' 
observed by person A, altho in lab tests can be matched to that of 
person B, can not be objectively compared. As yet there is no way to 
tap into the brain's rendering of a scene and compare it with the 
rendering of an other person's brain. 
    Color is, therefore, NOT a physical property of the target but 
only the human interpretation of the target's mix of wavelengths. The 
spectral distribution of wavelengths is the objective reality; color 
resides entirely within each human observer. 
    At night, below a certain illumination level, the cones fail to 
record light and the far more sensitive rod cells take over. These do 
not have color discrimination, so colors are absent in pure night 
vision. The rods are densest around the periphery of the retina, at 
the edge of the visual field, and thin out in the center. This gives 
rise to the 'averted vision' trick to see dim celestial objects. 
    Apparently contradicting the behavior of night vision is the fact 
that humans DO see color at night. The brighter stars and planets show 
real tints. Brighter lights in the landscape show colors, like for 
advertising and traffic control. This color perception is a localized 
effect on just the part of the retina the brighter light hits. The 
illumination at that spot is high enough to trigger the cones back 
into action, while the surrounding cones stay dormant. 
   The electric signal produced by the inpinging photons contains only 
a percent or so of the photon's energy, making the eye a very weak 
detector compared to ordinary selenium photocells and photographic 
film. Part of the cause for the low conversion efficacy is that the 
human eye can not accumulate the incoming energy like photographic 
film. The image is 'erased' every 1/15th second or so. 
    For human survival this is a good feature, else the scene would be 
dangerously smeared by ordinary movements of the eye and body. On the 
other hand, motion pictures and fluorescent lamps depend on the 
latency of human imaging. 
    The human eye is remarkably good at matching the brightness of two 
adjacent sources, notably points or small discs. Ideally they should 
be of the same spectrum, but the eye is amazingly tolerant about 
mismatched color. 
    The eye can not give quantitative measure of different 
brightness. It can not, for example, claim that source A is equal to x 
number of source B. On the other hand, if a source can be boxed in 
brightness between two others, B and C, the eye is pretty good at 
proportioning the target A brightness relative to B and C. 
    The eye can tolerate considerable amount of optical noise, stray 
light, glare, gray sky. As long as the variable and bracketing 
comparison stars are clearly seen, the estimate ends up being about as 
good as one taken under ideal dark conditions. Never the less, for 
comfort, do try to exclude as much extraneous light from the eye as 
    The magnitude scale in astronomy is a logarithmic one, like the 
decibel scale in acoustics. A 1/10th magnitude leeway in assessing the 
brightness of a star is almost a 10% swing in illumination from the 
star. At first this sounds like a terrible precision. For a lone 
observer with no collaboration, it is. For a multitude of observers 
within AAVSO, the individual precisions combine rapidly  and tighten 
with increasing numbers of assessment. 

Custom starcharts - Erne Henden 
    The special charts required for variable star work are compiled by 
AAVSO and distributed thru its website. In early years they were 
printed on blueprint paper and sold for about 10c each. Blueprint was 
used for being the only handy way to make copies in the era before dry 
photocopy machines. It had the benefit of looking very sexy, with 
their deep blue 'night sky' background. 
    AAVSO has several scale of chart for each star to suit various 
instruments and the amplitude of the star's variations. To satisfy the 
needs of observers, a supply of each chart was on hand. If one was 
depleted, AAVSO ran out to a printing depot and cut more blueprints 
from a tracing paper original. The charts were snailmailed to the 
observer in a flat envelope. 
    With plain paper photocopiers in the mid 1960s, duplicating the 
charts as needed was done in house, saving the cost and hassle of 
outside blueprint services. The major change for the observer was that 
the chart had black stars on white background. One of the earliest 
examples of this new chart was for nova Delphini in 1967, which had to 
be issued in a hurry to catch the star while still active. 
    Until the website was established, AAVSO had cabinets of these 
charts, idly waiting for a request. With the website the charts were 
converted to GIF and PS format and placed in directories for each 
star. The observer picks the chart specs from a webpage and within 
seconds the chart is ready to download or display.
    But there still was the inventory problem of all those graphic 
files on disc. a project of AAVSO is to eliminate the inventory of 
charts and create each chart on the fly as requested. The idea is to 
draw the chart from suitable catalogs, fill in the lines, header 
block, labels, and then hand it to the user for download or display.
    The advantage to this scheme, besides saving immense amount of 
disc space, is that the chart base data is always up to date with the 
current catalogs. The paper and computer graphic chart was frozen as 
at its drawing date. To update it, you had to revise the original and 
upload it to disc. Or pull out all the old paper copies from the 
cabinet and replace them with new ones.
    The new chart-on-the-fly will replicate the appearance of the 
standard AAVSO chart and is restricted to just the area around a 
variable star. You can not pick an arbitrary celestial spot for a 
chart. or, yikes!, tile the whole heavens to build a master star 
    Tests so far are going well. The response time is hardly longer 
than the fetch time for the current chart-from-inventory. However, 
there are a few glitches to work out. It is anticipated that the new 
system will be in operation by the 2006 fall meeting. 

Johnson-Cousins filters - Erne Henden 
    The magnitude now used is a redimension of the stellar magnitude 
scale by Johnson in the 1950s. To realize the photometry, Johnson 
selected a set of Shott filters to isolate the near ultraviolet, blue, 
and visual (yellow) part of the spectrum. These when placed in the 
optical path in front of the photograph plate, enabled a standard 
method of UBV colorimetry. 
    It quickly replaced the Harvard Photometry, which caused 
artificial changes in the magnitude ratings of many stars. SOme 
astronomers were fooled to think that the stars either altered their 
brilliance or were mismeasured in the past. 
    In the 1960s Cousins added a filter for the red, completing the 
present set of UBVR filters for colorimetry. In the 1970s, an other 
set was selected to match the spectral sensitivity of photomultiplier 
tubes, so they would yield magnitudes calibrated to the photographic 
    By the 1990s these filters were no longer made by Shott. 
Observatories relied on legacy sets, which gradually dwindled by 
breakage or loss. In some cases, replacement filters were eyeballed 
from prevailing offerings. They are not suitable for calibrated 
colorimetry or photometry. In fact from off-the-shelf items there is 
no Johnson-Cousins equivalent. 
    Photometric filters for home astronomy are close but not 
calibrated well enough for rigorous work. It is not at all proper to 
use RGB color separation filters, a common accessory for home 
    Under study and experiment are currently available filters, 
overlaid with coatings, to match the transmission profile of the 
Johnson-Cousins set. In addition, the filters for U, B, and V will 
have a red-infrared blocking coating so they can be used on CCDgraphs. 
Nothing on the street yet, but results are so far encouraging. The 
tests are about complete so that within a year a new set of Johnson-
Cousins equivalents can be announced. 

Value of visual observing - Elizabeth Waggen 
    Visual observing is sometimes criticized for not being precise, 
pinning at 1/10 magnitude leeway. CCDgraphs can extract a magnitude 
rating to the millimagnitude! However, this extreme precision is 
filled with errors, often not recognized during the observing session. 
They may sometimes be latent for years after the record is 
incorporated into the AAVSO database. These errors degrade the 
CCDgraphy to the same 1/10 magnitude precision as visual observing. 
    Yet this seemingly low precision is quite adequate to bring out 
new and wonderful features of variable stars. They also are thoroly 
adequate for supplementing observations in other parts of the 
spectrum, whether from ground or space observatories. 
    The example presented was the outburst of U Geminorum in 1985. 
This is an erupting star with irregular outbursts. I with other 
AAVSOers witnessed one in a similar star, SS Cygni, at the 1997 fall 
meeting of AAVSO in Chicopee, Massachusetts. 
    The key to digesting visual observations of 1/10 magnitude 
precision is the large number of the points collected. By ordinary 
statistical operations, simple to perform on the data in digital form, 
U Geminorum was found to have irregularities in the up and down swing 
of the outbursts. These were first observed by satellites, but theory 
called for them to show up in the optical zone, too. 
    There is one little problem, one that can be fixed for special 
occasions by instruction. The Julian day, the count of days used for 
variable star work, is routinely given to the 1/10 day, or 2.4 hours. 
    For a rapidly changing star like U Geminorum in outburst, the time 
resolution must be to the minute or so, or three places of Julian day 
decimal. This time blurring smeared out the bumps somewhat, tho, 
fortunately, not to mask them. 

Observing from light polluted town - Gary Poyner
    This talk was a treat! Poyner could not attend the meeting, so he 
emailed his digital slideshow to AAVSO and spoke to us by web 
telephone! He lives in Birmingham, England, which he described as so 
badly grayed or 'oranged' over that only 2nd or 3rd magnitude stars 
are seen by eye. Yet he does good variable star observing with an 
open-frame reflector in his garden. His 'hood is infested with 
security lights. 
    The goal is to keep stray light out of the eyes and telescope and 
to get the maximum number of optical path rays into the image. He sets 
up cloth-on-wood-frame baffles around his scope to block the nearby 
direct lights. These are taken down by day to leave the yard looking 
as normal as the others around him. Covering the head with a black 
hood also keeps local lights off of the eyes. 
    Use a cloth shroud around the open-frame tube. This is a common 
accessory for American scopes, but his is homemade. He notes that the 
cover has enough circulation to let the scope cool down before 
observing, unlike a solid tube that may require an hour or so. 
    Be seated and comfortable. Any excess strain of the muscles 
detracts from concentration and eye sensitivity. Be well nourished and 
rested. A hungry or tired observer will not perform well even under 
optimum sky conditions. 
    Keep the optics clean of dirt, soot (England houses still use 
coal), industrial pollution. This reduces lost image quality from 
absorption and light scattered into the eyepiece. Parallel to this 
tactic is the strategy of getting the best optics you can afford, even 
if it sacrifices aperture. This applies to both the primary elements 
in the tube and eyepieces. Good optics put more of the rays into the 
central disc of the image, less in the diffraction rings. 
    Turn off the clockdrive to catch very faint stars. The eye is far 
more able to spot a dim moving point than one fixed in the field of 
view. This is good for studying a faint variable while leaving the 
field stars in sight. Tapping the eyepiece jiggles every thing in the 
field and distracts the attention. 
    I asked about the neodynium filter touted for eliminating certain 
light pollution. These are used in arts and crafts to filter out the 
sodium flame in torches or kilns so the artist can inspect the 
workpiece. Some British observers claim there is a dramatic 
improvement where the illumination is from low-pressure sodium lamps. 
    Alas, in Birmingham the light pollution is so varied that this 
filter doesn't work. It removes only the low-pressure sodium, the D 
lines, the same emission as sodium in fire. It passes thru every other 
part of the visual spectrum. There so much other radiation in 
Birmingham's illumination to pass right thru the filter. 

    This is the third of four articles about the AAVSO 2005 October 
convention. The articles are named 'aavso05a.htm', '...b.htm', 
'...c.htm', '...d.htm'.