BEAUFORT WIND SPEED ----------------- John Pazmino NYSkies Astronomy Inc 2020 August 4 Introduction ----------- Two tropical storms, so far in 2020, crossed the NYSkies region. storm Fay passed by in July; Isaias, August. Readers asked if there is a way to estimate the wind speed without regular weather instruments. Readers want to do their own measurements to follow the weather broadcasts or simply to amuse themselfs while outdoors. These is such a means, invented over two hundred years ago in England. And it's still in use today by home astronomers and others weather-widely people. It's the Beaufort eind speed scale, adapted here from the wikipedia article aout it. Beaufort scale -------------- In 1805 Baeufort, officer in the British navy, devised a method of estimating wind speed from the state of the sea. It was modified and standardized over the centuries and is used worldwide to capture approximate wind speed data in absence of proper instruments. In 1923 the nautical scale was supplemented by a scale based on conditions on land. Adjustments were made from time to time since then. The estimated wind speed is stated in several equivalent ways: knots (~1.8 kilometer/hour), meter/second, kilometer/hour. There is an other Beaufort scale that lists only the speeds for the several classes of levels of wind, but with no criteria to assess the speed. This scale is no good for observing wind speed. Wind pressure ----------- When wind hits a surface, face-on to it, it presses on the surface with a force/area, in newton/meter2. The pressures in the table below are the surcharge, above normal atmospheric pressure. If the back face of the surface has still sir, like inside a building, the wind load is an unbalanced pressure. The nominal sea level atmospheric pressure is about 100 kilonewton/meter2. common structures like wood-frame, sheet metal, plywood, brick & mortar can not withstand a surcharge by wind load of even one0.01 atmosphere, some 1,000 newton/meter2. Ordinary variations of air pressure, not caused by wind, are far less than this. This is why so much structural damage occurs during strong winds. pressure, force per area. is id the same as the kinetic energy per volume. The nominal air density at sea level and 20C temperature is 1.226kg/m3. This varies slightly with temperature, 'warm air rises, cold air sinks'. pressure = (air density) * (wind speed)^2 / 2 = (1.226 kg/m3) * (wind speed)^2 / 2 = (0.613 kg/m3) * (wind speed)^2 The units work out as: N/m2 = kg/m3 * (m/s)^2 = kg.m2/m3.s2 = (kg.m/n3) * (m/s2) = (kg.m/n3) * (N/kg ) = = kg.m.N/kg.m3 = N/m2 I didn't fine a Beaufort table with this pressure. I worked it our and added it to the table below. The explicit statement of wind load makes it easier to picture the effect of wind on people and structures. By dividing the newton/meter2 by 10N/kg, a rounded value for the Earth's gravity field strength, we get a 'kilogram-force', what is red off of a weighing scale. For a wind load of 40N/m2 we have a kilogram-force of 40kg/m2. An adult human has a frontal area of about 3/4 square meter. Lie on your back, belly up. Then this wind load on you is equivalent to a 30kg weight (3/4 of 40kg), a large sack of sand, resting head to toe on you. It may be hard to get up, specially if the sack is strapped to you so it does not pull or slide off. Beaurot wind speed table ---------------------- The rows for each level of wind speed are: * Beaufort number and wind name * Wind speed in knots, km/h, m/s (1 knot = ~1.8 km/h) * Wave height in open sea and wind load or pressure * Sea conditions for the wind level * Land conditions for the wind level ------------------------------------ 0 - Calm < 1 knot, < 2 km/h, < 0.5 m/s 0 m, 0 N/m2 Sea like a mirror Smoke rises vertically - - - - - 1- Light air 1-3 knots, 2-5 km/h, 0.5-1.5 m/s 0-0.3 m, 0.1-1.4 N/m2 Ripples with appearance of fish scales are formed, without foam crests. Direction of wind shown by smoke drift but not by wind vanes. - - - - - 2 - Light breeze 4-6 knots, 6-11 km/h, 1.6-3.3 m/s 0.3-0.6 m, 1.5-6.7 N/m2 Small wavelets still short but more pronounced; crests have a glassy appearance but do not break. Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; wind vane moved by wind. - - - - - 3 - Gentle breeze 7-10 knots 12-19 km/h, 3.4-5.5 m/s 0.6-1.2 m, 7.1-18.5 N/m2 Large wavelets; crests begin to break; foam of glassy appearance; perhaps scattered white horses. Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; light flags extended. - - - - - 4 - Moderate breeze 11-16 knots, 20-28 km/h, 5.6-7.9 m/s 1-2 m, 19.2-38.2 N/m2 Small waves becoming longer; fairly frequent white horses Raises dust and loose paper; small branches moved. - - - - - 5 - Fresh breeze 17-21 knots, 29-38 km/h, 8.0-10.7 m/s 2-3 m, 39.1-70.0 N/m2 Moderate waves taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed; chance of some spray. Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters. - - - - - 6 - Strong breeze 22-27 knots, 39-49 km/h, 10.8-13.8 m/s 3-4 m, 75.3-116.4 N/m2 Large waves begin to form; the white foam crests are more extensive everywhere; probably some spray. Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telegraph wires; umbrellas used with difficulty. - - - - - 7 - High wind, moderate gale, near gale 28-33 knots, 50-61 km/h, 13.9-17.1 m/s 4-5.5 m, 118.5-179.2 N/m2 Sea heaps up and white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks along the direction of the wind; spindrift begins to be seen. Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt when walking against the wind. - - - - - 8 - Gale, fresh gale 34-40 knots, 62-74 km/h, 17.2-20.7 m/s 5.5-7.5 m, 181.3-261.9 N/m2 Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests break into spindrift; foam is blown in well-marked streaks along the direction of the wind. Twigs break off trees; generally impedes progress. - - - - - 9 - Strong/severe gale 41-47 knots, 75-88 km/h, 20.8-24.4 m/s 7-10 m, 265.2-365.0 N/m2 High waves; dense streaks of foam along the direction of the wind; sea begins to roll; spray affects visibility. Slight structural damage (chimney pots and slates removed). - - - - 10 - Storm, whole gale 48-55 knots, 89-102 km/h, 24.5-28.4 m/s 9-12.5 m, 368.0-494.4 N/m2 Very high waves with long overhanging crests; resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of the wind; on the whole the surface of the sea takes on a white appearance; rolling of the sea becomes heavy; visibility affected. Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage. - - - - - 11 - Violent storm 56-63 knots, 103- 117 km/h, 28.5-32.6 m/s 11.5-16 m, 497.9-651.5 N/m2 Exceptionally high waves; small- and medium-sized ships might be for a long time lost to view behind the waves; sea is covered with long white patches of foam; everywhere the edges of the wave crests are blown into foam; visibility affected. Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread damage. - - - - - 12 - Hurricane force ò 64 knots, ò 118 km/h, ò 32.7 m/s ò 14 m, ò 655.5 N/m2 The air is filled with foam and spray; sea is completely white with driving spray; visibility very seriously affected. Devastation. ---------------- Note well that for sea conditions the criteria to assess wind speed are the conditions of the actual sea, not those experienced on the shop.. The observer's ship is has its own 'ground' speed that combines with the wind speed. Measuring wind speed by an instrument on the ship would give an erroneous reading. The criteria for land observation assume the observer can stand .still on the ground to make an assessment. The scale is prolonged to levels 13-15 for interiors of hurricanes and for tornados. These levels are likely not survived by observers to ell about their experience. Composite speeds -------------- The typical application of the Beaufort scale in NYSkies is hurricanes and tropical storms. In NYSkies the hurricane season is June-November each year with usually one instance per year. Occasionally we get no storms or we get several. These storms rotate counterclockwise as they move along their paths. The speed determined by from the Beaufort scale is the vector addition of the ground speed of the storm and the circulating speed of the air within the storm. The sketch here shows the large range of potential wind speed over an observer. North is up; east, right. A <- / \ / \ / \ D | /|\ ^ V | | B \ | / \ / \ / -> C Hurricanes over NYSkies travel generally south to north, trending along the east coast of the US. This ground path is severely modified for each storm by geophysical forces we do not well understand, whence the erratic predictions for the arrival and duration of these storms. Staying with the northward movement, indicated by the large arrow in the middle of the sketch, we have four cardinal cases of observed wind speed. A is the north, front, side of the storm. The circulating wind is at right angles to the storm speed. The vector addition of the two makes a moderate observed wind speed. B is the east side, where the storm speed is parallel to the circular speed. The vector addition has the maximum value. For an example storm speed of 50 KPH and circular speed of 80 KPH, the observer records a ground wind speed of 50+80 = 130 K{H. On the whole when a storm center passes west of the observer he gets the strongest wind and likely the worst damage from the storm. C is the south, rear,side of the storm. The two speeds are at right angles where their vector addition makes a moderate observed ground wind speed. D is the west side, where the two speeds are antiparallel. The vector addition is a minimum value. For the two speeds used for case A, the observer records a ground wind speed of 50-80 = -30 KPH, The wind blows southward. This seems, for this instance, to be inconsistent with the storm's northward motion. In general when a storm passes to the east of an observer he gets the weakest wind, sometimes well below hazardous values. The observed wind speed is a composite of the forward speed of the storm and the circular speed of the air within it. Weather forecasts generally do not clearly state what their 'wind speed' is. Some may give the circular speed from aerial or satellite monitoring of the storm. . The stated speed may be the vector addition for a given location, like that of the weather broadcast. For noncircular storms, the nor'easters of NYSkies winter, there is no definite decomposition of wind speed. The observed round speed is the full statement of the wind speed. Conclusion -------- Many home astronomers heard of the Beaufort scale, perhaps from camping or boating. Yet it is annoying to hunt up the table when high winds are on the way. Some versions are weak, with sparse details or obsolete with oldstyle measures. And so far i didn't find any with the wind load. The table above works for sea and land, has speed in three modes, and the wind pressure. Keep it handy when ever you are in or have a prospect on the outdoors