 John Pazmino 
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2009 September 20 initial
 2022 June 18 current 

    New York City, contrary to some popular accounts, is one of the 
world's premiere places for home astronomy. This stature comes from 
the local astronomers organizing into strong cohaerent groups and then
plugging into the resources of the City. Wholly distinct from the 
situation elsewhere, an astronomy circle in New York is integrated 
into the fabric of the surrounding community. It does not segregate 
from the town and hide from it beyond the hills. 
    While stargazing conditions in New York are hardly close to ideal, 
they are amazingly good for the humongous conurbation they sit over. 
The skies of the City are not superundated with rampant luminous 
graffiti or 'light pollution'. 
    Beginning in the mid 1980s, probably as a spinoff of Halley's 
comet and the approach of the new millennium, the City embarked on a 
vigorous campaign of resources management and conservation. This, now 
called green movement, included curbing the reckless dumping of 
luminous effluent into the sky. 
    From a clearsky transparency in 1980 of about 3-1/2 magnitude and 
frequent waves of particulate absorbing material in the air, New York 
by the mid 2-thous pushed transparency to quite 4-1/2 magnitude from 
Central Park, Manhattan. This is verified by measurements taken for 
GLOBE-at-Night and routine starviewing in the Park. 
    The outer boros of Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island 
enjoy occasional spells of darkness down to 5 to 5-1/2 magnitude. In 
fact, the City is probably the only major town in the US that still 
boasts of seeing the Milky Way once in a while from within its 
    Astronomers here set up two seasons for a Milky Way watch: fall 
from September 1 thru November 30 and spring from May 1 thru June 30. 
Altho weather in these periods can be hideously cloudy, even stormy, 
there are good chances of clean dark air to let the brighter segments 
of the summer Milky Way shine thru. 

Grosser impediments
    Luminous graffiti, while a significant concern, is way the lesser 
constraint against orthodox stargazing for us in New York. We have 
light pollution down on the mat thru the overall greening of the City 
and the menched up design of newer outdoor lighting. 
    The biggest obstacle, by far, is the lack of places for convenient 
spontaneous stargazing. We don't got the backyards so prevalently 
depicted in stargazing litterature. 
    That's because we live in high-density residences with hundreds of 
homes on, litterally, a quarter acre of ground. They may live in 
housing estates, the equal of large mid American towns, closing off 
views of the sky. Our prospect on the sky may be what a certain window 
of our flat offers. If a desired target does not pass thru that 
window, it can not be seen. 
    We may be locked off of a roof, which may be occupied by the likes 
of water tanks, squatter camps, swimming pools. Some of us may live in 
hoods with unattractive street life, keeping us away from parks or lots.
    In New York, almost unique among American towns, we typicly have no 
automobile. We can not spontaneously leave town for a night of 
stargazing at a darksky location. 
    Lack of a car constrains the size and bulk of gear the astronomer 
may carry to what fits into rolling luggage or a backpack. Hence, 
telescopes of City astronomers tend to be the smaller models, like 
those promoted for airplane travel. 

City stargazing
    It is possible, given favored life status, to engage in stargazing 
from within the City. It may be brief sorties outside with binoculars, 
a telescope aimed thru an open and well-vented window, carrying gear 
to a local park or waterfront. 
    The effort is surprisingly well rewarded with a hefty range of 
target, many not considered accessible from an urban sky. There are 
several galaxies, most globular clusters, lots of open clusters, and a 
smattering of globular nebulae. The major deficiency is open nebulae, 
which frankly do diffuse and blend into the grayish skies of the City. 
Even so, the stars within in the nebulae are often seen well. 
    It does take a bit of patience and care, plus a realistic 
anticipation of what to see. Yet, we in the City truly do experience
the wonders of the heavens while the subway rumbles under foot. 
    If this sound totally crazy, it's because the usual litterature 
deprecates urban astronomy. Yes, there are in fact towns out there 
where the sky is so miserable that only seven stars in all can be 
seen. This counts the one that set before nightfall. 
    Such situations can make it real, like real, tough to appreciate 
the vigor and vitality of astronomy in New York. 'New York City is X 
times bigger than such-&-such town on this skyglow graph, so it must 
have transparency of, oh, magnitude -5. Venus is a binocular target.' 

The urban targets 
    The targets tabulated here are intended for the occasional or 
novice stargazer with small instruments under the skies of New York 
City. The lists consider the normal clearsky transparency of the City, 
as at 2000, of +4-1/2 magnitude from Manhattan. 
    Each table is banded by constellation, the better to pick groups 
of target according to the season and hour. On the whole, objects near 
the horizons are harder to find and less satisfying to view than those 
in high sky. Wait until they move into higher sky. 
    To account for skyline constraints and more obscuring sky near the 
horizon, objects are listed only for declination north of -30 degree. 
A selection of important targets is included south of this limit. 
    The lists are not limited to 'showcase' targets. The intent is to 
provide alternative targets to cope with roving clouds and localized 
poor transparency. Some are a bit of challenge and need some patience 
and care. When the target is found, the view rewards the effort. 
    A staratlas is needed because no maps are here provided. Any of 
the standard ones will do fine, as long as it covers stars to 7th or 
so magnitude in the vicinity of the target. Charts cut from a computer 
astronomy program are good, too. 
    The coordinates steer to the proper plate in the atlas or input 
for a go-to scope. Only the basic specs are given, being that once a 
target is selected, details can be taken from other astronomy 
    Over the years, all of these targets, and others of similar 
quality, were actually viewed with satisfaction from Central Park, 
Manhattan, with small scopes at various starviewing sessions. 
    Like all starviewing from the City, we must select 'targets of 
opportunity' based on the instant sky conditions. A solid fluency with 
the sky is a genuine bonus skill. 

    Double stars are tolerant of poor skies. They are a fallback 
target when other types of deepsky obhect are dulled or obscured. 
    There being many hundreds of double stars appreciable from New York 
City, this table lists only those with a Bayer/Flamsteed name, primary 
brighter than 6th magnitude, and secondary brighter than 9th. Such 
stard are more likel labeled in atlases for small telescopes. 
    The colors of double stars are a cupcake parameter. Here they are 
the schematic tints for the spectral class of the stars. Your tintage 
may vary. In many entries only the primary star has a stated color. 
    Double stars alter appearance over the years as their components 
orbit each other. Many of the specs here are ediurnate from lack of 
recent data. Double star data are only occasionally updated. YEAR is 
the epoch of the separation. It may have changed since then.
    Modern telescopes can flip and rotate the eyepiece view, making it 
tricky to lonw in which direction the secondary is from the primary. i 
list just the separation, omitting the position angle. 
    A discussion of double star observing is 'Observing double stars' 
in the NYSkies website at 

 --- --------- -------- ------ ---- ---- ----- ------- ----
 And gam1-gam2 02 03.9  +42 20 2.2  4.9    9.5 ora whi 2004 
 And pi        00 36.9  +33 43 4.4  8.6   36   ora     2006 
 And  59       02 10.9  +39 02 5.6  6.1   17   whi     1972 
 And  56       01 56.2  +37 15 5.7  5.9  201   ora-red 2001 
 Aql alpha     19 50.8  +08 52 0.8  9.5  165 
 Aql nu        19 26.5  +00 20 4.7  8.9  201 
 Aql  31       19 25.0  +11 57 5.2  8.7  101   yel     2003 
 Aql  57       19 54.6  -08 14 5.7  6.5   36   b-w b-w 2006 
 Aql   5       18 46.5  -00 58 5.9  7.5   13           2006 
 Aqr zet1-zet2 22 28.8  -00 01 4.3  4.5    2.2 y-w whi 2009 
 Aqr sigma     22 30.6  -10 41 4.8  8.5    3.7 whi     1991 
 Aqr 104       23 41.8  -17 49 4.9  8.6  120   yel     2001 
 Aqr kappa     22 37.8  -04 14 5.0  8.8   93   ora     1980 
 Aqr  94       23 19.1  -13 28 5.2  7.6   13   yel ora 2006 
 Aqr  41 AB    22 14.3  -21 04 5.6  7.1    5.2 yel yel 2006 
 Aqr  41 AC    22 14.3  -21 04 5.6  9.0  212 
 Aqr 107       23 46.0  -18 41 5.7  6.7    7.0 whi y-w 2006 
 Aqr  12       21 04.1  -05 49 5.9  7.3    2.5 yel yel 2006 
 Ari gamma     01 53.5  +19 18 4.8  4.8    7.8 whi whi 2006 
 Ari lambda    01 57.9  +23 36 4.8  6.7   38   y-w y-w 2006 
 Ari  14       02 09.4  +25 56 5.0  8.0  107           2003 
 Ari pi        02 49.3  +17 28 5.2  8.7    3.5 b-w     2002 
 Ari epsilon   02 59.2  +21 20 5.2  5.5    1.4 whi whi 2006 
 Ari  33       02 40.7  +27 04 5.5  8.4   29   whi 
 Ari  10       02 03.7  +25 56 5.8  7.9    1.2 y-w whi 2003 
 Aur theta     05 59.7  +37 13 2.6  7.1    3.8 whi yel 2004 
 Aur delta  AB 05 59.5  +54 17 3.7  9.5  115 
 Aur delta  AC 05 59.5  +54 17 3.7  9.5  197 
 Aur omega     04 59.3  +37 53 5.0  8.0    4.7 whi     2004 
 Aur  14    AC 05 15.4  +32 41 5.1  8.0   15   y-w     2006 
 Aur psi5      06 46.7  +59 27 5.3  8.7   31   yel     1998 
 Aur  26       05 34.5  +30 30 5.5  8.4   12   whi     2008 
 Boo epsilon   14 45.0  +27 04 2.5  4.9    2.8 ora whi 2006 
 Boo delta     15 15.5  +33 19 3.6  7.9  102   yel     2004 
 Boo mu1-mu2   15 24.5  +37 23 4.3  7.0  107   y-w yel 2002 
 Boo kappa     14 13.5  +51 47 4.5  6.7   14   whi y-w 2004 
 Boo xi        14 51.4  +19 06 4.7  7.0    6.4 yel ora 2006 
 Boo iota      14 16.2  +51 22 4.8  7.4   40   whi ora 2004 
 Boo pi        14 40.7  +16 25 5.0  5.9    5.5 whi whi 2006 
 Boo  44       15 03.8  +47 39 5.3  7var   1.9 yel yel 2006 
 Boo   1       13 40.7  +19 57 5.8  7.4  209           2000 
 Cae gamma     05 04.4  -35 29 4.6  8.1    3.2 ora     2001 
 Cam beta      05 03.4  +50 27 4.1  7.4   83   yel     2003 
 Cam  11       05 06.1  +58 58 5.2  6.2  179   b-w     2002 
 Cam   1       04 32.0  +53 55 5.8  6.9   11   b-w b-w 2006 
 Cap bet1-bet2 20 21.0  -14 47 3.1  6.1  206           2002 
 Cap alp1-alp2 20 18.1  -12 33 3.6  4.2  381   yel yel 2002 
 Cap alpha2 AD 20 18.1  -12 33 3.6  9.3  155   yel 
 Cap alpha1 AC 20 17.6  -12 30 4.2  9.2   45   yel 
 Cap rho       20 28.9  -14 49 5.0  6.7  259           2001 
 Cap pi        20 27.3  -18 12 5.1  8.5    3.2         2002 
 Cap omicron   20 29.9  -18 35 5.9  6.7   23   whi whi 2006 
 Cas eta       00 49.1  +57 49 3.5  7.5   13   yel red 2005 
 Cas iota      02 29.1  +67 42 4.6  8.9    2.9 whi y-w 2004 
 Cas psi    AB 01 29.5  +68 08 4.7  9.6   25 
 Cas psi    AC 01 29.5  +68 08 4.7  9.7   23 
 Cas sigma     23 59.0  +55 45 5.0  7.1    3.2         2004 
 Cas   4       23 24.8  +62 17 5.0  7.8   99   old obs 1879 
 Cas phi       01 20.1  +58 14 5.1  7.0   135  b-w     2001 
 Cas   6       23 48.8  +62 13 5.5  8.0    1.4 whi     1994 
 Cas   2       23 09.7  +59 20 5.7  8.2  168           2001 
 Cep beta      21 28.7  +70 34 3.2  7.8   13   b-w whi 1999 
 Cep kappa     20 08.9  +77 43 4.4  8.4    7.2 b-w     2003 
 Cep xi2       22 03.8  +64 38 4.4  6.5    8.3 whi whi 2009 
 Cep pi        23 07.9  +75 23 4.6  6.6    1.1 yel whi 2005 
 Cep omicron   23 18.6  +68 07 4.9  7.1    3.3 yel     2005 
 Cep delta     22 29.2  +58 25 4var 7.5   41   b-w     2004 
 Cet gamma     02 43.3  +03 14 3.5  7.3    2.3 whi     2006 
 Cet chi       01 49.6  -10 41 4.9  6.9  185   y-w     2001 
 Cet  37       01 14.4  -07 55 5.2  7.9   48   y-w yel 2003 
 Cet  95       03 18.4  -00 56 5.6  7.5    1.2 yel yel 2004 
 Cet  66       02 12.8  -02 24 5.7  7.7   17   y-w yel 2006 
 CMa alpha     06 45.1  -16 43 1.4- 8.5    4.6 whi whi 2000 
 CMa epsilon   06 58.6  +28 58 1.5  7.4    7.0 b-w     2000 
 CMa eta       07 24.1  -29 18 2.5  6.8  179   b-e     1999 
 CMa mu        06 56.1  -14 03 5.3  8.6    3.2 yel whi 2004 
 CMa nu1       06 36.4  -18 40 5.8  8.5   18   yel     2002 
 CMa  17 AD    06 55.0  -20 24 5.8  9.5  138 
 CMa  17 AC    06 55.0  -20 24 5.8  9.0   51 
 CMa  17 AB    06 55.0  -20 24 5.8  9.3   44           2002 
 Cnc iota      08 46.7  +28 46 4.0  6.6   31   yel yel 2003 
 Cnc zeta AD   08 12.2  +17 39 5.0  9.7  288 
 Cnc zeta AC   08 12.2  +173 3 5.1  6.0    5.9 yel     2006 
 Cnc  66       09 01.4  +32 15 5.9  8.0    4.5 whi     2003 
 Com  12       12 22.5  +25 51 4.9  8.9   65           2002 
 Com  24       12 35.1  +18 23 5.0  6.6   20   ora whi 2006 
 Com  35       12 53.3  +21 15 5.1  7.2    1.2 yel y-w 2004 
 Com  17       12 28.9  +25 55 5.2  6.6  146   whi     2002 
 Com   2       12 04.3  +21 28 5.9  7.4    3.7 y-w     1978 
 CrB zeta      15 39.4  +36 38 5.1  6.0    6.3 b-w b-w 2006 
 CrB rho       16 01.0  +33 18 5.4  8.7   90   yel     1923 
 CrB sigma     16 14.7  +33 52 5.6  637    7.2 yel yel 2006 
 CrB eta       15 23.2  +30 17 5.6  5.9    1.0 y-w yel 1994 
 CVn alpha     12 56.0  +38 19 2.9  5.6   19   whi whi 2004 
 CVn  25       13 20.3  +40 09 5.0  6.9    1.8 whi whi 2006 
 CVn   2       12 16.1  +40 40 5.8  8.1   12   red y-w 2005 
 CVn  17       13 10.1  +38 30 6.0  6.3  278   whi     2004 
 Cyg delta     19 45.0  +45 08 2.9  6.3    2.6 b-w whi 2005 
 Cyg beta      19 30.7  +27 58 3.1  5.1   36   whi     2006 
 Cyg omicron1  20 13.6  +46 44 3.8  6.7    1.8         1926 
 Cyg omi1-omi2 20 13.6  +46 44 3.8  4.7  336           1999 
 Cyg  52       20 45.6  +30 43 4.2  8.7    6.4 yel     1997 
 Cyg mu     AB 21 44.1  +28 45 4.8  6.9    1.8 y-w yel 2005 
 Cyg mu     AD 21 44.1  +28 45 4.8  6.9  198   y-w y-w 2001 
 Cyg psi       19 55.6  +52 26 4.9  7.4    3.1 whi     2006 
 Cyg  26       20 01.4  +50 06 5.2  8.9   42   ora     2005 
 Cyg  61       21 06.9  +38 45 5.4  6.0   32   ora,ora 2009 
 Cyg  49       20 41.0  +32 18 5.7  7.8    3.0 yel     2003 
 Cyg  79       21 43.4  +38 17 5.7  7.0  150   whi     2001 
 Cyg  69       21 25.8  +36 40 5.9  8.9   53           2003 
 Cyg  16       19 41.8  +50 32 6.0  6.2   39   yel     1986 
 Del gamma     20 46.7  +16 07 4.4  5.0    9.5 ora y-w 2006 
 Dra eta       16 24.0  +61 31 2.7  8.7    5.2 
 Dra epsilon   19 48.2  +70 16 3.8  7.4    3.2 yel     2005 
 Dra psi       17 41.9  +72 09 4.6  5.8   30   y-w y-w 2009 
 Dra omicron   18 51.2  +59 23 4.8  7.8   37   yel     2003 
 Dra nu        17 32.2  +55 11 4.9  4.9   63   whi whi 2006 
 Dra  39 AB    18 23.9  +58 48 5.0  8.4    3.8 
 Dra  39 AC    18 23.9  +58 48 5.0  7.4   89 
 Dra  26       17 25.0  +61 53 5.3  8.0    1.7 yel whi 2000 
 Dra  26       17 35.0  +61 53 5.3  8.5    1.6 yel     2000 
 Dra  17       16 36.2  +52 55 5.4  6.4    3.4         1976 
 Dra  16-17    16 36.2  +52 55 5.4  5.5   90   whi whi 2003 
 Dra  75       20 28.2  +81 25 5.5  6.7  197           2000 
 Dra mu        17 05.3  +54 28 5.6  5.7    2.4 y-w y-w 2006 
 Dra  40-41    18 00.2  +80 00 5.7  6.0   19   y-w y-w 2006 
 Equ alp       21 10.8  +10 08 4.7  6.1  338           2001 
 Equ gamma     21 10.3  +10 08 4.7  6.1  338           2001 
 Equ epsilon   20 59.1  +04 18 5.3  7.1   11           2006 
 Eri theta     02 58.3  -40 18 3.2  4.5    8.4 whi whi 2002 
 Eri  32       03 54.3  -02 57 4.8  6.1    6.9 yel-whi 2006 
 Eri  39       04 14.4  +10 15 5.0  8.5    6.3 ora     1996 
 Eri  66       05 06.8  -04 39 5.2  8.4   53 
 Eri  62       04 56.4  -05 10 5.5  8.9   66   b-w     2003 
 For alpha     03 12.1  +28 58 4.0  7.0    4.8 y-w yel 2002 
 For omega     02 33.8  -28 14 5.0  7.7   11   b-w     2002 
 Gem alpha AB  07 34.6  +31 53 1.9  3.0    4.6 whi whi 2009 
 Gem alpha AC  07 34.6  +31 53 1.9  8.8   73   whi 
 Gem delta     07 20.1  +21 59 3.6  8.2    5.7 whi ora 2005 
 Gem kappa     07 44.4  +24 24 3.6  8.1    7.2 yel     2002 
 Gem eta       06 14.9  +22 30 3var 8.8    1.8 red     2004 
 Gem zeta      07 04.1  +20 34 4.1  7.7  100           2005 
 Gem nu        06 29.0  +20 13 4.2  8.7  112   b-w     2002 
 Gem  38       06 54.6  +13 11 4.7  7.7    7.1 y-w yel 2000 
 Her zeta      16 41.3  +31 36 2.9  5.5    1.5 yel     1994 
 Her alpha     17 14.6  +14 23 3 V  5.4    4.6 red y-w 2009 
 Her delta     17 15.0  +24 50 3.7  8.2   12   whi yel 2005 
 Her rho       17 23.7  +37 09 4.6  5.6    4.1 whi whi 2006 
 Her  52       16 49.2  +45 59 4.8  8.5    2.2 whi     1997 
 Her  95       18 01.5  +21 36 5.0  5.1    6.5 whi     2006 
 Her kappa     16 08.1  +17 03 5.0  6.3   27   yel yel 2009 
 Her  90       17 53.3  +40 00 5.2  8.5    1.5 ora     1999 
 Her  37       16 40.6  +04 13 5.8  7.0   69           2004 
 Her 100       18 07.8  +26 06 5.9  5.9   15   whi whi 2006 
 Hya epsilon   08 46.8  +06 25 3.8  6.8    2.8 yel whi 2005 
 Hya theta     09 14.4  +02 19 3.9  9.9   29 
 Hya tau1      09 29.1  -02 46 4.6  7.3   66   y-w     2002 
 Hya chi       11 05.3  -27 18 4.9  5.1   18           1960 
 Hya  27       09 20.5  -09 33 5.0  6.9  229 
 Hya  54       14 46.0  -25 27 5.1  7.1    8.6         1975 
 Hya N         11 32.3  -29 16 5.7  5.8    9.3         1967 
 Lac   8 AD    22 35.9  +39 38 5.7  9.3   23   b-w b-w 2006 
 Lac   8 AE    22 35.9  +39 38 5.7  7.8  337 
 Lac   8 AB    22 35.9  +39 38 5.7  6.4   22   b-w b-w 1969 
 Leo alpha     10 08.4  +11 58 1.4  7.7  176   b-w     2000 
 Leo gamma AC  10 20.0  +19 51 2.3  9.2  260   ora yel 
 Leo gamma AD  10 20.0  +19 51 2.3  9.6  333   ora yel 
 Leo gamma AB  10 20.0  +19 51 2.3  3.5    4.6 ora yel 2009 
 Leo zet       10 16.7  +23 25 3.5  6.0  333           2002 
 Leo iota      11 23.9  +10 32 4.0  6.7    1.7 y-w whi 2000 
 Leo iota      11 23.9  +10 32 4.1  6.7    1.9 y-w     2006 
 Leo  54       10 55.6  +24 45 4.5  6.3    6.5 whi whi 2006 
 Leo chi       11 05.0  +07 20 4.6  8.9  277 
 Leo TX        10 35.0  +08 39 5 V  8.5    2.4 
 Leo tau       11 27.9  +02 51 5.1  7.5   89   yel     2004 
 Leo   6       09 32.0  +09 43 5.2  8.2   37 
 Leo  49       10 35.0  +08 39 5.8  7.9    2.2 whi     2006 
 Leo  90 AB    11 34.7  +16 48 6.0  7.3    3.3 b-w 
 Leo  90 AC    11 34.7  +16 48 6.0  8.7   63   b-w 
 Lep beta   AB 05 28.2  -20 46 2.8  7.3    2.2 yel     1993 
 Lep gamma     05 44.5  -22 27 3.6  5.6   97           2002 
 Lep kappa     05 13.2  -12 56 4.5  7.4    2.0 b-w     2004 
 Lib alp1-alp2 14 50.9  -16 02 2.8  5.2  231           2002 
 Lib mu        14 49.3  -14 09 5.8  6.7    1.8 whi 
 LMi  42       10 45.9  +30 41 5.3  7.8  196           2002 
 Lyn  38       09 18.8  +36 48 3.9  6.6    2.6 whi     2004 
 Lyn  12 AB    06 46.2  +59 27 5.4  6.0    1.8 whi whi 2006 
 Lyn  12 AC    06 46.2  +59 27 5.4  7.3    8.7 whi whi 
 Lyn   5       06 23.8  +58 25 5.4  7.9   96   ora     2002 
 Lyn  19 AB    07 22.9  +55 17 5.6  6.5   15   b-w b-w 2006 
 Lyn  19 AD    07 22.9  +55 17 5.6  8.9  215   b-w whi 
 Lyr beta      18 50.1  +33 22 3.6  6.7   47   b-w whi 2005 
 Lyr eta       19 13.7  +39 09 4.0  8.0   28   b-w whi 1992
 Lyr zet1-zet2 18 44.8  +37 36 4.3  5.7   44   y-w     2005 
 Lyr eps1-eps2 18 44.3  +39 40 4.7  5.1  208   whi whi 
 Lyr epsilon1  18 44.3  +39 40 5.0  6.1    2.6 whi y-w 2000 
 Lyr epsilon2  18 44.4  +39 37 5.2  5.4    2.4 whi y-w 2006 
 Mon epsilon   06 23.8  +04 36 4.4  6.7   12   whi y-w 2004 
 Mon  15    AD 06 41.0  +09 54 4.7  9.6   41 
 Mon  15    AC 06 41.0  +09 54 4.7  9.8   17 
 Mon  15    AB 06 41.0  +09 54 4.7  7.5    2.9         2002 
 Mon  15    AE 06 41.0  +09 54 4.7  9.9   74 
 Mon  15    AF 06 41.0  +09 54 4.7  7.7  156 
 Mon  15    AK 06 41.0  +09 54 4.7  8.1  106 
 Mon beta   AC 06 28.8  -07 02 4.7  6.1    9.9 b-w     1963 
 Mon beta   AB 06 28.8  -07 02 4.7  5.2    7.1 b-w b-w 2006 
 Mon   3       06 01.8  -10 36 5.0  8.0    1.9 b-w     1996 
 Oph  67       18 00.6  +02 56 4.0  8.1   54           2003 
 Oph  70       18 05.5  +02 30 4.1  6.0    5.3 ora whi 2006 
 Oph lambda AB 16 30.9  +01 59 4.2  5.2    1.4 whi whi 2006 
 Oph lambda AD 16 30.9  +01 59 4.2  9.9  314   whi 
 Oph zeta      17 21.0  -21 07 4.4  8.9    4.4 y-w     1989 
 Oph  41       17 16.6  +00 27 4.8  7.8    1.0 ora     2004 
 Oph  36       17 15.3  -26 36 5.1  5.1    4.9 ora ora 2006 
 Oph tau AB    18 03.1  -08 11 5.2  5.9    1.6 y-w y-w 2006 
 Oph tau AC    18 03.1  -08 11 5.2  9.3  100 
 Oph omicron   17 18.0  -24 17 5.2  6.8   10   yel     2006 
 Oph rho       16 25.6  -23 27 5.3  6.0    2.9 b-w     2001 
 Oph  53       17 34.6  +09 35 5.8  8.5   42   whi     2004 
 Ori beta      05 14.5  -08 12 0.1  6.8    9.4 b-w     2005 
 Ori zeta      05 40.8  -01 57 1.9  4.1    2.6 blu b-w 2002 
 Ori delta     05 32.0  -00 18 2.4  6.8   53   b-w     2004 
 Ori iota      05 35.4  -05 55 2.8  6.9   11           2002 
 Ori pi3       04 49.8  +06 58 3.2  8.7   95 
 Ori lambda    05 35.1  +09 56 3.6  5.6    4.4 blu b-w 2006 
 Ori sigma     05 38.7  -02 36 3.8  6.6   13           2002 
 Ori eta    AC 05 24.5  -02 24 3.8  9.4  115   b-w 
 Ori eta    AB 05 24.5  -02 24 3.8  4.8    1.7 b-w     2003 
 Ori rho       05 13.3  +02 54 4.5  8.3    6.9 ora     2004 
 Ori psi       05 26.8  +03 06 4.6  8.6    2.9 b-w     1991 
 Ori  42       05 35.4  -04 50 4.6  7.5    1.1 b-w     1995 
 Ori  25       05 24.6  +01 49 4.9  8.1  158   old obs 1825 
 Ori  23       05 22.8  +.3 33 5.0  6.8   32   b-e     2005 
 Ori  33       05 31.2  +03 18 5.8  6.8    1.8 b-w     2006 
 Ori  52       05 48.0  +06 27 6.0  6.0    1.1 ehi     2003 
 Ori theta1 AC 05 35.3  -05 23 6.7  5.1   13   b-w b-w 
 Ori theta1 AD 05 35.3  -05 23 6.7  6.7   22   b-w b-w 
 Ori theta1 AB 05 35.3  -05 23 6.7  7.9    8.8 b-w b-w 
 Peg eps       21 44.2  +09 52 2.4  8.4  143 
 Peg epsilon   21 44.2  +09 53 2.5  8.7  144           2006 
 Peg   1       21 22.1  +19 48 4.2  7.6   12   ora     2006 
 Peg  35 AB    22 27.9  +04 42 4.8  9.8   98 
 Peg  35 AC    22 27.9  +04 42 4.8  9.7  182 
 Peg  78       23 44.0  +29 22 5.0  8.1    1.0 
 Per epsilon   03 57.9  +40 01 2.9  8.1    8.8 b-w 
 Per eta       02 50.7  +55 54 3.3  8.5   29   ora     2002 
 Per omicron   03 44.3  +32 17 3.8  8.3    1.0 b-w     2004 
 Per theta     02 44.2  +49 14 4.1  9.9   20   y-w red 2000 
 Per sigma     03 30.5  +47 51 4.4  6.2   23   ora
 Per psi       01 05.6  +21 28 5.6  5.8   31           1972 
 Per  56       04 24.6  +33 58 5.9  8.7    4.2 
 PsA beta      22 31.5  -32 21 4.4  7.9   30   whi     2006 
 PsA gamma     22 52.5  -32 53 4.5  8.0    4.0 whi     1992 
 PsA eta       22 00.8  -28 27 5.8  6.8    1.4 b-w     2006 
 Psc alpha     02 02.0  +02 46 4.2  5.2    1.8 whi whi 2009 
 Psc zeta      01 13.7  +07 35 5.2  6.3   23   whi y-w 2006 
 Psc psi1      01 05.6  +21 28 5.3  5.6   30   b-w whi 2005 
 Pup  19       08 11.3  -12 56 4.7  8.9   61   old obs 1899 
 Pup   5       07 47.9  -12 12 5.6  7.7    1.3 y-w     2003 
 Scl epsilon   01 45.6  -25 03 5.4  8.6    4.9 y-w whi 2002 
 Sco alpha     16 29.4  -26 26 1.2  5.4    2.7 red b-w 2000 
 Sco beta      16 05.4  -19 48 2.6  4.9   13   b-w     2005 
 Sco sigma     16 21.2  -25 36 2.9  8.5   20 
 Sco nu1-nu2   16 12.0  -19 28 4.3  6.4   41   b-w     2005 
 Sco   2       15 53.6  -25 20 4.7  7.4    2.1 b-w     1991 
 Sco xi        16 04.4  -11 22 4.9  7.3    7.5 yel     2005 
 Sco  12       16 12.3  -28 25 5.9  7.9    3.8 b-w     1999 
 Ser delta     15 34.8  +10 32 4.2  5.2    4.0 y-w     2009 
 Ser nu        17 20.8  -12 51 4.3  8.3   46   whi 
 Ser theta     18 56.2  +04 12 4.6  5.0   22   whi whi 2006 
 Ser  59       18 27.2  +00 12 5.3  7.6    3.9 yel whi 2003 
 Ser   6       15 21.0  +00 43 5.5  8.8    3.0 ora     2000 
 Sge zeta AC   19 49.0  +19 09 5.5  8.7    8.6 
 Sge epsilon   19 37.3  +16 28 5.8  8.4   88   yel     2002 
 Sge  15 AB    20 04.1  +17 04 5.9  8.1  191 
 Sge  15 AC    20 04.1  +17 04 5.9  6.8  214           2001 
 Sgr beta1     19 22.6  -44 28 3.9  8.0   29   b-w y-w 1999 
 Sgr  21       18 25.3  -20 32 4.9  7.4    1.5 whi ora 1997 
 Sgr  54       19 40.7  +16 18 5.3  8.1   46   ora y-w 1845 
 Tau eta       03 47.5  +24 06 2.8  6.3  118   b-w     2003 
 Tau the1-the2 04 28.7  +15 52 3.4  3.8  337           2002 
 Tau sig1-sig2 04 39.3  +15 55 3.4  3.8  438           2000 
 Tau tau       04 42.2  +22 57 4.2  7.0   63   b-w     1999 
 Tau  19       03 45.2  +24 28 4.3  7.1   72   b-w     2003 
 Tau delta3    04 25.5  +17 56 4.3  7.6    1.9 whi     1999 
 Tau  88       04 35.7  +10 10 4.3  7.4   69           2003 
 Tau  47       04 13.9  +09 16 4.8  7.4    1.2 yel whi 2001 
 Tau phi       04 20.4  +27 21 5.0  8.4   49   ora     1999 
 Tau kappa-67  04 25.4  +22 18 5.2  5.3  339 
 Tau chi       04 22.6  +25 38 5.5  7.6   19   b-w y-w 2004 
 Tau 103       05 08.1  +24 16 5.5  8.6   36           1997 
 Tau  81       04 30.6  +15 42 5.5  8.9  162   whi     2002 
 Tau  80       04 30.1  +15 38 5.7  8.0    1.6 y-w yel 2002 
 Tau 118       05 29.3  +25 09 5.8  6.6    4.7 b-w     2009 
 Tri   6       02 12.4  +30 18 5.3  6.9    4.0 yel     2006 
 Tri  15       02 38.5  +34 41 5.4  6.7  142   red     2003 
 UMa zeta-80   13 23.9  +54 56 2.2  4.0  709   whi whi 1991 
 UMa zeta AB   13 23.9  +54 56 2.2  3.9   14   whi whi 2006 
 UMa  23       09 31.5  +63 04 3.7  8.9   23 
 UMa xi        11 18.2  +33 06 4.3  4.8    1.8 yel yel 2000 
 UMa sigma2    09 10.4  +67 08 4.9  8.2    4.0 y-w whi 2004 
 UMa  78       13 00.7  +56 22 5.1  7.4    1.2 y-w whi 2005 
 UMa  57       11 29.1  +39 20 5.3  8.3    5.4 whi 
 UMi alpha     02 31.8  +89 16 2.0  8.2   18   y-w     1990 
 Vir gamma     12 41.7  -01 27 3.5  3.5    1.0 y-w y-w 2006 
 Vir beta      11 50.6  +01 45 3.8  8.8   12   b-w
 Vir tau       14 01.6  +01 33 4.3  9.6   80 
 Vir chi       12 39.2  -08 0  4.8  8.8  176           2002 
 Vir  84       13 43.1  +03 32 5.5  7.9    2.8 yel     2006 
 Vir  84       13 45.9  -12 26 5.7  8.5    1.2 yel     1991 
 Vir  33       12 46.4  +09 32 5.8  8.7  145   ora     2002 
 Vul alpha     19 28.7  +24 40 4.4  5.8  427           2009 
 Vul  13       19 53.5  +24 05 4.6  7.4    1.3 b-w     2003 

    The planetary stars here are those with Bayer/Flamsteed 
designations north of -40d declination. These are almost all bare-eye 
stars, Data for each planet of a star is given under the star. 
    The complete master table of planetary stars is 'Are those stars 
looking back at us?' for the whole celestial sphere and includes bare-
eye stars lacking Bayer/Flamsteed designations. It is at 
    Where a star has several planets, data for each is listed. 
    This section is updated occasionally for new discoveries and 
    SUN is the apparent magnitude of Sun as seen from the star. 
    MJUP is the planet mass in Jupiter units 
    S M A is the semimajor axis of the planet orbit in AU 
    PERIOD is the planet orbital period in Earth days 
    YEAR is when the planet was announced 
 ---- --- ------ ------------ --- ---- --- --- ----- ---- ------ ----
  54  Psc   3651 00 39 +21 16 5.8 K0.5 11 5.0  0.2   0.28   62.2 2003 
 eta  Cet   6805 01 09 -10 11 3.5 K1.3 38 7.7  2.55  1.27  403.5 2014 
                                               3.32  1.93  751.9 2014 
 ups  And   9826 01 37 +41 25 4.1 F8.5 13 5.4  0.62  0.06    4.6 1996 
                                               0.01  1.8   240.4 1999 
                                              23.6   2.55 1281.4 1999 
                                               1.06  5.25 3848.7 2010 
 tau  Cet  10700 01 44 -15 56 3.5 G9.5  4 2.8  0.06 0.11   14.0  2012 
                                               0.01 0.20   35.4  2012 
                                              0.01  0.37   94.1 2012 
                                               0.01 1.34  636.4  2012 
                                               0.12 0.54   62.9  2012 
                                               0.01 0.13   35.3  2017 
                                               0.01 0.24   49.4  2017 
 109  Psc  10697 01 45 +20 05 6.3 G5.4 33 7.4  6.38  2.16 1076.4 1999 
 alp  Ari  12929 02 07 +23 28 2.0 K2.3 20 6.3  1.8   1.2   380.8 2011 
  75  Cet  15779 02 32 -01 07 5.4 G3.3 82 9.4  3     2.1   691.9 2012 
  79  Cet  16141 02 35 -03 34 6.8 G5.4 36 7.6  0.23  0.35   75.6 2000 
  30B Ari  16232 02 37 +24 59 7.1 F6.5 39 7.8  9.88  0.995 335.1 2009  
 lam2 For  16417 02 37 -34 35 5.8 G1.5 26 6.8  0.07  0.14   17.2 2009 
  81  Cet  16400 02 38 -03 24 5.7 G5.3 97 9.7  5.3   2.5   952.7 2008 
  94  Cet  19994 03 13 -01 11 5.1 F8.5 22 6.5//1.37  1.31  466.2 2000 
 sig  Per  21552 03 31 +48 00 4.4 K3.3103 9.9  6.5   1.8   579.8 2014 
 eps  Eri  22049 03 33 -09 27 3.7 K2.5  3 2.3  1.55  3.39 2502   2000 
                                               0.1  40    9999   2003 
   c  Eri  29391 04 18 -02 28 5.2 F0.5 29 7.1  7.0  14.0  9999   2015 
 eps  Tau  28305 04 29 +19 11 3.5 K0.3 45 8.1  7.6   1.93  594.9 2007 
 alp  Tau  29139 04 36 +16 30 0.9 K5.3 20 6.1  6.47  1.42  629.0 1998 
   51 Eri  29391 04 38 -02 28 5.2 F0.5 29 7.0 2.6  11.1  9999   2015 
   6  Lyn  45410 06 31 +58 10 5.9 K0.4 57 8.6  2.4   2.2   899   2008 
  nu2 CMa  47205 06 37 -19 15 4.0 K1.3 20 6.3  1.90  1.76  736.0 2011 
                                               0.06  2.14  988.9 2019 
 tau  Gem  54719 07 11 +30 15 4.4 K2.3 92 9.6 20.6   1.17  306   2004 
 bet  Gem  62509 07 45 +28 02 1.2 K0.3 10 4.9  2.9   1.69  589.6 2006 
   3  Cnc  65759 08 01 +17 19 5.3 K3.324311.7 20.76  2.52  853.6 2020 
  omi UMa  71369 08 30 +60 43 3.4 G4.2 56 8.5  4.1   3.9  1630   2012 
  pi2 UMa  73108 08 40 +64 20 4.6 K1.3 62 8.8  7.1   0.87  269.3 2007  
 rho1 Cnc  75732 08 53 +28 20 6.0 G8.5 13 5.4  0.84  0.11   14.7 1996 
                                               0.17  0.24   44.4 2001 
                                               3.86  5.45 4867.0 2001 
                                               0.03  0.02    0.7 2004 
                                               0.15  0.77  26+.0 2007 
 ---  UMa  81688 09 29 +45 36 5.4 K0.3 89 9.5  2.7   0.81  184.0 2008 
 mu   Leo  85503 09 53 +26 00 3.9 K2.3 38 7.7  2.4   1.1   357.8 2014 
 gam1 Leo  89484 10 20 +19 50 2.0 K0.3 39 7.7  8.78  1.19  428.5 2009 
 ---  UMa  89744 10 22 +41 14 5.7 F7.5 40 7.8  7.99  0.89  256.6 2000 
  24  Sex  90043 10 23 -00 54 6.4 G5.5 75 9.2  1.94  1.33  452.8 2010 
                                               1.52  2.08  883   2010 
  44  UMa  94247 10 57 +65 35 5.1 K3. 200 1.3 12.11 12.16  785.7 2020 
  47  UMa  95128 10 59 +40 26 5.0 G0.5 14 5.5  2.53  2.1  1078   1996 
                                               0.54  3.6  2391   2001 
                                               1.64 11.6  9999   2010 
  83  Leo 99492  11 27 +03 00 6.5 K2.5 18 6.1  0.11  0.12   17.0 2004 
                                               0.36  5.4  4970   2010 
 ups  Leo 100920 11 37 -00 49 4.3 G9.3 57 9.0  0.51  1.18   85.2 2021 
 bet  UMi 131873 11 51 +74 09 2.1 K4.3 40 7.8  6.1   1.4   522.3 2014 
  11  Com 107383 12 21 +17 48 4.7 G8.311110.0 16.13  1.29  326.1 2008 
 chi  Vir 110014 12 39 -08 00 4.6 K2.3 90 9.6 11.1   2.14  835.5 2009  
 38   Vir 111998 12 53 -03 33 6.1 F6.5 31 7.3  4.5   1.8   825.9 2016 
  --- Dra 113337 13 01 +63 37 6.0 F6.5 37 7.6  3.1 1 .03   323.4 2013 
                                               7.2 4.8    8624.7 2018 
  61  Vir 115617 13 18 -18 19 4.7 G5.5  9 4.5  0.02  0.05    4.2 2009 
                                               0.06  0.22   38.0 2009 
                                               0.07  0.48  123.0 2009 
  70  Vir 117176 13 28 +13 47 5.0 G4.5 22 6.5  6.6   0.48  116.7 1996 
 tau  Boo 120136 13 47 +17 27 4.5 F7.5 15 5.7  4.13  0.05    3.3 1996 
 ---  Hya 122430 14 02 -27 25 5.5 K3.313510.5  3.71  1.02  345.0 2003 
  24  Boo 127243 14 29 +49 51 5.6 G3.4100 9.8  0.91  0.19   30.4 2018 
   b  Cen 129116 14 42 -37 48 4.0 B3.5 90 9.5 10.9 556.0  9999   2021 
   8  UMi 133086 14 57 +74 54 6.8 K0.015910.8  1.5   0.49   83.4 2015 
  23  Lib 134987 15 13 -25 19 6.5 G5.5 25 6.9  1.59  0.81  258.2 1999 
                                               0.82  5.8  5000   2009 
  11  UMi 136726 15 17 +71 49 5.0 K4.312011.2 11.08 1.54  516.2 2009 
 iot  Dra 137759 15 25 +58 58 3.3 K2.3 32 7.3 16.4   1.48  510.9 2002 
 omi  CrB 136512 15 35 +26 43 5.5 K0.3 84 9.4  1.5   0.83  187.3 2012 
 gam  Lib 138905 15 36 -14 47 3.0 K0.3 50 8.3  0.29  1.24  415.2 2018 
                                               4.63  2.18  964.6 2018 
 lam  Ser 141004 15 46 +07 21 4.4 G0.5 12      0.04  0.12   15.5 2021 
 ome  Ser 141680 15 50 +02 12 5.2 G8.3 81 9.3  1.7   1.1   277.0 2013 
 kap  CrB 142091 15 51 +35 39 4.8 K1.4 31 7.3  1.8   2.6  1251   2007  
 eps  CrB 143107 15 58 +26 53 4.1 K2.3 68 9.0  6.7   1.3   417.9 2012 
 rho  CrB 143761 16 01 +33 19 5.4 G0.5 17 6.0  1.05  0.22   39.8 1997 
                                               0.08  0.41  102.5 2016 
  14  Her 145675 16 10 +43 49 6.6 K0.5 18 6.1  5.22  2.77 1773.4 1998 
                                               2.09  5.81  ---   2005 
                                               5.8  16.4  6906   2006 
 chi  Sco 145897 16 14 -11 50 5.2 K3.3116 9.9  4.52  1.45  528.4 2020 
 psi1 Dra 162004 17 42 +72 09 5.7 G0.5 22 6.5  1.53  4.43 3117.0 2015 
  nu  Oph 163917 17 59 -09 46 3.3 G9.3 47 8.2  2.21  1.79  530.2 2004 
                                              24.66  5.93 3184.8 2010 
  42  Dra 170693 18 26 +65 34 4.8 K1.3 97 9.7  3.88  1.19  479.1 2009 
  59  Dra 180777 19 08 +76 34 5.1 A9.5 27 7.0 25.0   0.22   28.4 2016 
  16  Cyg 186427 19 42 +50 31 6.0 G2.5 21 6.5  1.68  1.68  799.5 1996 
  xi  Aql 188310 19 54 +08 57 4.7 G9.3 63 8.8  2.8   0.68  136.8 2008 
  15 Sge  190406 20 04 +17 04 5.8 G0.5 17 6.0 61.5  14.0   ----  2002 
  18  Del 199665 20 58 +10 50 5.5 G6.3 73 9.1 10.3   2.68  993.3 2008 
 gam  Psc 219615  21 17 +03 17 3.7 F9.3 43 8.7  1.34  1.32  555.1 2021 
  51  Peg 217014 22 57 +20 46 5.5 G2.4 15 5.6  0.46  0.05    4.2 1995 
 alp  PsA 216956 22 58 -29 37 1.2 A3.5  8 4.2  2   115    9999   2008  
 psi1 Aqr 219449 23 16 -09 05 4.2 K0.3 46 8.1  3.32  0.7   181.4 2003 
  14  And 221345 23 31 +39 14 5.2 K0.3 76 9.2  4.68  0.83  185.8 2008 
 gam  Cep 222404 23 39 +77 38 3.2 K2.5 14 5.5  1.85  2.05  903.3 2002 
 ---  Oct 221420 23 33 -77 23 5.8 G2.4 32 7.3  9.7   ---  9999   2019 
 kap  And 222439 23 41 +44 20 4.2 B9.4 52 8.4 44.0  55     ---   2013 
    Galaxies, except for the Andromeda galaxy M31, are often dismissed 
as suitable targets for New York City. There are some 30 galaxies that 
are usually discernible from the City with clear dark skies. Most are 
in the Virgo galaxy cluster, of which a couple examples are listed 
here. Only the central cores show up with the outer zones blended into 
the surrounding sky. M31 itself is occasionally seen by bare-eye as an 
other dim star in Andromeda. 
 --- --------- ---------- --------- ---- --------- ----------
 And NGC  224  00 42 44.3 +41 16 06  4.5 189'X62'  M 31
 And NGC  205  00 40 22.1 +41 41 05  8.0 20'X12'   M 110
 And NGC  221  00 42 41.8 +40 51 55  8.7 8'X6'     M 32
 Cam NGC 2403  07 36 50.6 +65 36 04  8.4 18'X11'
 Cen NGC 5128  13 25 27.8 -43 01 06  7.0 27'X20'
 Cet NGC  247  00 47 08.3 -20 45 38  8.8 21'X6'
 Com NGC 4826  12 56 43.8 +21 40 57  8.5 9.3'X5.4' M 64
 CVn NGC 4258  12 18 57.8 +47 18 23  8.3 18'X8'    M 106
 CVn NGC 5194  13 29 52.6 +47 11 42  8.4 11'X8'    M 51-A
 CVn NGC 4736  12 50 53.1 +41 07 15  8.5 11'X9'    M 94
 CVn NGC 5055  13 15 49.0 +42 01 57  8.6 12'X8'    M 63
 Cyg NGC 6946  20 34 52.1 +60 09 10  8.8 11'X9.8'
 Hya NGC 5236  13 37 00.2 -29 52 04  8.5 11'X10'   M 83
 Leo NGC 3521  11 05 48.8 -00 02 15  8.9 10'X5'
 Leo NGC 2903  09 32 09.7 +21 29 55  8.9 13'X7'
 Scl NGC  253  00 47 34.3 -25 17 32  7.1 26'X6'
 Tri NGC  598  01 33 51.9 +30 39 27  5.7 69'X42'   M 33
 UMa NGC 3031  09 55 33.5 +69 04 00  7.2 23'X11'   M 81
 UMa NGC 5457  14 03 12.4 +54 20 56  7.7 27'X26'   M 101
 UMa NGC 3034  09 55 51.4 +69 40 45  8.4 12'X4'    M 82
 Vir NGC 4594  12 39 59.3 -11 37 23  8.3 9'X4'     M 104
 Vir NGC 4472  12 29 46.7 +07 59 58  8.4 9'X7'     M 49
 Vir NGC 4486  12 30 49.4 +12 23 28  8.7 7'X7'     M 87
 Vir NGC 4649  12 43 39.8 +11 33 09  8.8 7'X6'     M 60

    These are compact and condensed to allow fainter ones to be seen, 
if only as tiny dots. Globular nebulae take magnification well, 
revealing details missing in the usual low-power views. 
    NGC 6543 and 7662 pass near the zenith of New York, making them 
easier to see thru thinner air. 
    These targets are usually called 'planetary nebulae'. With the new 
study of planetary stars and planet-related nebulae around them, it's 
better to shift the nomenclature. Most globular nebulae are roundish, 
so a name appealing to their shape, like for the other kinds of 
deepsky object, is used here. 

 --- --------- ---------- --------- ---- --------- ---------
 And NGC 7662  23 25 53.9 +42 32 06  8.3 32"X28"
 Aqr NGC 7293  22 29 38.4 -20 50 13  7.4 720"X600" 
 Aqr NGC 7009  21 04 10.8 -11 21 49  7.8 44"X23"
 Cyg NGC 7027  21 07 01.7 +42 14 10  8.5 18"X10"
 Cyg NGC 6826  19 44 48.2 +50 31 30  8.8 27"X24"
 Dra NGC 6543  17 58 33.3 +66 37 59  8.3 23"X17"
 Her NGC 6210  16 44 29.5 +23 48 00  8.8 48"X8"
 Hya NGC 3242  10 24 46.1 -18 38 33  7.8 45"X36" 
 Lyr NGC 6720  18 53 35.1 +33 01 45  8.7 86"X62"   M 57
 Oph NGC 6572  18 12 06.4 +06 51 13  8.1 16"X13"
 Vul NGC 6853  19 59 36.3 +22 43 16  7.2 480"X342" M 27

    Of the scores within reach from the City, an ample selection is 
given here. Globular clusters do well in poor skies due to their 
concentrated light. The outer reaches and resolution of the stars may 
be lost. NGC 5139, omega Centauri, is included for the annual spring 
challenge to see it from New York City. 

 --- --------- ---------- --------- ---- ----- ---------
 Aqr NGC 7089  21 33 29.3 -00 49 23  6.5 13'   M 2
 Cap NGC 7099  21 40 22.0 -23 10 45  7.3 11'   M 30
 Cen NGC 5139  13 26 45.9 -47 28 37  3.5 36'   omeCen
 Com NGC 5024  13 12 55.3 +18 10 09  7.8 13'   M 53
 CVn NGC 5272  13 42 11.2 +28 22 32  6.3 16'   M 3
 Her NGC 6205  16 41 41.5 +36 27 37  5.8 17'   M 13
 Her NGC 6341  17 17 07.3 +43 08 11  6.3 11'   M 92
 Hya NGC 4590  12 39 28.0 -26 44 34  7.7 12'   M 68
 Lep NGC 1904  05 24 10.6 -24 31 27  7.7 9'    M 79
 Oph NGC 6273  17 02 37.7 -26 16 05  6.8 14'   M 19
 Oph NGC 6254  16 57 08.9 -04 05 58  6.9 15'   M 10
 Oph NGC 6218  16 47 14.5 -01 56 52  7.2 15'   M 12
 Oph NGC 6402  17 37 36.1 -03 14 45  7.9 12'   M 14
 Peg NGC 7078  21 29 58.3 +12 10 01  6.7 12'   M 15
 Sco NGC 6121  16 23 35.5 -26 31 31  5.8 26'   M 4
 Sco NGC 6093  16 17 02.5 -22 58 30  7.3 9'    M 80
 Ser NGC 5904  15 18 33.8 +02 04 58  5.7 17'   M 5
 Sgr NGC 6656  18 36 24.2 -23 54 12  5.9 24'   M 22
 Sgr NGC 6626  18 24 32.9 -24 52 12  7.4 11'   M 28

    Open clusters are so varied in spectacularity that there are 
surely several that perform nicely in most skies. However, low 
transparency will veil the dimmer stars, losing the 'cluster' effect 
of a given object. 
    Open clusters have many alternate names, as noted in the last 3
column: CR = Collinder, MEL = Melotte, TR = Trumpler 
    Open clusters mass up along the Milky Way. They trace the path of 
the Milky Way when the band itself is not in sight.

 --- --------- ---------- --------- ---- ---- --- --- -----
 And NGC 7686  23 30 12.0 +49 08 00  5.6 14' 
 And NGC 752   01 57 48.0 +37 41 00  5.7 50'   23  12 
 Aql NGC 6709  18 51 30.0 +10 21 00  6.7 13'  392 214 
 Aur Cr 62     05 22 30.0 +41 00 00  4.2 28'   62 
 Aur NGC 2281  06 49 18.0 +41 04 00  5.4 14'  116  51 
 Aur NGC 2099  05 52 24.0 +32 33 00  5.6 23'   75  38 M37 
 Aur NGC 1960  05 36 06.0 +34 08 00  6.0 12'   71  37 M36 
 Aur NGC 1912  05 28 42.0 +35 50 00  6.4 21'   67  36 M38 
 Cam Cr 464    05 22 00.0 +73 00 00  4.2 120' 464 
 Cam Pazmino   03 16 20.0 +60 02 00  6.5 18'          St23 
 Cam NGC 1502  04 07 42.0 +62 20 00  6.9 7.0'  45 
 Cas St  2     02 15.0    +59 16     4.4 60'X60'      St2 
 Cas Cr 463    01 48 24.0 +71 57 00  5.7 36'  463 
 Cas Cr 33     02 59 18.0 +60 24 00  5.9 39'   33 
 Cas NGC 457   01 19 06.0 +58 20 00  6.4 13'   12   7 
 Cas IC 1848   02 51 12.0 +60 26 00  6.5 12'   32 
 Cas IC 1805   02 32 42.0 +61 27 00  6.5 21'   26  15 
 Cas NGC 654   01 44 06.0 +61 53 00  6.5 5.0'  18  19 
 Cas NGC 129   00 29 54.0 +60 14 00  6.5 21'    2 
 Cas NGC 7789  23 57 00.0 +56 44 00  6.7 15'  460 245 
 Cas NGC 1027  02 42 42.0 +61 33 00  6.7 20'   30  16 
 Cas Cr 34     03 00 54.0 +60 25 00  6.8 25'   34 
 Cas NGC 7654  23 24 12.0 +61 35 00  6.9 12'  455 243 M52 
 Cep IC 1396   21 39 06.0 +57 30 00  3.5 50'  439     Tr37 
 Cep NGC 7160  21 53 42.0 +62 36 00  6.1 7.0' 443 
 CMa Cr 121    06 54 12.0 -24 38 00  2.6 50'  121 
 CMa Cr 140    07 23 54.0 -32 12 00  3.5 42'  140 
 CMa Cr 132    07 14 24.0 -31 10 00  3.6 95'  132 
 CMa NGC 2362  07 18 48.0 -24 57 00  4.1 8.0' 136  65 
 CMa Cr 118    06 47 00.0 -20 44 00  4.5 38'  118 
 CMa NGC 2287  06 47 00.0 -20 44 00  4.5 38'  118     M41 
 CMa NGC 2354  07 14 18.0 -25 44 00  6.5 20'  131 
 Cnc NGC 2632  08 40 06.0 +19 59 00  3.4 95'  189  88 M44 
 Cnc NGC 2682  08 50 24.0 +11 49 00  6.9 29'  204  94 M67 
 Com Mel 111   12 25 00.0 +26 00 00  1.8 275' 256 
 Cyg NGC 7092  21 32 12.0 +48 26 00  4.6 31'  138 236 M39 
 Cyg NGC 6871  20 05 54.0 +35 47 00  5.2 20'  413 
 Cyg Cr 419    20 18 06.0 +40 43 00  5.4 4.5' 419 
 Cyg NGC 6913  20 23 58.0 +38 29 30  6.6 6.0' 422     M29 
 Cyg NGC 6811  19 38 12.0 +46 34 00  6.8 12'  402 222 
 Gem NGC 2168  06 08 54.0 +24 20 00  5.1 28'   82  41 M35 
 Gem Cr 89     06 18 00.0 +23 38 00  5.7 35'   89 
 Gem NGC 2129  06 01 00.0 +23 18 00  6.7 6.0'  77 
 Hya NGC 2548  08 13 48.0 -05 48 00  5.8 54'  179  82 M48 
 Lac NGC 7243  22 15 18.0 +49 53 00  6.4 21'  448 240 
 Mon NGC 2232  06 26 36.0 -04 45 00  3.9 29'   93 
 Mon NGC 2264  06 41 06.0 +09 53 00  3.9 20'  112 149 
 Mon Cr 106    06 37 06.0 +05 57 00  4.6 45'  106 
 Mon NGC 2244  06 32 24.0 +04 52 00  4.8 23'   99  47 
 Mon Cr 107    06 37 42.0 +04 44 00  5.1 35'  107 
 Mon Cr 97     06 31 18.0 +05 55 00  5.4 21'   97 
 Mon NGC 2323  07 03 12.0 -08 20 00  5.9 16'  124  50 M50 
 Mon NGC 2301  06 51 48.0 +00 28 00  6.0 12'  117  54 
 Mon Cr 91     06 21 42.0 +02 22 00  6.4 17'   91 
 Mon NGC 2343  07 08 18.0 -10 39 00  6.7 6.0' 128 
 Oph Mel 186   18 01 00.0 +03 00 00  3.0 240' 359 
 Oph IC 4665   17 46 18.0 +05 43 00  4.2 70'  349 179  
 Oph NGC 6633  18 27 42.0 +06 34 00  4.6 20'  350 201 
 Oph Cr 350    17 48 06.0 +01 18 00  6.1 45'  350 
 Ori Cr 70     05 36 00.0 -01 00 00  0.4 150'  70     Belt 
 Ori NGC 1980  05 35 24.0 -05 54 00  2.5 13'   72 
 Ori Cr 69     05 35 06.0 +09 56 00  2.8 64'   69 
 Ori Cr 65     05 26 00.0 +16 00 00  3.0 220'  65 
 Ori NGC 1976  05 35 24.0 -05 23 00  3.7 47'          M42,theOri 
 Ori NGC 1981  05 35 12.0 -04 26 00  4.2 25'   73 
 Ori NGC 2169  06 08 24.0 +13 57 00  5.9 6.0'  83 
 Ori NGC 1662  04 48 30.0 +10 56 00  6.4 20'   55 
 Ori NGC 2175  06 09 48.0 +20 19 00  6.8 18'   84 
 Per Mel 20    03 22 00.0 +49 00 00  1.2 185'  39  20 alpPer 
 Per NGC 1039  02 42 00.0 +42 47 00  5.2 35'   31  17 M34 
 Per NGC 869   02 19 00.0 +57 09 00  5.3 29'   24     DblClus, 
 Per Mel 13    02 19 00.0 +57 09 00  5.3 29'       13 
 Per Cr 29     02 37 18.0 +55 59 00  5.9 20'   29     Tr2 
 Per NGC 884   02 22 24.0 +57 07 00  6.1 29'   25  14 DblClus, 
 Per NGC 1545  04 20 54.0 +50 15 00  6.2 18'   49 
 Per NGC 1528  04 15 24.0 +51 14 00  6.4 23'   47  23 
 Per NGC 1444  03 49 24.0 +52 40 00  6.6 4.0'  43 
 Per NGC 1342  03 31 36.0 +37 20 00  6.7 14'   40  21 
 Pup NGC 2422  07 36 36.0 -14 30 00  4.4 29'  152  68 M47 
 Pup NGC 2437  07 41 48.0 -14 49 00  6.1 27'  159  75 M46 
 Pup NGC 2447  07 44 36.0 -23 52 00  6.2 22'  160  76 M93 
 Pup NGC 2546  08 12 24.0 -37 38 00  6.3 40'  178 
 Pup NGC 2520  08 05 18.0 -28 10 00  6.5 22'  174 
 Pup NGC 2539  08 10 42.0 -12 50 00  6.5 21'  176  83 
 Pup NGC 2423  07 37 06.0 -13 52 00  6.7 19'  153  70 
 Sco Cr 302    16 26 00.0 -26 00 00  1.0 505' 302     alpSco 
 Sco  NGC 6231 16 54 00.0 -41 48 00  2.6  14' 315 153 zetSco
 Sco  Cr 316   16 55 30.0 -40 50 00  13.4 05' 316
Sco  NGC 6405  17 40 06.0 -32 13 00  4.2  33'2341 178  M6 
 Sco NGC 6475  17 53 54.0 -34 49 00  2.8  80' 354      M7 
 Sct NGC 6705  18 51 06.0 -06 16 00  5.9 13'  391 213 M11 
 Ser IC 4756   18 39 00.0 +05 27 00  4.6 40'  386 210 
 Ser NGC 6605  18 17 06.0 -14 58 00  6.0      
 Ser NGC 6611  18 18 48.0 -13 47 00  6.0 21'  375 198 M16 
 Ser NGC 6604  18 18 06.0 -12 14 00  6.5 4.0' 373 
 Sgr NGC 6603  18 18 24   -18 25     3.1 95'      M24,I4715 
 Sgr IC 4725   18 31 36.0 -19 15 00  4.6 32'  382 204 M25 
 Sgr NGC 6530  18 04 48.0 -24 20 00  4.6 14'  362     M8 
 Sgr NGC 6494  17 56 48.0 -19 01 00  5.5 30'  356 184 M23 
 Sgr NGC 6531  18 04 36.0 -22 30 00  5.9 15'  363 188 M21 
 Sgr NGC 6618  18 20 48.0 -16 11 00  6.0 11'  377     M17 
 Sgr NGC 6514  18 02 18.0 -23 02 00  6.3 13'  360 
 Sgr Cr 394    18 53 30.0 -20 23 00  6.3 22'  394 
 Sgr Cr 367    18 09 36.0 -23 59 00  6.4 37'  367 
 Sgr NGC 6613  18 19 54.0 -17 08 00  6.9 9.0' 376     M18 
 Tau Hyades    04 27 00.0 +16 00 00  0.5 330'  50  25 
 Tau Pleiades  03 46 54.0 +24 07 00  1.3 110'  42  22 M45,etaTau 
 Tau NGC 1746  05 03 36.0 +23 49 00  6.1 42'   52  28 
 Tau NGC 1750  05 03 54.0 +23 39 00  6.1 
 Tau NGC 1647  04 46 00.0 +19 04 00  6.4 45'   54  26 
 UMa Cr 285    12 03 00.0 +58 00 00  0.4 1400'285     Big Dipper 
 Vul Cr 399    19 25 24.0 +20 11 00  3.6 60'  399 
 Vul NGC 6940  20 34 36.0 +28 18 00  6.3 31'  424 232 

    This is the most optimistic of the categories because any graying 
of the sky will mask out the glow of an open nebula. In most cases 
only the core of an open nebula, where its embedded stars light it up 
most strngly, may be visible. 
    Four of the targets are usually dependibly seen: M42 & M43 (often 
treated as one target, being adjacent nebulae), M8, and M20. The 
others are iffy on most occasions. NGC 7000, the North American 
nebula, is likely always absent from the city sky because its lumens 
are spread over so large an area on the sky. 
    When a nebula is not sighted, its embedded stars may still be 
discerned, making the target a cluster. Some open nebulae are in fact 
cataloged twice, once for the nebulous feature with one designation 
and again for the cluster with a separate designation. The Rosette 
nebula NGC 2238 is normally not discernible, but its stars NGC 2244, 
in the Open Clusters table, are. 

 --- --------- ---------- --------- ---- --------- ---------
 Cas IC 1795   02 25 48.0 +61 58 48  6.7 12'X12' 
 Cyg NGC 7000  21 01 48.0 +44 12 00  4.5 120'X100' HD199579? 
 Mon NGC 2238  06 32 38.0 +04 57 36  6.0 80'X60'
 Ori NGC 1976  05 35 28.0 -05 28 12  3.7 90'X60'   M42 
 Ori NGC 1982  05 35 36.0 -05 16 00  7.0 20'X15'   M43 
 Ori NGC 1973  05 35 06.0 -04 44 00  7.0 5'X5'
 Ori NGC 1975  05 35 24.0 -04 41 00  7.0 10'X5'
 Per NGC 1499  04 01 16.0 +36 38 24  6.0 160'X40'  xiPer 
 Sgr NGC 6523  18 05 25.8 -24 23 39  5.0 40'X35'   M8 
 Sgr NGC 6514  18 02 02.0 -23 00 00  6.3 28'X20'   M20 

    Stargazing in New York is not at all easy, but it is feasible as 
long as the expectations are tempered. The descriptions written in 
observing litterature come from darksky locations and almost never 
from a brightsky town. Also missed out of the litterature is mention 
of failed sessions due to weather or seasonal shutdown of the site. 
    The newcomer City astronomer can lapse into looking at the same 
five or six targets over and over again without realizing that others 
nearby can be equally easy to find and satisfying to examine. 
    Double stars are tabulated here to arouse a renewed interest in 
them. In the preWWII era, when scopes were tiny (due to expense), 
deepsky objects were for the most part out of reach. Double stars were 
the king of target, as can be seen in older stargazing books. The 
excitement from gamma Virginis in the 20 thous further helped stir up 
double star awareness. 
    Remember that the roster of objects assumes actually clear skies. 
Humidity, haze, moonlight can veil many of the targets. That's why a 
wide seelction is needed to work around adverse sky conditions.