 John Pazmino
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2010 September 10 initial
 2010 September 23 current
    The 2010 return of comet Hartley-2, or comet 103P/Hartley-2, 
stirred up heavy excitement among home astronomers. This comet is 
already in mid September 2010 growing in luminance pretty much as 
expected, based on previous apparitions. If this trend continues, 
Hartley-2 will be a binocular target in New York and a naked-eye 
target from a darksky location. It will surely be a highlight in 
regular starviewing sessions thruout the fall of 2010 and may generate 
enough public interest to have extra sessions primarily for the comet. 
    I gather here information about the comet, plus explanation of a 
couple topics not adequately treated elsewhere. Some items here are 
available in other sources but are here together in one place. 
    Comet Hartley-2 was discovered on 15 March 1986 by Malcolm Hartley 
at Siding Spring Observatory, Australia. It rounded perihelion, on 5 
June 1985. It was found to have a closed orbit with a period of 6.27 
years, but there was no prior record of seeing it. 
    Hartley-2 was sent into a trajectory passing near to Earth by a 
close pass by Jupiter 2 November 1982, which accounts for not seeing 
it before this visit. The comet faded from view by 2 June 1986. 
    It was recovered on 9 July 1991 for its second visit to the Sun. 
It rounded perihelion on 2 September 1991 and receded from view by 4 
May 1992. On 19 December 1993, between the 2nd and 3rd visit, Hartley-
2 suffered an other orbit mutation from Jupiter. 
    It returned into view in its new orbit on 2 May 1997 and passed 
perihelion on 21 December 1997. At this return it earned its own 
periodic comet designation, 103P/Hartley-2. By 12 April 1999 it 
receded too far and grew too dim to be seen. 
     Hartley-2 returned for its 4th visit, being sighted on 20 
September 2004. It rounded perihelion on 17 May 2004. We waved it 
good-bye on 15 April 2005. 
    The next visit is now in 2010, after being recovered on 5 May 
2008. This return is the best of all because Hartley-2 passes thru the 
evening and night sky in high altitude (for northern observers). It is 
also passing close to earth, 0.121 AU, on 20 October 2010. Perihelion, 
1.058 AU, is on 28 October 2010. 
    The track of 103P for two months before thru two months after each 
perihelion is given below. This span is NOT the period of best 
observation, but is a sample slice of the comet's track in the sky 
running toward and away from each perihelion. 
    The path was computed by JPL's HORIZONS ephemeris. I did some 
cosmetic arrangement and editing. Appreciate that other ephemeris 
methods may give slightly different figures. 
    1985 apparition 
  EPOCH=  2446240.5 = 1985-Jun-24.0000000 (CT)   RMSW= n.a.                   
  EC= .719838            QR= .951617         TP= 2446221.369              
  OM= 226.8541            W= 174.8108        IN=   9.252800000000001        
   A= 3.396666928419986  MA= 3.0120508641739  ADIST= 5.841716856839971     
 PER= 6.2601919016158     N= .157443462  ANGMOM= .02200677            
 DAN= 5.78084           DDN= .95325           L= 41.7320577                
   B= .8332648           TP= 1985-Jun-04.8690000      
 Date, 0h UT  R.A. (J2000.0) DEC  Sun AU    Earth AU  Elong    Cns 
 -----------  ------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---
 1985-Apr-05  23 21 03 +01 36 31  1.290961  2.138728  24.0291  Psc 
 1985-Apr-10  23 38 48 +03 18 54  1.246678  2.091732  24.1361  Psc 
 1985-Apr-15  23 57 14 +05 04 04  1.203888  2.048405  24.0611  Psc 
 1985-Apr-20  00 16 24 +06 51 01  1.162937  2.009158  23.8075  Psc 
 1985-Apr-25  00 36 18 +08 38 35  1.124218  1.974389  23.3814  Psc 
 1985-Apr-30  00 56 58 +10 25 18  1.088171  1.944472  22.7930  Psc 
 1985-May-05  01 18 24 +12 09 33  1.055276  1.919728  22.0572  Psc                 
 1985-May-10  01 40 34 +13 49 37  1.026041  1.900378  21.1950  Psc 
 1985-May-15  02 03 25 +15 23 39  1.000988  1.886518  20.2318  Ari 
 1985-May-20  02 26 54 +16 49 48  0.980619  1.878161  19.1960  Ari 
 1985-May-25  02 50 53 +18 06 20  0.965389  1.875244  18.1187  Ari 
 1985-May-30  03 15 15 +19 11 41  0.955668  1.877644  17.0326  Ari 
 1985-Jun-04  03 39 49 +20 04 42  0.951707  1.885169  15.9718  Tau 
 1985-Jun-09  04 04 25 +20 44 38  0.953610  1.897538  14.9711  Tau                            
 1985-Jun-14  04 28 53 +21 11 09  0.961327  1.914388  14.0629  Tau 
 1985-Jun-19  04 53 00 +21 24 23  0.974656  1.935324  13.2749  Tau 
 1985-Jun-24  05 16 38 +21 24 52  0.993265  1.959948  12.6290  Tau 
 1985-Jun-29  05 39 37 +21 13 25  1.016726  1.987873  12.1404  Tau 
 1985-Jul-04  06 01 51 +20 51 12  1.044548  2.018712  11.8188  Ori 
 1985-Jul-09  06 23 14 +20 19 27  1.076212  2.052038  11.6688  Gem 
 1985-Jul-14  06 43 44 +19 39 28  1.111205  2.087395  11.6899  Gem 
 1985-Jul-19  07 03 20 +18 52 32  1.149033  2.124330  11.8778  Gem 
 1985-Jul-24  07 22 00 +17 59 52  1.189243  2.162417  12.2265  Gem 
 1985-Jul-29  07 39 47 +17 02 36  1.231425  2.201268  12.7300  Gem 
 1985-Aug-03  07 56 40 +16 01 45  1.275215  2.240510  13.3840  Cnc 
 1985-Aug-08  08 12 44 +14 58 11  1.320299  2.279747  14.1863  Cnc 
 1985-Aug-13  08 28 00 +13 52 37  1.366403  2.318578  15.1347  Cnc 
 1985-Aug-18  08 42 32 +12 45 43  1.413293  2.356620  16.2270  Cnc 
 1985-Aug-23  08 56 21 +11 38 00  1.460772  2.393538  17.4600  Cnc 
 1985-Aug-28  09 09 30 +10 29 58  1.508670  2.429048  18.8305  Cnc 
    In this first visit to Earth, Hartley-2 was angularly near the Sun 
during its perihelion pass. In fact it wasn't seen in this span. It 
was first found in March of 1986, 8-9 months after perihelion, deep 
into its outward run. 
    1991 apparition 
  EPOCH=  2448520.5 = 1991-Sep-21.0000000 (CT)   RMSW= n.a.                   
  EC= .719493            QR= .9532969999999999   TP= 2448511.1514             
  OM= 226.7846            W= 174.8957            IN= 9.251799999999999        
   A= 3.398478469343011  MA= 1.4706992386261  ADIST= 5.843659938686023     
 PER= 6.2652006819822     N= .157317592      ANGMOM= .022023978           
 DAN= 5.78482           DDN= .95488               L= 41.7463562                
   B= .8195794           TP= 1991-Sep-11.6514000      
 Date, 0h UT  R.A. (J2000.0) DEC  Sun AU    Earth AU  Elong    Cns 
 -----------  ------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---
 1991-Jul-01  00 26 20 +16 24 40  1.399991  1.032892  86.1610  Psc 
 1991-Jul-06  00 46 37 +18 41 25  1.353391  0.977027  85.4740  Psc 
 1991-Jul-11  01 08 50 +20 58 32  1.307647  0.926957  84.4268  Psc 
 1991-Jul-16  01 33 11 +23 12 19  1.263003  0.883208  83.0202  Psc 
 1991-Jul-21  01 59 45 +25 17 56  1.219745  0.846293  81.2702  Ari 
 1991-Jul-26  02 28 34 +27 09 37  1.178202  0.816629  79.2152  Ari 
 1991-Jul-31  02 59 24 +28 41 07  1.138748  0.794503  76.9188  Ari 
 1991-Aug-05  03 31 52 +29 46 31  1.101805  0.780036  74.4680  Tau 
 1991-Aug-10  04 05 15 +30 21 25  1.067838  0.773162  71.9649  Tau 
 1991-Aug-15  04 38 47 +30 23 52  1.037344  0.773632  69.5143  Aur 
 1991-Aug-20  05 11 39 +29 54 45  1.010839  0.780991  67.2110  Aur 
 1991-Aug-25  05 43 12 +28 57 26  0.988831  0.794572  65.1336  Aur 
 1991-Aug-30  06 12 57 +27 36 51  0.971793  0.813542  63.3403  Gem 
 1991-Sep-04  06 40 42 +25 58 31  0.960125  0.836958  61.8685  Gem 
 1991-Sep-09  07 06 20 +24 07 46  0.954122  0.863843  60.7365  Gem 
 1991-Sep-14  07 29 57 +22 09 08  0.953940  0.893257  59.9459  Gem 
 1991-Sep-19  07 51 40 +20 06 21  0.959584  0.924306  59.4869  Gem 
 1991-Sep-24  08 11 39 +18 02 11  0.970906  0.956136  59.3457  Cnc 
 1991-Sep-29  08 30 04 +15 58 41  0.987620  0.987950  59.5078  Cnc 
 1991-Oct-04  08 47 05 +13 57 18  1.009331  1.019026  59.9611  Cnc 
 1991-Oct-09  09 02 47 +11 59 08  1.035569  1.048756  60.6946  Cnc 
 1991-Oct-14  09 17 17 +10 04 53  1.065828  1.076675  61.6964  Cnc 
 1991-Oct-19  09 30 40 +08 15 01  1.099592  1.102413  62.9553  Leo 
 1991-Oct-24  09 43 01 +06 29 48  1.136360  1.125670  64.4622  Leo 
 1991-Oct-29  09 54 24 +04 49 23  1.175667  1.146193  66.2113  Sex 
 1991-Nov-03  10 04 51 +03 13 53  1.217088  1.163785  68.2001  Sex 
 1991-Nov-08  10 14 23 +01 43 25  1.260244  1.178347  70.4268  Sex 
 1991-Nov-13  10 23 02 +00 18 04  1.304805  1.189880  72.8887  Sex 
 1991-Nov-18  10 30 47 -01 02 05  1.350484  1.198442  75.5838  Sex 
 1991-Nov-23  10 37 39 -02 17 01  1.397032  1.204127  78.5118  Sex 
 1991-Nov-28  10 43 38 -03 26 40  1.444241  1.207049  81.6761  Sex 
    In this apparition Hartley-2 was comfortably far angularly from 
the Sun and linearly near Earth for good viewing. It was then in the 
midnight thru dawn sky. 
    1997 apparition 
  EPOCH=  2450800.5 = 1997-Dec-18.0000000 (CT)   RMSW= n.a.                   
  EC= .700379            QR= 1.031723            TP= 2450804.5174             
  OM= 219.9541            W= 180.7225            IN= 13.6188                  
   A= 3.443426862603088  MA= 359.38032659955  ADIST= 5.855130725206177     
 PER= 6.3899064050375     N= .154247374      ANGMOM= .022784309           
 DAN= 5.85404           DDN= 1.03176              L= 40.6562881                
   B= -.1701163          TP= 1997-Dec-22.0174000      
 Date, 0h UT  R.A. (J2000.0) DEC  Sun AU    Earth AU  Elong    Cns 
 -----------  ------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---
 1997-Oct-04  18 47 40 -04 32 52  1.479567  1.062050  91.6353  Sct 
 1997-Oct-09  18 53 59 -05 13 37  1.436048  1.059197  88.4493  Sct 
 1997-Oct-14  19 01 26 -05 52 38  1.393332  1.054623  85.4865  Aql 
 1997-Oct-19  19 09 59 -06 29 35  1.351606  1.048186  82.7432  Aql 
 1997-Oct-24  19 19 39 -07 04 07  1.311088  1.039823  80.2169  Aql 
 1997-Oct-29  19 30 26 -07 35 53  1.272028  1.029505  77.9093  Aql 
 1997-Nov-03  19 42 21 -08 04 30  1.234704  1.017235  75.8239  Aql 
 1997-Nov-08  19 55 23 -08 29 36  1.199425  1.003077  73.9647  Aql 
 1997-Nov-13  20 09 34 -08 50 51  1.166527  0.987186  72.3348  Cap 
 1997-Nov-18  20 24 54 -09 07 54  1.136370  0.969831  70.9368  Cap 
 1997-Nov-23  20 41 24 -09 20 21  1.109328  0.951354  69.7764  Aqr 
 1997-Nov-28  20 59 05 -09 27 45  1.085781  0.932143  68.8629  Aqr 
 1997-Dec-03  21 17 58 -09 29 36  1.066095  0.912639  68.2064  Aqr 
 1997-Dec-08  21 38 02 -09 25 27  1.050606  0.893354  67.8164  Cap 
 1997-Dec-13  21 59 15 -09 14 47  1.039601  0.874897  67.6982  Aqr 
 1997-Dec-18  22 21 35 -08 57 09  1.033295  0.857967  67.8534  Aqr 
 1997-Dec-23  22 44 57 -08 32 03  1.031816  0.843292  68.2800  Aqr 
 1997-Dec-28  23 09 16 -07 59 08  1.035193  0.831587  68.9702  Aqr 
 1998-Jan-02  23 34 22 -07 18 12  1.043358  0.823532  69.9062  Aqr 
 1998-Jan-07  00 00 03 -06 29 30  1.056147  0.819759  71.0568  Cet 
 1998-Jan-12  00 26 06 -05 33 36  1.073315  0.820852  72.3754  Psc 
 1998-Jan-17  00 52 16 -04 31 28  1.094553  0.827319  73.8037  Cet 
 1998-Jan-22  01 18 16 -03 24 24  1.119511  0.839530  75.2775  Cet 
 1998-Jan-27  01 43 54 -02 13 57  1.147815  0.857701  76.7317  Cet 
 1998-Feb-01  02 08 57 -01 01 51  1.179087  0.881888  78.1049  Cet 
 1998-Feb-06  02 33 14 +00 10 06  1.212956  0.912018  79.3415  Cet 
 1998-Feb-11  02 56 38 +01 20 24  1.249071  0.947952  80.3941  Cet 
 1998-Feb-16  03 19 03 +02 27 41  1.287105  0.989497  81.2278  Cet 
 1998-Feb-21  03 40 28 +03 31 01  1.326763  1.036398  81.8213  Tau 
 1998-Feb-26  04 00 54 +04 29 41  1.367778  1.088348  82.1662  Tau 
    The 1997 return was a good one with Hartley-2 in evening to night 
sky with reasonably approach to Earth. The comet received its number 
as a new periodic comet, 103P. Note well that this return was on a new 
orbit resulting from the meet with Jupiter in 1993. It was not a 
simple prolongation from the 1991 return. 
    2004 apparition
  EPOCH=  2454179.5 = 2007-Mar-20.0000000 (CT)   Residual RMS= .59218         
  EC= .6954407870491051  QR= 1.055939352573553   TP= 2453140.644676941        
  OM= 219.7768134530225   W= 181.2914244208019   IN= 13.63163550116112        
   A= 3.467106912782197  MA= 158.60186594728  ADIST= 5.87827447299084      
 PER= 6.4559335724536     N= .15266983       ANGMOM= .023016657           
 DAN= 5.87487           DDN= 1.05605              L= 41.0318716                
   B= -.3043369          TP= 2004-May-15.1446769      
 Date, 0h UT  R.A. (J2000.0) DEC  Sun AU    Earth AU  Elong    Cns 
 -----------  ------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---
 2004-Mar-01  22 08 17 -03 07 36  1.471735  2.432035  11.0298  Aqr 
 2004-Mar-06  22 23 33 -01 53 42  1.428587  2.386496  11.5870  Aqr 
 2004-Mar-11  22 39 17 -00 35 59  1.386285  2.342101  12.0668  Aqr 
 2004-Mar-16  22 55 31 +00 45 15  1.345026  2.299230  12.4486  Psc 
 2004-Mar-21  23 12 16 +02 09 36  1.305035  2.258237  12.7180  Psc 
 2004-Mar-26  23 29 34 +03 36 27  1.266565  2.219499  12.8654  Psc 
 2004-Mar-31  23 47 26 +05 05 07  1.229899  2.183408  12.8854  Psc 
 2004-Apr-05  00 05 52 +06 34 43  1.195348  2.150347  12.7779  Psc 
 2004-Apr-10  00 24 53 +08 04 22  1.163250  2.120659  12.5475  Psc 
 2004-Apr-15  00 44 30 +09 32 58  1.133963  2.094613  12.2035  Psc 
 2004-Apr-20  01 04 41 +10 59 20  1.107859  2.072426  11.7588  Psc 
 2004-Apr-25  01 25 25 +12 22 11  1.085308  2.054294  11.2295  Psc 
 2004-Apr-30  01 46 40 +13 40 10  1.066666  2.040386  10.6362  Psc 
 2004-May-05  02 08 22 +14 52 02  1.052253  2.030825  10.0039  Ari 
 2004-May-10  02 30 25 +15 56 35  1.042336  2.025661   9.3625  Ari 
 2004-May-15  02 52 46 +16 52 47  1.037106  2.024852   8.7453  Ari 
 2004-May-20  03 15 17 +17 39 45  1.036671  2.028297   8.1857  Ari 
 2004-May-25  03 37 50 +18 16 50  1.041038  2.035876   7.7158  Tau 
 2004-May-30  04 00 18 +18 43 41  1.050119  2.047447   7.3628  Tau 
 2004-Jun-04  04 22 33 +19 00 13  1.063735  2.062839   7.1460  Tau 
 2004-Jun-09  04 44 29 +19 06 39  1.081633  2.081829   7.0732  Tau 
 2004-Jun-14  05 05 59 +19 03 22  1.103501  2.104119   7.1395  Tau 
 2004-Jun-19  05 26 56 +18 50 58  1.128986  2.129387   7.3298  Tau 
 2004-Jun-24  05 47 18 +18 30 12  1.157722  2.157313   7.6251  Tau 
 2004-Jun-29  06 06 59 +18 01 51  1.189335  2.187581   8.0083  Ori 
 2004-Jul-04  06 25 58 +17 26 50  1.223463  2.219874   8.4682  Gem 
 2004-Jul-09  06 44 14 +16 46 00  1.259766  2.253837   9.0001  Gem 
 2004-Jul-14  07 01 47 +16 00 12  1.297926  2.289075   9.6051  Gem 
 2004-Jul-19  07 18 36 +15 10 11  1.337655  2.325199  10.2876  Gem 
 2004-Jul-24  07 34 42 +14 16 43  1.378696  2.361849  11.0541  Gem 
 2004-Jul-29  07 50 07 +13 20 26  1.420819  2.398694  11.9127  Gem 
    This was the lousiest visit of all! 103P angularly hugged the Sun 
at a remote distance from Earth.. Only a few observations were made 
compared to the 1997 return. 
    In its current orbit, until the next mutation by Jupiter in 2054, 
Hartley-2 alternates between a good visit with perihelia in fall or 
winter and awful ones with perihelia in spring or summer. This comes 
from the 6-1/2 year period that puts Earth on opposite sides of the 
Sun relative to the comet for each apparition. 
    The next round in 2010 is specially favorable, such that for the 
first time in its known life 103P may reach naked-eye visibility. 
2010 apparition 
    103P was recovered at Paranal Observatory on 5 May 2008 and 
monitored lightly there after. On 12 March 2010 regular and frequent 
observations began. The comet is under intense scrutiny to better plan 
for the meet with Deep Impact in fall of 2010. Home observations began 
in July-August when the comet came into reach of medium-size scopes. 
 Orbital elements are taken from MPC 70362 
 Epoch 2010 Oct. 11.0 TT = JDT 2455480.5 
 Peri T   2010 Oct 28.2670 TT 
 Peri AU  1.058693             (2000.0)
 M D M    0.1523112      Arg Peri  181.2025 
 S M A    3.472547       Asc Node  219.7600
 Excenty  0.695125       Inclintn   13.6184
 Period   6.47y
 Date 0hUT   R A    (2000)   Decl   Earth   Sun     Elong  Mag 
 ----------  --------------------   ------  ------  -----  ---
 2010 09 01  22 50 33.1 +37 53 22   0.3935  1.3120  133.6  8.8
 2010 09 02  22 51 40.5 +38 24 02   0.3853  1.3044  133.5  8.7 
 2010 09 03  22 52 51.6 +38 54 58   0.3771  1.2970  133.3  8.6
 2010 09 04  22 54 06.6 +39 26 10   0.3690  1.2896  133.2  8.5
 2010 09 05  22 55 26.0 +39 57 38   0.3610  1.2822  133.1  8.4
 2010 09 06  22 56 50.1 +40 29 23   0.3531  1.2750  132.9  8.3
 2010 09 07  22 58 19.5 +41 01 26   0.3453  1.2678  132.7  8.3
 2010 09 08  22 59 54.6 +41 33 46   0.3375  1.2606  132.6  8.2
 2010 09 09  23 01 35.9 +42 06 26   0.3299  1.2536  132.4  8.1
 2010 09 10  23 03 24.2 +42 39 24   0.3223  1.2467  132.2  8.0
 2010 09 11  23 05 20.0 +43 12 42   0.3149  1.2398  132.0  7.9
 2010 09 12  23 07 24.1 +43 46 21   0.3075  1.2330  131.8  7.8
 2010 09 13  23 09 37.3 +44 20 22   0.3002  1.2263  131.6  7.7 
 2010 09 14  23 12 00.4 +44 54 44   0.2930  1.2197  131.4  7.6 
 2010 09 15  23 14 34.4 +45 29 28   0.2858  1.2132  131.2  7.5
 2010 09 16  23 17 20.4 +46 04 34   0.2788  1.2068  131.0  7.4
 2010 09 17  23 20 19.4 +46 40 03   0.2718  1.2004  130.7  7.3
 2010 09 18  23 23 32.7 +47 15 53   0.2649  1.1942  130.5  7.2
 2010 09 19  23 27 01.8 +47 52 03   0.2582  1.1881  130.3  7.1
 2010 09 20  23 30 48.1 +48 28 32   0.2515  1.1821  130.1  7.0
 2010 09 21  23 34 53.3 +49 05 18   0.2448  1.1762  129.9  6.9
 2010 09 22  23 39 19.3 +49 42 17   0.2383  1.1704  129.7  6.8
 2010 09 23  23 44 08.2 +50 19 24   0.2319  1.1648  129.5  6.7
 2010 09 24  23 49 22.1 +50 56 34   0.2255  1.1592  129.3  6.5
 2010 09 25  23 55 03.5 +51 33 39   0.2193  1.1538  129.1  6.4
 2010 09 26  00 01 15.2 +52 10 29   0.2132  1.1485  128.9  6.3
 2010 09 27  00 08 00.0 +52 46 51   0.2071  1.1433  128.7  6.2
 2010 09 28  00 15 21.0 +53 22 30   0.2012  1.1383  128.5  6.1 
 2010 09 29  00 23 21.4 +53 57 07   0.1954  1.1333  128.3  6.0 
 2010 09 30  00 32 04.5 +54 30 17   0.1897  1.1285  128.1  5.9 
 2010 10 01  00 41 33.7 +55 01 31   0.1842  1.1239  127.9  5.8
 2010 10 02  00 51 52.1 +55 30 15   0.1788  1.1194  127.7  5.7
 2010 10 03  01 03 02.4 +55 55 49   0.1736  1.1150  127.5  5.6
 2010 10 04  01 15 06.8 +56 17 23   0.1685  1.1108  127.4  5.5
 2010 10 05  01 28 06.3 +56 34 04   0.1635  1.1067  127.2  5.4
 2010 10 06  01 42 00.6 +56 44 50   0.1588  1.1028  127.0  5.4
 2010 10 07  01 56 47.6 +56 48 35   0.1543  1.0990  126.8  5.3
 2010 10 08  02 12 23.1 +56 44 09   0.1500  1.0954  126.6  5.2
 2010 10 09  02 28 40.3 +56 30 20   0.1459  1.0920  126.4  5.1
 2010 10 10  02 45 30.4 +56 06 03   0.1420  1.0887  126.2  5.0
 2010 10 11  03 02 42.3 +55 30 16   0.1385  1.0855  125.9  4.9
 2010 10 12  03 20 03.3 +54 42 12   0.1352  1.0826  125.7  4.8
 2010 10 13  03 37 20.3 +53 41 20   0.1322  1.0798  125.4  4.8
 2010 10 14  03 54 20.4 +52 27 27   0.1295  1.0771  125.0  4.7
 2010 10 15  04 10 51.8 +51 00 41   0.1271  1.0747  124.6  4.6
 2010 10 16  04 26 44.9 +49 21 35   0.1251  1.0724  124.2  4.6
 2010 10 17  04 41 52.2 +47 30 59   0.1235  1.0702  123.7  4.5
 2010 10 18  04 56 08.4 +45 30 03   0.1223  1.0683  123.2  4.5
 2010 10 19  05 09 30.8 +43 20 09   0.1214  1.0665  122.6  4.5
 2010 10 20  05 21 58.4 +41 02 54   0.1209  1.0649  122.0  4.5
 2010 10 21  05 33 31.9 +38 39 56   0.1208  1.0635  121.4  4.4
 2010 10 22  05 44 12.9 +36 12 59   0.1211  1.0623  120.7  4.4
 2010 10 23  05 54 04.1 +33 43 43   0.1218  1.0612  120.0  4.4
 2010 10 24  06 03 08.3 +31 13 42   0.1228  1.0604  119.3  4.5
 2010 10 25  06 11 28.7 +28 44 22   0.1242  1.0597  118.7  4.5
 2010 10 26  06 19 08.7 +26 16 58   0.1259  1.0592  118.0  4.5
 2010 10 27  06 26 11.4 +23 52 34   0.1280  1.0588  117.3  4.5
 2010 10 28  06 32 39.8 +21 32 02   0.1304  1.0587  116.7  4.6
 2010 10 29  06 38 36.8 +19 16 02   0.1330  1.0587  116.1  4.6
 2010 10 30  06 44 05.1 +17 05 04   0.1359  1.0590  115.6  4.7
 2010 10 31  06 49 07.0 +14 59 27   0.1391  1.0594  115.1  4.7
 2010 11 01  06 53 44.8 +12 59 24   0.1424  1.0600  114.6  4.8
 2010 11 02  06 58 00.6 +11 04 58   0.1460  1.0607  114.2  4.8
 2010 11 03  07 01 56.0 +09 16 10   0.1498  1.0617  113.9  4.9
 2010 11 04  07 05 32.9 +07 32 55   0.1537  1.0628  113.6  5.0
 2010 11 05  07 08 52.5 +05 55 03   0.1578  1.0641  113.4  5.0
 2010 11 06  07 11 56.4 +04 22 26   0.1620  1.0656  113.2  5.1
 2010 11 07  07 14 45.7 +02 54 49   0.1663  1.0673  113.1  5.2
 2010 11 08  07 17 21.5 +01 32 01   0.1708  1.0692  113.0  5.2
 2010 11 09  07 19 44.8 +00 13 47   0.1753  1.0712  112.9  5.3
 2010 11 10  07 21 56.5 -01 00 06   0.1799  1.0734  112.9  5.4
 2010 11 11  07 23 57.4 -02 09 52   0.1846  1.0758  113.0  5.5
 2010 11 12  07 25 48.2 -03 15 46   0.1894  1.0783  113.1  5.5
 2010 11 13  07 27 29.6 -04 17 59   0.1942  1.0810  113.2  5.6
 2010 11 14  07 29 02.2 -05 16 44   0.1991  1.0839  113.3  5.7
 2010 11 15  07 30 26.5 -06 12 13   0.2040  1.0870  113.5  5.8
 2010 11 16  07 31 43.0 -07 04 36   0.2090  1.0902  113.8  5.9
 2010 11 17  07 32 52.1 -07 54 05   0.2140  1.0935  114.0  5.9
 2010 11 18  07 33 54.3 -08 40 49   0.2191  1.0971  114.3  6.0
 2010 11 19  07 34 49.8 -09 24 56   0.2241  1.1007  114.6  6.1
 2010 11 20  07 35 39.0 -10 06 36   0.2292  1.1046  114.9  6.2
 2010 11 21  07 36 22.2 -10 45 55   0.2343  1.1086  115.3  6.2
 2010 11 22  07 36 59.6 -11 23 01   0.2395  1.1127  115.7  6.3
 2010 11 23  07 37 31.6 -11 58 00   0.2446  1.1170  116.1  6.4
 2010 11 24  07 37 58.4 -12 30 59   0.2497  1.1214  116.5  6.5
 2010 11 25  07 38 20.1 -13 02 03   0.2549  1.1260  117.0  6.6
 2010 11 26  07 38 36.9 -13 31 17   0.2601  1.1307  117.4  6.6
 2010 11 27  07 38 49.1 -13 58 45   0.2653  1.1355  117.9  6.7
 2010 11 28  07 38 56.8 -14 24 31   0.2705  1.1405  118.4  6.8
 2010 11 29  07 39 00.1 -14 48 40   0.2757  1.1456  118.9  6.9
 2010 11 30  07 38 59.4 -15 11 15   0.2809  1.1509  119.5  7.0
 2010 12 01  07 38 54.6 -15 32 19   0.2861  1.1562  120.0  7.0
 2010 12 02  07 38 46.0 -15 51 54   0.2914  1.1617  120.6  7.1
 2010 12 03  07 38 33.7 -16 10 04   0.2966  1.1673  121.2  7.2
 2010 12 04  07 38 17.9 -16 26 51   0.3019  1.1730  121.7  7.3
 2010 12 05  07 37 58.8 -16 42 17   0.3072  1.1789  122.3  7.4
 2010 12 06  07 37 36.5 -16 56 24   0.3125  1.1848  123.0  7.4
 2010 12 07  07 37 11.2 -17 09 14   0.3178  1.1908  123.6  7.5
 2010 12 08  07 36 43.2 -17 20 50   0.3232  1.1970  124.2  7.6
 2010 12 09  07 36 12.4 -17 31 13   0.3286  1.2033  124.8  7.7
 2010 12 10  07 35 39.2 -17 40 26   0.3340  1.2096  125.5  7.8
 2010 12 11  07 35 03.7 -17 48 29   0.3394  1.2161  126.1  7.9
 2010 12 12  07 34 26.1 -17 55 25   0.3449  1.2226  126.8  7.9
 2010 12 13  07 33 46.4 -18 01 15   0.3504  1.2293  127.4  8.0
 2010 12 14  07 33 05.0 -18 06 01   0.3559  1.2360  128.1  8.1
 2010 12 15  07 32 21.8 -18 09 45   0.3615  1.2428  128.7  8.2
 2010 12 16  07 31 37.1 -18 12 28   0.3671  1.2498  129.4  8.3
 2010 12 17  07 30 51.1 -18 14 11   0.3728  1.2567  130.0  8.3
 2010 12 18  07 30 03.9 -18 14 56   0.3786  1.2638  130.7  8.4
 2010 12 19  07 29 15.5 -18 14 45   0.3843  1.2710  131.3  8.5
 2010 12 20  07 28 26.3 -18 13 38   0.3902  1.2782  132.0  8.6
 2010 12 21  07 27 36.2 -18 11 38   0.3961  1.2855  132.6  8.7
 2010 12 22  07 26 45.5 -18 08 46   0.4020  1.2929  133.3  8.8
 2010 12 23  07 25 54.2 -18 05 03   0.4081  1.3003  133.9  8.8
 2010 12 24  07 25 02.6 -18 00 30   0.4142  1.3078  134.5  8.9
 2010 12 25  07 24 10.6 -17 55 10   0.4203  1.3154  135.1  9.0
 2010 12 26  07 23 18.5 -17 49 02   0.4266  1.3230  135.7  9.1
 2010 12 27  07 22 26.3 -17 42 09   0.4329  1.3307  136.3  9.2
 2010 12 28  07 21 34.3 -17 34 32   0.4393  1.3384  136.9  9.2
 2010 12 29  07 20 42.4 -17 26 13   0.4458  1.3462  137.5  9.3
 2010 12 30  07 19 50.9 -17 17 11   0.4524  1.3541  138.1  9.4
 2010 12 31  07 18 59.9 -17 07 30   0.4591  1.3620  138.6  9.5 
Deep Impact
    Hartley-2 is only the second comet bright enough to be appreciated 
by the public during a spacecraft visit. The other, the first, was 
Halley in 1986. All other spacecraft-comet meets occurred when the 
comet was too faint for easy view by the public. For this reason, 
space advocates may show Hartley-2 in the sky as a visible example of 
the space program, rather than relying only on media reports. 
    Deep Impact is the first spaceprobe to interact with a comet. 
Prior visits were passive flybys to investigate the comet but not 
disturb it. On 5 July 2005 it fired two darts into the nucleus of 
9P/Tempel-1 to break out interior materials before solar heating 
disturbs them. The hits were not visible from New York because their 
timing was optimized for the West Coast and Hawaii, whose large 
observatories were ready to see them. 
    After visiting 9P the spacecraft entered an extended mission to 
inspect a second comet, 85P/Boethin. To reach Boethin the probe needed 
a gravity assist from an Earth flyby in December 2007. 
    Boethin was due to return in 2008. By summer 2007 the comet didn't 
show up. We either had a inaccurate orbit for it or it dissipated. 
    The alternative was 103P, returning in 2010. A change of course 
began on 27 December 2007. The Earth swingby was tweaked to reach 
Hartley-2. The mission would take 2 more years and 3 more Earth flybys  
    We will see, in a high dark sky from the City, the encounter on 
November 4. Inspection of the comet begins on September 5 and ends on 
November 25. Here's a timeline of Deep Impact 
    2005 Jan 12 - Deep Impact launch toward comet 9P/Tempel-1 
    2005 Jul  4 - DI meets Tempel-1, fires darts into it 
    2006 Aug    - DI heads for comet 85P/Boethin 
    2007 Oct    - 103P/Hartley-2 alternate for 85P/Boethin 
    2007 Dec 27 - DI changes to head for 103P/Hartley-2 
    2007 Dec 31 - close flyby of Earth 
    2008 Dec 29 - close flyby of Earth 
    2009 Jun 19 - far flyby of Earth 
    2009 Dec 28 - far flyby of Earth 
    2010 Jun 27 - close flyby of Earth 
    2010 Sep  5 - DI begins examination of Hartley-2 
    2010 Oct 20 - Hartley-2 proximity to Earth 
    2010 Oct 28 - Hartley-2 perihelion 
    2010 Nov  4 - DI meets Hartley-2, ~1,000km 
    2010 Nov 25 - DI ends examination of Hartley-2 
    As at mid September 2010 there are no announced ideas for sending 
Deep Impact to a third comet. 
    For ordinary telescopes there is nothing special to see during the 
Deep Impact flyby. With no more darts, there is no flare up or other 
visible effect. The comet behaves as if nothing happened, altho Deep 
Impact passes only 1,000 kilometers from it. 
    Deep Impact is one of many spacecraft visiting comets since the 
first in 1986 to inspect comet 1P/Halley. Here is a table of comet 
visits, plus a couple in the future. 
 1986-03-06  Vega 1       Flyby of Halley 
 1986-03-08  Suisei       Flyby of Halley 
 1986-03-09  Vega 2       Flyby of Halley 
 1986-03-11  Sakigake     Flyby of Halley 
 1986-03-14  Giotto       Flyby of Halley 
 1992-07-10  Giotto       Flyby of Grigg-Skjellerup 
 2001-09-22  Deep Space 1 Flyby of Borrelly 
 2004-01-02  Stardust     Collect samples from Wild-2 
 2005-07-04  Deep Impact  Shoot darts into Tempel-1 
 2006-07-06  Rosetta      Fly thru Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova ion trail 
 2010-11-04  Deep Impact  Flyby of Hartley-2 
 2011-02-15  Stardust     Flyby of Tempel-1 
 2014-05-01  Rosetta      Orbit & land at Churyumov-Gerasimenko 
    We had several failures, from a variety of causes, showing that 
space projects are not fully reliable. 
 1996-02-03  Sakigake     Flyby of Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova 
 1998-11-29  Sakigake     Flyby of Giacobini-Zinner 
 2001-01     Deep Space 1 Flyby of Wilson-Harrington 
 2003-11-12  Contour      Flyby of Encke 
 2006-06-18  Contour      Flyby of Schwassmann-Wachmann-3 
 2008-09     Deep Impact  Flyby of Boethin 
 2008-08-16  Contour      Flyby of d'Arrest 
    Of the comets visited, four were photographed: Halley, Borrelly, 
Tempel-1, and Wild-2. The others were investigated without imaging. 
Mutations by Jupiter 
    The returns of comet 103P/Hartley-2 illustrate the mutations of a 
comet orbit due to close encounters with Jupiter. The signature of 
mutation is the perihelion distance, the first field in each entry 
under the title '103P'. This material is based on Kinoshita's 'Comet 
orbit home page' website as at April 2010. 
    The frequent approaches to Jupiter are cause by the proximity of 
the comet's aphelion and ascending node to Jupiter's orbit and low 
orbit inclination. This proximity is the same feature that for Earth 
could produce a meteor shower. We have no evidence for a Hartley-2 
meteor shower on Jupiter. 
    Hartley-2 is tugged many times by Jupiter and a few by earth, the 
latter with only minor modulations of the orbit. Such distortion of 
comet orbits is common, specially in the Jupiter family of comets. 
    The fields in each entry are: 
        line 1: comet designation, comet name, asterisk 'not observed' 
    flag, perihelion date 
        line 2: perihelion distance in AU, excentricity, argument of 
    perihelion, longitude of ascending node, inclination, epoch of the 
        line 3: when Hartley-2 comes close to Earth or Jupiter, a 
    third line gives the interacting planet, proximity AU, and 
    proximity date. 
 returns before discovery in 1986
 103P             Hartley                    *1903-02-08.14559  
 2.0518993 0.5356198 142.94600 239.86645  17.09744 1903-02-15 
 103P             Hartley                    *1912-06-01.52455  
 2.0622190 0.5347779 143.08194 239.87481  17.08717 1912-06-07 
 103P             Hartley                    *1921-10-07.16386  
 2.0686155 0.5341476 143.12983 239.74981  17.08230 1921-09-28 
 103P             Hartley                    *1931-02-04.86556  
 2.0574175 0.5345944 143.23591 239.66005  17.12103 1931-01-19 
 103P             Hartley                    *1940-06-16.46622  
 2.0891874 0.5313073 144.89324 238.24948  17.21247 1940-06-20 
    Jupiter  0.2246 AU  1947-08-24.8 TT 
 103P             Hartley                    *1949-09-26.00171  
 1.6216229 0.5920478 156.27642 236.83803  16.76859 1949-10-11 
 103P             Hartley                    *1957-09-08.82061  
 1.6297883 0.5910685 156.50972 236.69901  16.78519 1957-08-30 
 103P             Hartley                    *1965-08-15.99927  
 1.6193803 0.5924260 156.55832 236.67109  16.82276 1965-08-28 
    Jupiter  0.0851     1971-04-28.8 
 103P             Hartley                    *1973-05-02.85939  
 0.9046493 0.7295589 177.02542 228.52974   8.09034 1973-04-28 
 103P             Hartley                    *1979-06-17.66336  
 0.9042286 0.7296553 177.11056 228.46338   8.09559 1979-06-16  564 
    Jupiter  0.3255     1982-11-02.5 
 returns since discovery in 1986
 103P/1986 E2     Hartley                     1985-06-04.86939  
 0.9516158 0.7198380 174.81100 226.85391   9.25270 1985-06-24 
 103P/1991 N1     Hartley                     1991-09-11.65165  
 0.9532959 0.7194930 174.89578 226.78441   9.25173 1991-09-21 
    Jupiter  0.3743     1993-12-19.3 
 103P             Hartley                     1997-12-22.01729  
 1.0317242 0.7003778 180.72265 219.95392  13.61882 1997-12-18 
 103P             Hartley                     2004-05-17.93900  
 1.0362737 0.6995086 180.80972 219.89811  13.60199 2004-06-04 
    Earth    0.1209     2010-10-20.8 
 future returns after 2010
 103P             Hartley                     2010-10-28.26195  
 1.0586893 0.6951224 181.20103 219.76004  13.61839 2010-10-11 
 103P             Hartley                    *2017-04-20.51927  
 1.0659932 0.6934488 181.30112 219.72447  13.59396 20170507  508 
    Earth    0.3818     2023-09-26.3 
 103P             Hartley                    *2023-10-12.57652  
 1.0641023 0.6938314 181.30175 219.74995  13.61083 2023-1-023 
 103P             Hartley                    *2030-04-05.61146  
 1.0680647 0.6930279 181.29831 219.76408  13.59155 2030-04-09 
    Earth    0.6269     2036 09 08.5 
 103P             Hartley                    *2036-09-27.23614  
 1.0618407 0.6941552 181.31811 219.76029  13.61944 2036-09-24 
 103P             Hartley                    *2043-03-12.51752  
 1.0525249 0.6960063 181.38891 219.76661  13.64157 2043-03-12 
 103P             Hartley                    *2049-08-19.41102  
 1.0483750 0.6967196 181.45336 219.71798  13.66054 2049-08-27 
    Jupiter  0.7164     2054-03-19.0 
 103P             Hartley                    *2056-01-04.82834  
 0.9618776 0.7148464 184.00262 218.26999  13.18802 2056-01-03 
 103P             Hartley                    *2062-03-18.25970  
 0.9601372 0.7151760 184.08798 218.21109  13.19806 2062-04-01 
    Jupiter  0.2678     2065-11-13.8 
 103P             Hartley                    *2068-03-25.67604  
 0.9441748 0.7223482 188.75543 209.91109   8.81133 2068-04-09 
 103P             Hartley                    *2074-07-06.78067  
 0.9435124 0.7225629 188.87141 209.84278   8.81939 2074-07-07 
    Jupiter  0.2461     2076-12-11.3 
 103P             Hartley                    *2080-06-21.88718  
 0.9229968 0.7247793 186.57593 207.98225  12.89865 2080-06-05 
 103P             Hartley                    *2086-08-16.95372  
 0.9248434 0.7244692 186.65824 207.92204  12.89153 2086-09-02    
    Jupiter  0.4745     2088-07-29.3 
 103P             Hartley                    *2093-01-12.48561  
 1.0536232 0.6966945 189.93239 206.23491  14.26999 2093-01-08 
 103P             Hartley                    *2099-07-10.25193  
 1.0588402 0.6958038 190.00052 206.17864  14.24725 2099-06-26 
 103P             Hartley                    *2106-01-12.46297  
 1.0679765 0.6939909 190.13259 206.17941  14.22766 2106-01-21 
Jupiter comets
    In the course of solar system history Jupiter collected a stable of 
comets, the Jupiter family of comets. These are thought to be captured 
from the Kuiper Belt and perhaps contain primitive material with no 
disturbance by planet-forming processes. 
    This prospect alone made Jupiter comets prime candidates for 
spacecraft visits. Other factors are small ecliptic inclination, to 
avoid plane-change maneuver by the spacecraft, and periods of only a 
few years, for better chance that a suitable target is near to hand. 
    Jupiter comets lie close to the ecliptic, inclinations generally 
less than 20 degrees and aphelion near Jupiter's orbit, 5 to 6 AU from 
Sun. Additionally, many have one of their orbit nodes near aphelion, 
to further increase the chance to get close to the very planet. 
    The good chance of a proximity to Jupiter every several laps of 
the comet subjects the comet orbit to gravity distortion from the 
planet. The orbit suffers change near aphelion to bend it on different 
trajectories into the inner solar system. The reverse can happen, too, 
where a comet is moved to a farther orbit, no longer easily observed. 
    That's how Hartley-2 was first noticed. Prior to 1980 it was in an 
orbit too far away for detection, minding that before the 1980s we had 
nothing like the instruments and information processing of today. 
    It so happens that the perihelia of many Jupiter comets are near 1 
AU! It can be upsetting to think that these comets, could whump Earth 
merely because Jupiter pulled them into our path around the the Sun. 
What if Hartley-2's perihelion was shifted to quite 1 Au and not 1.06  
for the 2010 return? 
    We would probably not be hit, but 103P would be a really close 
object, among the very closest of all comets. How brilliantly it may 
shine in our sky! On the other hand, the proximity to Earth makes for 
a shorter, simpler, cheaper space mission to visit the comet. 
    Hartley-2 is sometimes called a young comet. We do not know when 
it was formed, so this is not a chronological dating. The term refers 
to the high level of activity during each apparition since discovery. 
It seems to have a full charge of volatile gases with so far no sign 
of running low. This may be because its prior orbit was too far from 
the Sun to vaporize and thus lose the gases so vigorously. 
    103P starts jivving up after it rounds aphelion and starts falling 
toward the Sun, as do most other comets. Its outgas continues thru 
perihelion and into the outward arm of its orbit. 
    A feature for Hartley-2 and many other Jupiter comets is the 
extended span of activity. After starting up on the inward arm of the 
orbit, it continues to and beyond the next aphelion. There is only a 
brief span when the comet is quiet before the next cycle of outgas 
    The nucleus of 103P seems to be rather small, only 1-1/2 kilometer 
diameter. Other Jupiter comets we examined by spaceprobe have nuclei 
of many to about 10 kilometer diameter. The inspection of the Hartley-
2 nucleus by Deep Impact will surely elucidate its true character. 
    The nucleus also may be tidally loosened during close approaxhes to
Jupiter, releasing interior dust. The dust trailsd the comet in its 
orbit, as already spotted for hartley-2 in infrared observations. The
dust trail MAY cause a meteor shower when Earth is closest to the comet
or crosses its line of nodes.More on this in 'Meteor shower?'
    Jupiter comets traditionally have distinct apparitions. They are 
first spotted sometime after a given aphelion and are last seen 
sometime before the next aphelion. Around aphelion they are invisible 
because they are inactive and dim and the observing limitations 
prevailing for each apparition. 
    Increasing so in recent years it is possible to observe a Jupiter 
comet thruout its orbits all the way thru aphelion. There is no 
recovery in the traditional sense to mark the start of a new 
    The comet is then called a perennial comet, one that can, in 
principle, be viewed at any time. Hartley-2 so far still has separate 
apparitions but maybe this round will be the last one. We recovered 
103P only a year after the last aphelion and probably can follow it 
thru the next aphelion. If so, Hartley-2 joins the small but growing 
ranks of perennial comets. 
Resonance orbits
    I'll discuss a bit about the effect of resonance between Jupiter 
and Hartley-2, as an example of a common feature of Jupiter comets. 
I give here only an illustration, assuming the comet's orbit is stable
after the meet of 1993. It isn't, as seen in the elements in the 
'Apparitions' section. 
    Jupiter's period is 11.86 years; Hartley-2, 6.47. Start with the 
comet and Jupiter were together at the comet's aphelion in 1993, we 
first find the synodic period of comet as seen from Jupiter, from the 
usual formula:
    (syn per) = ((per home)*(per other))/((per home)-(per other)) 
'Home' is the planet we view from, Jupiter. 'Other' is, uh, the other 
planet we are looking at.
    (syn per) = ((11.86)*(6.47))/((11.86+)-(6.47)) 
              = (76.73)/(5.39)
              = (14.24)
    Wholly unlike the synodic period of two planets, in thier nearly 
circular orbits, the synodic period of 103P relative to Jupiter is 
highly varaible. The aspect in Jupiter's sky is also quite varied due 
to the wide range of distance the comet stands from Jupiter. The value 
found here is only an average.
    If we next ask when the two orbs are together at the comet's 
aphelion, we must hop around Jupiter's orbit synodic period by synodic 
period. This is found by the ratio of the two periods
    (next meet at same orbital point) = (11.86)/(6.47) 
                                      = 1.833
This must be proportioned to a whole number of revolutions of both
Jupiter and comet. A few trials yield
    (next meet at same orbital point) = (11.86/Jup lap)/(6.47/comet lap) 
                                      = (11/Jup lap)/(6/comet lap) 
                                      = (11 somet lap)/(6 Jupiter lap) 
    6 Jupiter laps around the Sun equals 11 laps of 103P. This brings 
both bodies back to their mutual starting place, the aphelion of 103P 
6 Jupiter years is (6)*(11.86) = 71.18 years. 11 comet years is 
(11)*(6.47) = 71.18 years. 
    The next time we get a close meet of the two bodies is 71+ years 
after 1993, in 2064. This IS off of the true next encounter in 2054 
because I used a rigid comet orbit. The concept is valid that after 
so many rounds of the comet and Jupiter the two again jive together. 
    At this second encounter the comet sswerves into a new orbit and 
the prior resonance is broken; It is replaced by one based on the new 
orbital parameters. Jupiter marches on his way completely unaffected. 
    Comets shine by sunlight reflecting from its nucleus and by self-
luminance from its coma. The coma material is transparent, so there is 
little additional reflection from it in spite of its humongous size 
compared to the nucleus. 
    A major study of comet luminance is under way by Ferrin, which 
should be studied by comet fans. He has several pieces on his website  
'' including a special one on 
103P issued in August 2010 and an atlas for many comets (except 103P). 
    Hartley-2 when far from the Sun has its volatile gases frozen on 
its nucleus and the luminance is like that of an asteroid. The main 
difference is that the nucleus may be shinier from ices on its 
surface, not dark rock. The brightness by reflection is a simple rise 
and fall entered and symmetrical on the time of perihelion. 
    At some distance from the Sun on the approach arm of the orbit, 
solar heating is sufficient to sublime the ices and 103P turns on. It 
flourishes from then, thru perihelion. On the reproach arm solar 
hearing declines and the gases wane n light output. In the case of 
103P there is still luminous activity from the coma thru aphelion and 
into the next round of the comet. Condensation back to ices occurs 
near the beginning of the next approach run and the comet turns off. 
    This process repeats for each visit. At each visit some material is 
lost in the coma and tail, leaving less for future returns. Eventually 
the comet runs out of volatile material and becomes an asteroid. We 
suspect certain asteroids in cometary orbits are exhausted comets. 
    The light curve, plot of stellar magnitude against time, shows the 
stages of light output counting from aphelion. The letters key to the 
light curve below. 
    (a) When 103P is frozen there is a slow ramp up in brightness as 
the comet approaches the Sun and reflects more sunlight from its 
    (b) At the turnon point there is an sudden contribution from 
vaporization of the ices. The luminous output increases toward 
perihelion as more gases are released and are more strongly heated by 
proximity to the Sun.
    (c) Te comet grows in brightness along a slope governed by the 
kind and amount of gases producing the light. This is when most home 
astronomers first notice the comet. 
    (d) 103P has a break in the slope of the light curve shortly 
before perihelion. Hartley-2 has two main types of volatiles, the CO2 
and H2O class. The CO2 gases, including CO2 itself sublime first, 
while the H20, with real water, are harder to vaporize. The comet 
turns on with its CO2 vapors and later ignites its H2O vapors. 
    (e) The peak brightness is a little later than perihelion, not 
right at it. This lag of peak brightness is due to the heat budget of 
the comet similar to why our summer is hottest after the solstice, 
rather than right around it. 
    (f) As solar heating declines on the outward run of the comet, the 
gases contract and their contribution to brightness wanes. Now both 
kinds of gases are well mixed in the coma with no segregation of H2O 
and CO2. There is no break in slope after perihelion. 
    (g) By aphelion there is still vaporized gas lingering on 103P 
adding light above the pure nucleus reflection. This activity 
persisting after aphelion is the spillover effect, seen also in 
certain other comets. 
    (h) The gases are finally frozen at the turnoff point. The comet 
shines by reflection from the nucleus while riding inward toward the 
next turnon point. 
    In ASCII, the normal light curve is: 

                            perihelion     peak brightness 
                                     |     | 
                                     |     /\ 
                      H2O turn on    |  /  e  \ 
                                |    /          \ 
                                | /  |            \ 
                                /d   |              \ 
                               /     |                \  f 
                 CO2 turn on  / c    |                  \ 
                           | /       |                    \ 
   aphelion   turn off     |/        |                      \ aphelion 
          |     |       /  b         |                        \ | 
          |\ g  |   / a              |                          |g 
          |   \ |/                   |                          | 
                              before | after 
    Home astronomers typicly see a comet for the first time while it 
is active. We recognize a comet partly by its coma, which is a lot 
more obvious than a nucleus. The nucleus looks just like an asteroid. 
No one hunts for asteroids visually any more, but we still search for 
comets by eye at the telescope. 
    Magnitude estimates of the comet when active are made primarily by 
home astronomers while our campus colleagues engage in studies by more 
sophisticated instruments. Campus astronomers can do the studies when 
the comet is inactive, so most nucleus information comes from them. 
    The light curve of Hartley-2 can be stacked from each apparition 
to build a composite, much like we do for variable stars or exoplanet 
transits. The curve starts at the the previous aphelion and ends at 
the next one. 
    With the stacked, or folded or composite, light curve the plotted 
magnitudes can NOT be those expected for a given apparition. The 
plots, due to the radicly different observing conditions for each 
visit, are normalized in a way that's tough to visualize. A 'real' 
magnitude can be calculated from the curve but not by an easy in-the-
head method. 
    The study of Hartley-2 is complicated by the changing orbit and 
paucity of observations in 1985 and 2004. The best data prior to this 
2010 return was from the 1997 return. Already we are gathering far 
more and better data in the current round than ever before.
    So far they seem to agree with previous information and fit well 
into the comet's light curve. 
    Here is a timetable, based on Ferrin's work, of significant events 
for comet 103P/Hartley-2: 
    distance | time    | event
    5.86 AU  | -1167 d | previous aphelion 
    5.4  AU  |  -830 d | turn off & spillover from previous lap 
    4.2  AU  |  -400 d | turn on for CO2 
    1.2  AU  |   -41 d | turn on for H2O 
    1.07 AU  |   -10 d | proximity to Earth 
    1.06 AU  |     0 d | perihelion, 2010 Oct 28 
    1.06 AU  |    +7 d | meet with Deep Impact 
    1.08 AU  |   +16 d | peak brightness 
    5.86 AU  | +1167 d | next aphelion 
    5.4  AU  | +1504 d | turn off & spillover to next lap  
Observing the comet
    Treat 103P like any other deep sky target in the fall and winter 
sky. If you're rusty in this type of observing, please practice with 
targets plausibly similar to Hartley-2. These include M2 in Aquarius, 
M15 in Pegasus, M31 in Andromeda, M34 in Perseus. 
    Believe it or not, I personally, with Top of the lawn crew, got a 
pleasing view of M15 FROM CENTRAL PARK ON MANHATTAN on 14 September 
2010! We used a 100mm refractor near the floodlights of Wollman 
skating pond. Many authors, some respectable, claim there is little 
hope of stargazing -- or, so wrongly!, astronomy -- from New York. We 
can and we do. 
    Hartley-2 flies along the Milky Way for much of its path. You 
better walk along the Milky Way with binoculars to acquaint with 
wayside features that can fool you. Tiny clumps of stars, enhanced 
patches, globular nebular, all can be mistaken for the comet by an 
inexperienced observer. Recall that Messier himself got so fed up with 
being tricked that he started to compile his catalog of nebulae and 
clusters. That was in the mid 18th century. 
    One point to remember is that most timetables and ephemerides of 
comets are calcked for 0h UT on the listed date. Read the accompanying 
text carefully. This means that the entry is for 20h EDST on the 
PREVIOUS calendar date, or 19h EST starting in November. 
    For 103P this is particularly lucky because the 19-20 hour span is 
exacta mente when the comet is in high sky. You look in the spot 
marked for the NEXT calendar day in the ephemeris. 
    DOn't expect much of a tail. Some finder charts show a long brushy 
tail. This is either just a stylized symbol or a schematic tail of a 
nominal linear length. The program plots the angular length and 
orientation of a tail of, say, 15 million kilometer (1/10 AU).
    If so, you may assess your own view by comparing it to the 
standard one. Your view may reveal 3 degrees of tail. The chart has 
one of 13 degree. The linear length you see is a direct proportion: 
(your length) = (3/13)*(15 million km) = 3.46 million km. 
    Photography of the comet is like that of deepsky objects. If you 
can successfully image other autumn targets, you'll capture Hartley-2. 
The exposure duration may be curtailed by the rapid proper motion of 
103P as the only main caution.  
Meteor shower?  
    in 1997 Jennisken called attention to a possible meteor shower 
from Hartley-2 during its visit in that year. He figured out a radiant 
near beta Cygni with a spurt of meteors lasting a couple hours. He 
gave a range of 2-4 November 1997 to watch for the shower but no 
shower was definitely reported. 
    The 2010 visit puts Earth near Hartley-2 when it is rounding 
perihelion. Altho we are still some 18 million kilometers from the 
comet at proximity, its dust trail could reach out and send shooting 
stars to us. 
    Computing a meteor shower radiant is an exercise in 3D geometry 
and vectors. Because the calcs are rarely set out in the usual 
litterature, I give here my own figures. 
    By good fortune, 103P and Earth are running about parallel during 
proximity and perihelion. Both occur near the comet's descending node, 
so the radiant should be north of th ecliptic.
    This simplifies the angle between Earth and comet speed vectors, 
relative to Sun, to be essentially the orbit inclination. This for 
103P is 13.6 degree in a prograde orbit. 
    A curious fact is that at 1AU, where a meteor shower must take 
place on Earth, the speed of a comet relative to the Sun is 42 km/s. 
This is amazingly stable almost no matter what the orbital motion is, 
so in lack of an actual value, you may use this to start. I checked 
this for Hartley-2 with the JPL HORIZONS and it is in fact 42 km/s 
(rounded). We have the vector triangle: 
                      \   \   
                       \       \  V(c/s) 
                        \           \  
                  V(c/e) \               \ 
                          \                   \  
                         A ---------------------- 13.6d 
    By the law od Cosines, we get
    V(c/e)^2 = (V(c/s))^2+(V(e/s))^2-(2)*(V(c/s))*(V(e/s))*cos(incl)
             = (42km/s)^2 + (30km/s)^2 - (2)*(42)*(30)*cos)13.6) 
             = (1764)+(900)-(2520(*(0.9720)
             = (214.66) 
    v(C/E) = 14.65km/s
The meteors are chasing after Earth from behind it.
    We need the angle of the meteors, of V(c/e) to get the ecliptic 
latitude. This is the angle A in the diagram above. The exterior angle 
is the proper one. This is gotten by the Law of Sines: 
    sin(A) = sin(incl) * (V(c/s)) / (V(c/e)) 
           = sin(13.6) *(42km/s) / (14.65km/s) 
           = (0.2351) * (2.867) 
           = (0.0.6741) 
    A = 42.38 degree
    At the time of proximity, 2010 October 20, when the chance of 
catching shooting stars may be greatest, the Sun is in ecliptic 
longitude 206 degree, by correlation of longitude and calendar date. 
    Recall that Earth is heading in her orbit into a point on the 
ecliptic 90 degree BEHIND the Sun, into in this case longitude 116 
degrees, about half between Alhena and Pollux. 
    The meteors are catching up to Earth from behind, 180 degrees from 
Earth's motion, a chance simplification due to the parallel paths of 
Earth and comet. In the general case we have to measure the angle of 
attack of the comet orbit on Earth's. This is probably easiest done by 
scaling from an orbit plot in a computer solar system program. 
    One error, a really common one, is to look DOWN the path of the 
comet and not UP, into where the meteors are coming FROM. The radiant 
is the UPRANGE vanishing point along the comet orbit, not the 
downrange one. The wrong choice sends you to the diametricly opposite 
point in the sky. 
    The shooting stars emanate from longitude 296 degree. Therefore, 
the radiant, by my approximate work, is at ecliptic lat = +42d, lon = 
296d. By the coordinate conversion feature of a computer starchart 
program, this point is at RA = 19h 21m, dec = +20d. Spotting this 
point on the starchart yields a location a couple degree west of the 
Coathanger, Brocchi's, Al Sufi's, Collinder 399, star cluster! 
    We may look for meteor activity -- if there is any! -- at 
        ecliptic: lon = 296d, lat = +42d
        equator:  RA = 19h 21m, dec + +20d 
        sky point: couple degree west of Coathanger cluster 
        date: a few days centered on 2010 October 20 
    An other time to be on guard for a meteor shower is the moment of 
nodal crossing. 103P's line of nodes sits 219.8d toward the ascending 
node, near Jupiter, to 39.8d toward the descending node, near Earth. 
Earth crosses the descending side on 2 November 2010, taken from a 
date-longitude conversion. 
    The radiant, happily, is shifted almost entirely in ecliptic 
longitude, with only 2 degrees of southward shift in latitude. The 
longitude shift is 12 degrees, This is the 12 days farther motion of 
Earth in her orbit since the proximity date of 20 October. The radiant 
for the nodal date is: 
        ecliptic: lon = 308d, lat = +40d
        equator:  RA = 20h 01m, dec = +20d 28m 
        sky point: 8d east of Coathanger Cluster
        date: a few days centered on 2010 November 2
    These radiants, like other radiants, drift eastward quite 1 degree 
of longitude per day. The meteors will come from points EAST for later 
dates and WEST for earlier ones. Since a radiant is not a true point, 
but a spot a few degree diameter, as long as you're observing in late
October-early November, look at the Coathanger. 
    This area is in the EVENING sky, not the typical morning sky for 
meteor showers. There is NO guarantee of any shooting stars, but 
meteor fans can enjoy a cool autumn evening watching for them. 
    'Enjoy' is putting things politely. To stage a vigil for possible 
Hartley-2 meteors you need a darksky viewing site, just like for other 
meteor showers. Under a luminous sky you may see nothing resembling a 
shower. The thinking is that there may be only a splash of shooting 
stars for a couple hours on ONE of the days centered on the proximity 
of October 20th. 
    Patience, endurance, stoicism are prime prerequisites for catching 
any Hartley-2 meteors. Also hold in mind the recognition that there is 
NO prior history of shooting stars from this comet. 
    The 2010 return of 103P is by far the most favorable of all since 
discovery. It occurs in the fall season in the City, when the sk is 
generally the clearest and darkest. It happens within the annual 
Milky Way season during which there is the best chance of spotting the 
brighter patches of the Milky way from within the City frontiers., It 
opens on September 1 and runs thru November 30. 
    The main celestial impediment is the Moon. When she is near the 
comet, in Aquarius thru Gemini, her light may wash out the comet just 
as she does to deepsky objects. Note that she is then in large phase, 
being roughly opposite the Sun in the local sky. 
    Space fans are going wild with Hartley-2 as a shining specimen to 
for the space program. They can point to the comet and explain about 
Deep Impact and other interplanetary probes. Not since Halley in 1986 
could they do this so conveniently for the public. 
    As an astrodynamical specimen 103P will thrill you. Crank up your 
dynamics model of the solar system and watch Jupiter shift Hartley-2's 
orbit this way and than over the decades. 
    It's been a while ago that we in New York had a good comet. Most 
others were dim and diffuse, The lst really good one was Hale-Bopp in 
1997 and the surprise treat of the explosion in Holmes in 2007. We are 
ITCHING to see a bright comet and here it is!