 John Pazmino
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2015 December 3 initial 
 2020 April 25 current 

    The upbringing of home astronomers includes many concepts about 
light and luminous output of celestial objects. Almost always they are 
treated as distinct subjects with little hint that some are actually 
mutations of a one single concept. 
    That concept is the behavior of light radiating equally in all 
directions from a point source. Since celestial objects can often be 
treated as point sources as seen from far away and, in the absence of 
specific knowledge, they shine uniformly to all quarters of their 
world, understanding how light behaves is crucial for the astronomer. 
    An other prime consideration is that the emission is unmolested on 
its way to Earth. We assume, in absence of specific information to the 
contrary, that the intervening space is free of diffusing, absorbing,  
dispersive, reflective material. 
    A newer consideration is that the geometry of space is 'flat' over 
the path of the radiation. For extremely remote sources the radiation 
passes thru space that during the light travel is continuously 
expanding. ThIS expansion impresses a distortion into the way  these 
sources illuminate Earth. 
    I found several topics relating to luminous emission that here are 
discussed as facets of a one single concept, the Inverse-Square Law of 
radiation. I say 'radiation' because we can explore the universe in 
just about all wavelengths, or frequency, of electromagnetic energy, 
not only that in the luminous range of the spectrum. 

    Recall that 'light' is not itself a physical substance. It can not 
be objectively measured without recourse to human perception. If there 
were no humans, the universe would be 'dark' in that it would NOT be 
filled with luminous sources, as some sci-fi scenarios imagine. In 
fact the universe would be filled with radiant energy ALL of which is 
INVISIBLE simply because we humans aren't there to see it. 
    Light is the human physiological response to a limited range of 
wavelength of radiation incident into the eye-brain mechanism. 
Radiation within about 360nm and 720nm wavelength excites the eye-
brain to yield the the sensation of vision. Incident radiation outside 
these limits do not produce vision. 
    It took until the mid 20th century for astronomers to fully 
appreciate the distinction between light and general radiative 
emission. Photometers and light-meters ended up merely approximating 
the eye-brain response to radiation. Photography also was such an 
effort, leading to film chemistry that mimicked the human vision 
    In history, only light was available for exploring the universe 
form Earth. Our atmosphere filtered out large segments of the incoming 
radiation. Certain other segments simply were never imagined to exist. 
    The Sun was treated as a source of 'light' and 'heat', altho both 
were part of the one flux of radiation with different responses by 
humans. These were  vision and warmth. 
    Other radiations from celestial objects were hinted at in the 19th 
century, such as infrared studied by Herschel and radio eaves detected 
by Tesla. They were poorly studied for the crude instruments of the 
day. It wasn't until the 1930s when Jansky and Reber made deliberate 
investigations of radio-band noise from beyond Earth that we realized 
the potential range of other radiations emitted by celestial targets. 
    The opening of astronomy to the full range of celestial radiation 
began in the 1960s with astrophysical satellites. By the 1980s just 
about the entire electromagnetic spectrum was open for exploration 
from space. 

Inverse-Square Law 
    One of the most lousy explanations in astronomy is for one of the 
most basic ideas of astronomy! We all see the diagram of rays from a 
point diverging as they recede outward. They pass thru screens with 
one, four, nine, maybe sixteen squares. The trick is to see that as 
the distance from the source increases, the density of the rays 
received on the screens decreases as the square of that distance. 
    Altho very technicly this picture is correct, altho sometimes 
incorrectly drawn!, it is hardly a useful mechanism for furthering the 
home astronomer's career.
    Let's see what REALLY happens to the radiant energy. Place a 
sphere, of any desired radius, centered on the source. All radiation 
from the source must intercept this sphere, which in maths is called a 
Gauss sphere. The amount of radiation over the sphere is the same for 
all such spheres of what ever radius we choose.
    This is the key to understanding the inverse-square law. 
    We define irradiation as the radiant energy, or energy, the flow 
or flux, passing a unit area of the sphere. If the power output of the 
source is P, in watts, and the radius of the sphere is r, in meters, 
the irradiation, I, is cited in watt/meter2 at radius r from the 
source. The radiant energy is captured by the whole area of the 
sphere, which is 4*pi**(r^2), so. 

                  I = P / (4 * pi * (r ^ 2)) 

                  I :: 1 / (r ^ 2)

    And that is it! 
    We derived the Inverse-Square Law in a simple, 
e legant, mature, wholesome manner. 

    |                                 | 
    | I = P / (4 * pi * (r ^ 2))      | 

    The sphere enclosing the source does not have to a sphere, nor 
does it have to be centered on the source. Any closed surface, with no 
holes or tears, is valid. it may have folds, so the radiation enters 
and leaves thru them. It can be shown that in all cases the Inverse-
Square law holds true. The difference is the complexity of tracing the 
rays thru irregular enclosing surfaces.  We used a centered sphere for 
the simplicity of the maths. 

Watts and lumens 
    We could have stopped here if this was an article within ordinary 
physics. The radiant power of the source is in watts. The distance, 
radius of the Gauss sphere, is in meters. The irradiation is then is 
    As a separate branch of science we played with 'light' which we 
treated as a luminous flux from the source. We dimensioned this flux 
in lumans and the incidence of this flux on the Gauss sphere was in 
lumens.meter2. Lumen is the analogy in light to the watt in total 
    The Inverse-Square law for light is identical to the general one, 
except for the units of measure. The lumems received per unit area is 
the illumination of that area. There still seems to be no definite 
word for the luminous output of a source. Lumwnpower is a common one. 
    On and off physicists tried to determine the equivalence of watts 
and lumen. A  lamp bulb consumes electric in watts and emits light in 
lumens of light. The effort was frustrated by the weak knowledge of 
the hums vision mechanism and the tenet that light was really a 
physical substance. Since watt is a measure of mechanical power, the 
equivalence was sometimes called the mechanical equivalent of light. 

Try this experiment
    You need a light-meter or other device that measures incident 
illumination in lux or foot-candle. Recall that for all intents and 
purposes one foot-candle equals ten lux. Or, in essences, the 'metric 
foot-candle' is 10 lux. The foot-candle had an oldstyle definition but 
almost universally we slided it into the metric system as being 10 
    In any rectangle room at home place a bare-bulb lamp in any 
convenient spot, like an end table. it does not have to be centered in 
the room but in a place where you can work all around it. 
    Measure the dimensions of the room and work out its surface area, 
in square meters. All other lighting in the room are now turned 
off, leaving only the test lamp turned on. it may be easiest to do 
this experiment at night with window shades closed. This lessens the 
influx of lighting from outside. 
    With the light-meter take illumination readings within each square 
meter of the room, including floor and ceiling. You may need a step-
stool to reach the ceiling and work around immobile furniture to get 
at certain parts of the wall. 
    Tabulate the readings, m2-by-m2, and strike their sum. You in 
principle must multiply each by the area associated with it, Because 
you already did the measurements in square-meter cells, the multiply 
is '1m2' for each reading. You may have to do the explicit 
multiply for fractional square-meter sections of the room. 
    The sum approximates the lumen rating of the lamp bulb, 
which should be marked on the bulb or its package. A tolerance of 10-
15 percent would be quite a good success. 
    You actually surrounded the lamp with a Gauss surface, the room, 
to capture all of the lumens sent out by the lamp. You collected the 
illumination all over the room, summed them, to [more or less] equal 
that lumen output. You had to work in sections because the 
illumination over the room is very uneven. If the room was a sphere 
centered on the lamp, you would need only one reading, knowing it was 
the same all over the room. This assumes, as is largely true, the bulb 
radiates uniformly in all directions. 

Limits of ISL
    ISL is defined for point sources. In the experiment with the lamp and 
room, the lamp is not a point source. If the room is several meters 
long and wide from any point n its surface the lamp is a small annular 
extended source. Is ISL valid for such sources?
    There are no truly point sources, not even in labs devoted to 
photometry. A blackhole is a geometrical point but it does not 
radiate. Radiation associated with a blackhole comes from outside its 
event horizon, which is not a point source. 
 When a source has angular extent as seen at the enclosing surface, 
light rays from the source arrive at sthe receiving surface in 
overlapping radial paths. Each point of the source overlays its own 
ISL effect on the surface. 
    the inverse-square law is a limiting situation. As a source 
appears angularly smaller, by shrinking or diaphragm or distance, is 
approximates a point and ISL becomes a better means of assessing the 
illumination fro it. 
    As the source enlarges angularly, ISL becomes a worse and worse 
illumination method. How large can a source be to throw doubt on use 
of the inverse-square law?
    It by good luck for astronomy, celestial light sources are overall 
angularly so small that they can be treated as point sources without 
sensible error. Stars, planets, galaxies, most nebulae and clusters, 
even the very Sun and Moon, are point sources for use of the inverse-
square law. 
    Large targets like huge comets, the Nubeculae, Milky Way band, 
aurorae, clouds, twilight glow produce erroneous results under ISL. 
    We look at two examples of extended light sources, a long linear 
source like a fluorescent or neon tube and a flat area like panel-
lucent ceiling or open ground. 
    The linear source is of indefinite length to avoid complications 
from the ends. We surround a unit length of the line with a cylinder, 
of radius r and centered on the line. This is for geometric simplicity 
like the sphere for a point sources. Light rays flow from the line to 
illuminate the cylinder.  
    The illuminated area is the circumference of the cylinder times 
the unit length along the linear source. We have 

        I - P / (2 * pi * r)

        I :: 1 / r 

From a linear source the light falls off as the inverse radius, NOT 
    For a planar source, taking a unitt area. rays flow orthongally to 
the plane. The plane is idefinitely large to avoid vomplication from 
the edges. 
    We surround the unit area of the source with a flat surface 
parallel to the source plane, again for geometric ease. Lumens arrive 
at the receiving surface in parallel streams with no divergence . The 
surface at all distances from the source get the same illumination 

        I = P  / (unit area) 

 .      I - constant 

    An experiment to try is taking illumination readings of the ground 
from various elevations above it. a cloudy day is best because the 
ground is then radiating an even light with no shadows and highlights. 
    Elevation is easiest obtained by observing from high-rise 
buildings, aerial highways, elevated transit lines. Other options are 
a ride in a balloon or glider. 
    The readings should all be the same for all elevations. 

Apparent magnitude 
    By history astronomers did not apply the physical measure of 
illumination. They used, as invented by Hipparchus, a scale of 
'brightness' for the stars. From the Greek era until the mid 1800s 
this scale was informal, based on eyeball assessments of the stars. 
    Hipparchus himself assigned class, tier, rank 1 to the brightest 
stars, about 15 of them above the horizon of Greece. The fainter 
stars, in 'steps' or 'shades', earned ranks 2 thru 6. Since the 
brilliance of a star was its greatness, the ranking was called in 
Latin 'magnitudo',  'magnitude' in English. A star of Hipparchus rank 
3 was a star of magnitude 3. 
    Until the 19th century magnitude value of a stars was sometimes 
erraticly assigned. For telescopic stars, with no prior history of 
magnitude ranking, the scale diverged severely among observers. 
    Pogson in the mid 1800s formalized the scale with a logarithmic 
sequence. He measured by crude photometers that stars five magnitude 
steps apart were almost 100 times different in illumination. He set 
the ratio to exactly 100 and made each magnitude step equal to 
5root(100), about 2.512.
    This scale preserved the bulk of ratings of stars already 
catalogued and provided a rational way to rate telescopic stars. 
    The logarithm scale of magnitude is 

    |                             | 
    | M - M0 = -2.5 * log(I/I0)   | 

    M0 and I0 are the zeropoint values for magnitude and illumination. 
The logarithm is on base 10, the common or Briggs scale. The minus 
signum forces the ranks to INCREASE in algebraic value for fainter 
stars, matching the trend of the Hipparchus scale. 
    Newcomers sometimes find this relation confusing because a 
brighter star 'should' have a greater value. Think of magnitude as a 
rank or class in a social hierarchy. The lower-level members have a 
higher rank number. The important members have the lower number, such 
as 'fist vice-chair'. As a member progresses and improves his status 
he moves to a higher class, with a lower number.  The highest class, 
rank, tier, is #1. 

Newer developments 
 ------    -----
    At first we banked off of Polaris, assigning it magnitude 2.0. In 
the 1890s electrophotometry made magnitude assessments more objective, 
less personalized, and allowed for a link to the physics photometry 
system. The I0 for Polaris, with M0 = 2.0, was that electric current 
generated by its starlight.  Effort was spent to filter the incoming 
radiation to accept that range of wavelengths of human vision. To at 
least some degree the incoming watt/meter2 was approximately 
proportional to lumens/meter2. 
    An immediate benefit of electrophotometry was the greater 
resolution of magnitude assessment in an objective verifiable process. 
By eyeball, stars were assessed only to a whole or half unit, which 
could not be objectively verified. 
    This objective nonhuman-based method moved the study of variable 
stars to a solid scientific level. By end of the 19th century a 
complete electrophotometry of the bare-eye stars was issued as the 
Harvard Photometry. A refined edition came out in the 19-Ohs, the 
Harvard Revised Photometry. This catalog would be the standard for 
magnitude values until the 1960, when the Johnson photometry came into 
    Electrophotometry showed that some of the 1st magnitude stars were 
too bright for that rank. They were given the extended ranks of 0 and 
-1. In addition, planets usually are so bright that their magnitudes 
were in the negative range, too. Venus is typicly -4 magnitude; 
Jupiter, -2. 
    We in the 1960s were establishing major new observatories in the 
southern hemisphere, where Polaris is out of the local sky. We moved 
the magnitude zeropoint to Vega, visible from most reasonable southern 
latitudes. Vega was defined as magnitude 0.0. 
   An other cause to let go of Polaris was its discovery as a delta 
Cephei variable star! Its illumination altered over a several day 
cycle by 2/10 magnitude. This was a totally intolerable swing of some 
23% in illumination. Polaris just ws no longer a stable reference 
    Vega itself in the 1980s came under question when we found it had 
a circumstellar dust ring. Could the dust pass over the star to vary 
the light it sends us? So far it appears that the dust ring is too 
inclined to our line of sight. We do keep careful watch on it. 
Linked at last!
    What is the zero-point to initialize the magnitude scale? This 
number is maddingly trough to find in astronomy litterature! It is 
vaguely mentioned as a special application of photometry. 
    When the International System of metric units was built in the 
1960s, we finally linked the photometries of physics to astronomy. In 
addition, within a few more years we developed electronic and digital 
means of recording incident radiation, enabling us to manipulate data 
about light in ways never before possible. 
    One significant result was the equation of magnitude and 
irradiation within the visual band of the spectrum. 

    | MAGNITUDE-ILLUMINATION              | 
    |                                     | 
    | uMapp(0.0) = 2.5351e-6 lumen/meter2 | 
   |                                      | 
   | Mapp = -13.99 + (-2.5 * log(Illum))  | 

    The second equation can be solved for Illum if given an apparent 
magnitude.  For an illumination of 1 lumen/meter2 the apparent 
magnitude is -13.99. This is close to that of the full Moon, which 
shines about 1/2 lux onto the ground when overhead. 
    The value cited here comes from a review of observations from 
space and high-elevation stations, to remove atmospheric effects and 
span more of the star's spectral range. an older value is still in 
circulation, Maap(0.0) = 2.56e-6 lumen/meter2. This is within 1/2% of 
the current value and can be used without sesnisble error for most 
astronomy photometry. it was developed from ground stations with 
correction and factors for atmosphere ans spectral constraint. 
    Please keep in mind that 'light' as equated to irradiation is the 
STIMULUS entering the human eye-brain. It is NOT -- ad can not be -- 
the RESPONSE of the eye-grain. 

Angular magnitude 
    In all of astronomy, until the late 20th century, the magnitude 
system was applied only to point sources, like stars, as observed 
 by eye. It was applied occasionally to extended sources provided they 
remained angularly small, like the  Moon and planets. Large areas such 
as nebulae, comets, aurora, were not treated to the magnitude ranking. 
    Since the magnitude system is ganged to photometric units, it 
should be feasible to collect light from the entire angular extent of 
a large target and divide it by the target's angular area. 
    The figure is lumen/(meter2.arcmin2) or lumen/(meter2.arcsec2). 
This is next converted into magn/arcmin2 to magn/arcsec2, the very 
angular magnitude of the target. 
    Be careful. The total illumination is NOT first turned to 
magnitude and THEN divided by the area! This would yield a 
ridiculously lw dim brightness per unit area. 
    A crucial point to mind is that angular area applies to sources 
either nebular in texture or not resolved into stars, like a star 
cluster seen by bare-eye. If the target resolves into stars, under 
magnification, there is no 'area' sending illumination to us. The 
light comes from separate point sources and the total magnitude 
procedure is required. 

Extravisual magnitude 
   Magnitude is specificly defined for luminous radiation within the 
optical spectral band. For the most part home astronomers observe only 
by light but equipment is entering the market to observe beyond the 
optical range. 
    Astronomers like to continue visualizing targets by a magnitude 
rating, even when the radiation is outside of the visual spectrum. 
They cite the 'magnitude of an ultraviolet or infrared source. The 
illusion may be to imagine its brightness if somehow human vision is 
sensitive to such radiation. A common basis of extravisual magnitude 
ratings is to compare the radiation to that from Vega in the same 
bandwidth. The irradiation from Vega is set at magnitude 0.0. 
    Since Vega is a blackbody radiator and most nonoptical radiation 
is not, the comparison can produce insane values for the 'magnitude' 
of a given target. Vega, for example raidates weakly in the far 
infrared, making a target's infrared radiation seem enormous, with a 
humongous magnitude rating. 
    In actuality the concept of magnitude as a measure of visual 
brightness is nonsense outside of the visual range of wavelengths. 
The entire premise of magnitude is to rank illumination as perceived 
by human vision. Radiation beyond the bandwidth of human vision 
produces no illumination or sensation of brightness. 
    Astronomers working outside the optical band use magnitude as a 
convenient logarithmic scale of relative irradiations. The one is 
compared  against an other. In this sense magnitude is like decibels. 
In no way would a radio technician claim that a signal of a given 
decibel strength sounds as loud as a note of the same decibel value if 
human hearing could hear the signal. 
    Under the assumption that a star is a pure blackbody emitter we 
tried to account or the limited range of irradiation we captured as 
light. From spectrometry we figure out the temperature of the star and 
generate a blackbody radiation curve for it, using standard procedures 
from thermdynamics. of the entire spectral range of this curve e work 
out the portion falling within the optical range. The remainder, 
outside the optical band, is expressed as an increment of magnitude 
applied to the optical magnitude. The sum, always brighter than the 
optical magnitude, is the bolometric magnitude. The increment, 
bolometric correction, is a function only of temperature and can be 
tabulated for handy reference. 
    The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram  is plotted by the optical 
magnitude, since it is only in recent times we could measure other 
regions of radiation from stars. Some astronomers suggest  to revise 
the HRD to plot bolometric magnitude  Such a HRD can easily e plotted 
because the normal one embeds the star temperature, none caught on. 

    Parallax is the swing of our sightline from Earth to the target as 
Earth orbits the Sun. It is also the angular radius of Earth's orbit 
as seen from the target. 
    Since stars are awfully far away, their light taking years and   
decades and centuries to reach us, the parallax angle is incredibly 
tiny. No known star has a parallax so large as one full arcsecond. 
Most stars making up constellations  have angles in the hundredths of 
an arcsecond. 
    The star distances can not be reasonably cited in terrestrial 
units like kilometers or Earth radii. Even the Earth-Sun distance, the 
astronomical unit, is way too small a unit. For example, the first 
star to yield a positive parallax, in the 1830s, was 61 Cygni with a 
distance of some 650,000 AU. Since this is one of the closer stars, 
other distances will be in millions of AU, a quantity that can not be 
easily visualized. 
    The lightyear came into use in the mid 1800s for popular astronomy 
litterature and it mainstreamed in the profession by about 1900. But 
the lightyear has to be calculated from an other measure of distance. 
It is NOT a timing of the light as it travels from the target. No 
kidding, I see authors making this claim! 
    With such minuscule angles, the parallax angle is inversely 
proportional to the distance by applying the small-angle rule of 
maths. The parallax angle is at the apex of the long slender triangle 
with the Earth orbit radius as base. For a given parallax the long 
sides, both essentially equal , have a definite length which can be be 
    This length is 206,265 AU for a parallax of one arcsecond. With 
this length, distance to the star, inversely proportional  to 
parallax, the one-arcsec length is a new unit of distance, the 
'parsec' from 'PARallax-SECond'. For quick work we can round this to 
200,000 AU and 5 parsec = 1 million AU. 
    In terms of lightyears, one parsec is 3.26 lightyears. Many 
astronomers simply use parsecs without switching to lightyears. 
    The parsec has the simplicity of being identicly the reciprocal of 
the measured parallax. A star of 0.01 arcsecond parallax stands 1/0.01 
= 100 parsec away. If you insist, that's 326 lightyears. 

    | PARALLAX-PARSEC RELATION             | 
    |                                      | 
    | parsec = 1 / parallax                | 

Comparing illuminations 
    The Inverse-Square Law can compare illuminations from different 
sources to find either the distance or the radiation output. We have 
two sources of equal power P. One is at a given distance r0; the 
other, at unknown distance r. We write out the illumination received 
from both. 

    I0 = P / (4 * pi * (r0 ^ 2)) 

    I = P / (4 * pi * (r ^ 2)) 

Divide the lower one by the upper: 

    I / I0 = (P / P) / (r ^ 2) / (r0 ^ 2) 
           = 1 / (r ^ 2) / (r0 ^ 2) 
           = (r0 ^ 2) / (r ^ 2) 

The received illumination from the equal sources is the inverse square 
ratio of their distances. We know the standard distance r0 and we 
solve for the unknown r 

    I / I0 = (r0 ^ 2) / (r ^ 2)  

     r ^ 2 = (I / I0 ) / (r0 ^ 2) 

    We can also have two sources of equal distance r but one has a 
known power P0 and the other has unknown power P 

    I / I0 = (P / P0) / (r ^ 2) / (r ^ 2) 
           = (P / P0) / (1) 
           = P / P0 

Solve for unknown P

    P = P0 / (I0 / I)
    P = P0 * I / I0

Absolute magnitude 
    This is an attempt to standardize the illumination system of stars 
by artificially setting the stars at a one distance from us. The 
distance is 10 parsecs, chosen for a good maths reason. For that 
distance, and the actual distance and illumination, or magnitude, of 
the star, a new fake magnitude is computed. The usual explanation is 
that it's the apparent magnitude the star would shine if it somehow 
was placed 10 parsecs away. 
    This computed magnitude is the absolute magnitude, a misleading 
name which we may for ever more be stuck with. Better names would have 
been 'normalized magnitude' or 'reduced magnitude'. There is nothing 
'absolute' about absolute magnitude and it is not even a property of 
the star. 
    To obtain the absolute magnitude we must have in hand the apparent 
magnitude and the distance to the star. Both are observed data from 
the star. 
    Absolute magnitude was first used in the 1910s when we accumulated 
databases of parallax and apparent magnitude of stars. The data were 
captured by the then-new incorporation of photographic astrometry and 
    The absolute magnitude comes recta mente from the Inverse-Square 
Law and definition of magnitude. We compare the same star, with output 
P, at two distances. One is the actual distance r; the other, the 
standard one of 10pc, r0. 

    I / I0 = (P / P0) / (r ^ 2 / r0 ^ 2) 
           = (P / P) / (r ^ 2 / r0 ^ 2) 

I left out the 4*pi factor since it immediately cancels out in the 
denominator: ((4*pi*r^2)/(4*pi*r0^2)) -> *r^2/r0^2).
    Also P0 is P because we are working with one source moved between 
tow distances. 
    I / I0 = 1 / (r ^ 2 / r0 ^ 2) 
           = r0 ^ 2 / r ^ 2 

Because we be astronomers we work with the magnitude scale, not the 
raw photometric scale. We first take the log of both sides
    log(I / I0) = log(r0 ^ 2 / r ^ 2) 

    We now apply the definition of magnitude. 

    log(I) - log(I0) = log(r0 ^ 2) - log(r ^ 2) 
                     = 2 * (log(r0) - 2 * log(r)) 

We apply the magnitude definition to both sides. 

    -2.5 * (log(I) - log(I0)) = -2.5 * 2 * (log(r0) - log(r)) 

    Mapp - Mabs = -2.5 * 2 * (log(r0) - log(r)) 

Mapp is the apparent magnitude recorded for the star at its real 
distance r. Mabs is the artificial, absolute, magnitude of the star if 
it was 10pc away. 

    Mapp - Mabs = -5 * log(r0) - (-5 * log(r)) 
                = -5 * log(r0) + 5 * log(r)  

    Now comes the trick. We purposely picked 10pc as the distance for 
absolute magnitude BECAUSE the log of 10 is one! Astronomers hate 
maths as much as any one else. 

    Mapp - Mabs = -5 * log(10) + (5 * log(r)) 
                = -5 + 5 * log(r))  
                = 5 * log(r) - 5 

    Typicly we know the distance and Mapp and solve for Mabs 

    Mapp - Mabs = 5 * log(r) - 5 

    -Mabs = 5 * log(r) - 5 - Mapp 

     Mabs = -5 * log(r) + 5 + Mapp 
          = Mapp - (5 * log(r)) + 5 

    Recall that the distance in parsec is merely 1/parallax, where 
parallax is the actual observed parameter of the star. 

    Mabs = Mapp - (5 * log(r)) + 5 
         = Mapp - (5 * log(1 / pi)) + 5 
         = Mapp + (5 * log(pi)) + 5 

   |                            |    | 
   | Mabs = Mapp + (5 * log(pi)) + 5 | 
   |                                  | 
   | Mabs = Mapp - (5 * log(r)) + 5   | 
  + ----------------------------------+ 

where I give both versions, for distance and for parallax.
    By this formula and stating the Earth-Sun distance in parsecs, a 
very small number, we find that the Sun's absolute magnitude is +4.8. 
If our Sun was removed to 10pc, a modest remoteness for a star, it 
would be among the mediocre    tars in the sky. This helps to show how 
insignificant our Sun is on the scale of even nearby stellar realm. 
    Because most stars are beyond 10 parsecs from Earth, their Mabs is 
much brighter, algebraicly smaller, than their Mapp. Their is no 
special meaning attached to the numerical value of Mabs since it 
drives from the arbitrary choice of the 10pc standard distance. 
    The derivation here joining the Inverse Square law to magnitude is 
almost neglected in the normal astronomy tuition. The two are treated 
as unrelated / separate topics. 

    Altho 'absolute magnitude' is a poor choice of words for the 
normalized magnitude on a 10-parsec distance, it is a handy way to 
compare the luminous output of stars. With the Sun as a unit emitter 
of light, the relative output of any other star, in solar units, is 
the star's luminosity. This is NOT the star's full radiant output 
because luminosity ignores radiation beyond the visual spectrum. 
    Stars in general emit the bulk of their radiation in the visual 
range, by the blackbody mechanism. In the era when we could not 
observe beyond the optical band, we had no confident accounting for 
the extravisual radiation. We let luminosity equal radiopower and live 
with ay discrepancy.
     Stars placed the same distance away shine with magnitudes 
consonant with their luminous emission. That is 
    From the magnitude definition 

    m - m0 = -2.5 * log(L / L0) 

where L is the luminosity, luminous output, in place of P, the full 
radiation output. 
    Set m0 to the absolute magnitude of the Sun, +4.8, and I0 to the 
solar unit of luminosity 

    m - +4.8 = -2.5 * log(L / 1) 
             = -2.5 * log(L) 

When m is set to the absolute magnitude of a star, the luminosity 
ratio falls out 

    Mabs - +4.8 = -2.5 * log(L) 

    log(L) = (Mabs - +4.8)) / -2.5 
          = -0.4 * (Mabs - +4.8)  

    L = 10 ^ (-0.4 * (Mabs - +4.8))  

    |                                        | 
    | L = 10 ^ (-0.4 * ( Mabs - +4.8))        | 
    |                                        | 
    | Mabs = -2.5 * log(L) + 4.8             | 

    Star catalogs generally list either absolute magnitude or 
luminosity for its stars. It happens that you may need the other 
figure. The Mabs or L formulae can be put into computer code for 
easier passage between the two. 
    Star Deneb, alpha Cygni, is 1.3 magnitude and about 900 parsecs 
away. This is uncertain due to possible filtering by interstellar 
medium along the Milky Way. How much more luminous than Sun is Deneb?  

     Mabs = Mapp - (5 * log(r)) + 5 
          = +1.3 - (5 * log(900)) + 5 
          = +6.3 - 5 * log(900) 
          = +6.3 - 5 * 2.9542 
          = +6.3 - 14.7712 
          = -8.4710 

This is brilliant! It approximates the brightness of a half Moon.

   L = 10 ^ (-0.4 * ( Mabs - +4.8)) 
     = 10 ^ (-0.4 * (-8.4710 - +4.8)) 
     = 10 ^ (-0.4 * -13.2710) 
     = 10 ^ (5.3085) 
     = 203,400 

r, rounded because of the uncertainty of distance, 200,000 time more 
luminous than the Sun. Deneb is, in fact, among the most luminous 
stars visible in our sky. 
     Mind well the distinction between Mabs and I. Mabs is an 
artificial parameter while luminosity is a part of the radiation 
output of the star. We see this distinction by imagining we are at a 
abase on an exoplanet. Our catalog with absolute magnitude is 
worthless while that with luminosities remains  valid. 
    (Mapp-Mabs) by itself is the 'distance modulus', a function only 
of the target's distance. It is routinely employed for galactic 
studies. Under 2010s methods we can not measure the parallax of 
extragalactic objects. We work only with distances in parsec. Distance 
modulus is rough, with values commonly cited to only the whole or one-
half magnitude. 

Extrasolar planets 
    With the incandescent interest in extrasolar planets and there 
being, in 2015, some 90 bare-eye planetary stars over the whole 
celestial sphere, a new use for the absolute magnitude equation sprang 
up. When we see in out sky a planetary star, we can ask: 'How bright 
is out Sun in that star's sky?'
    This amounts to figuring out the apparent magnitude of the Sun at 
the star's distance, given the absolute magnitude of the Sun. That's 
+4.8. We shuffle the distance modulus formula into an apparent 
magnitude form 

   Mapp - Mabs = - 5 + 5 * log(r)   

   Mapp = Mabs - 5 + 5 * log(r)   

    |                               | 
    | Mapp = Mabs - 5 + 5 * log(r) | 

    For the specific case of the Sun seen from a planetary star this 
collapses to a very simple form 

    Mapp = Mabs - 5 + 5 * log(r) 
         = +4.8 - 5 + 5 * log(r) 
         = -0.2 + 5 * log(r) 
         = 5 * log(r) - 0.2 
    |                          | 
    | Maapp= 5 * log(r) - 0.2  | 

    This is a very simple formula! Remember that r is in parsec, not 
    By applying his formula to a few planetary stars, we find that our 
Sun would be among the dimmer stars in the planet's sky. This is based 
on human vision, of course. That's because stars in our sky tend more 
to be more luminous than the Sun.
    For example, planetary star Hamal, alpha Arietis, is 20 parsecs 
away. How bright is the Sun in its planet's sky? 

    Mapp = 5 * log(r) - 0.2 
         = 5 * log(20) - 0.2 
         = 5 * (1.3010) - 0.2 
         = 6.5050 - 0.2 
         = 6.3050
From Hamal's planet our Sun is a 6.3 magnitude star, at the threshold 
of human vision, in the local sky. In Earth's sky Hamal is a 2.0 
magnitude star. The disparity of brightness, 4.3 magnitudes, translates 
into Hamal being some 50 times more luminous than the Sun. 

Total magnitude 
    When two or more stars are angularly so close that they blend into 
a single point, their separate illuminations add to a total single 
value. This total illumination yields a total magnitude for the set 
of stars. This total is always brighter than the group's brightest 
star as a smaity check for the maths. 
    Total magnitude is almost always treated only for double stars, 
where the illuminations of two stars are added. 
In the old days, before calculettes, textbooks commonly had tables of 
two-star magnitude. A variation was a table of magnitude difference 
between the stars versus magnitude increment for the brighter one. 
    The summation method here applies to any set of close stars, like 
a small open cluster, tight conjunction, compact asterism. If by bare 
eye or low power the group merges into a single source, the method 
    This method works for globular clusters and galaxies. The 
number of stars is then so huge to make its use impractical. 
    First, the magnitude of each star is converted into illumination. 
The illuminations are summed. The sum is converted into a new 
magnitude, the total magnitude.
    A simplification is that the shift from magnitude to illumination 
is based on magnitude 0.0. It skips going to actual lumen/m2. A star 
of magnitude +6.0 converts to 0.01, for being 1/100 the illumination  
from a 0.0 star. The conversion to total magnitude also skips actual 
illumination. units. 
    That may be: 

    |                                             | 
    | Mtot = -2.5 * log(sum(alg(-0.4 * magnX)))    | 

where magnX is the magnitude of each star in the group. alg is the 
inverse log function, alg(N) = 10^(N).
    In the Pazmino CLuster the trapezium of four brightest stars gives 
the bulk of the cluster's illumination. Little more is added by the 
decorative dim stars. The trapezium stars are about 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 
and 7.8 magnitude, varying slightly among authors. What is the total 
magnitude of the Pazmino Cluster? 

 Mtot = -2.5 * log((alg(-0.4*7.5)) + ... + alg (-0.4*7.8)) 
      = -2.5 * log(1.000e-3 + 9.210e-4 + 8.318e-4 + 7.586e-4) 
      = -2.5 * log(3.511e-3) 
      = -2.5 * (-2.455) 
      = 6.136 

    This is within the casual estimates from deepsky observers. The 
 magnitude in observing litterature is 6 to 6-1/2.                               
    More than four stars may be best handled by a computer program. It 
asks for the number of stars and then for the magnitude of each in 
turn. It outputs the total magnitude of the group. 
    In the special case of a double star it is easier to put the 
brighter star as unit illumination. First take the difference in 
magnitude m magn(dimmer)-magn(brighter). This is a positive number. 
    Then do the magn-to-illum conversion on this difference. Add '1', 
the brighter star's illumination,to sum the illumination of both 
    Finally convert the sumed illumination to total magnitude. This is 
always brighter than the brighter star. 

   |                                          | 
   | Mtot = -2.5 * log(1 + alg(-0.4 * Mdiff)) | 

    Many instances can be passed up when the magnitude difference is 
more than 2-1/2. The contribution of illumination by the dimmer star 
is less than 0.1 magnitude. The total magnitude is substantially that 
of the brighter component. 

delta Cephei star 
    delta Cephei, also Cepheid, stars were first applied to star 
distances in about 1915. We when we found that the absolute magnitude 
of a Cepheid star is a monotonic function of its period of 
oscillations of brightness. The magnitude is the mean between maximum 
and minimum luminous emission. 
    This is expressed in the Period-Luminosity Relation. The name 
reflects the use of absolute magnitude as luminosity. 
    delta Cephei stars by good fortune are very luminous, letting us 
see them in other galaxies. They wee the first means of mapping the 
universe beyond our Milky way. 
    Measuring their period is a matter of monitoring them for a few 
cycles of oscillation. Cepheids have a unique profile of light 
variation, not shared by any other kind of variable star. This makes 
it feasible to pick them out from a crowd of other kinds of variable 
    With the period in hand we read out the absolute magnitude for the 
Cepheid star. The monitoring also captures the apparent magnitude, 
also of the mean between max and min illumination. 
    We solve the absolute magnitude equation for r and insert the 
known values of Mapp and Mabs 

    Mapp - Mabs = 5 * log(r) - 5 

    Mapp - Mabs + 5 = 5 * log(r) 

   (Mapp - Mabs +  5) / 5 = log(r) 

    |                                   | 
    | log(r) = (Mapp - Mabs + 5) / 5    | 

    zeta Geminorum is a delta Cephei star varying between +3.6 and 
+4.2 magnitude in a 10.148 day period. How far away is the star?  The 
    The absolute magnitude of a delta Cephei star is either read off 
of a Period-Luminosity graph or calculated from a formula fitted to 
that graph. We use here the formula, which is one of several 
variations in the litterature. 

    | only for classical epheid star    | 
    |                                   | 
    | Mabs = -2.78 * log(period) - 1.43 |

    Mabs = -2.78 * log(period) - 1.43 
         = -2.78 * log(10.148) - 1.43 
         = -2.78 * (1.0064) - 1.43 
         = -2.7978 - 1.43 
         = -4.2278

    This formula is a curve-fit against a plotted P-L graph and is 
valid only for 'classical' delta Cephei stars. It does not apply to W 
Virginis or RR Lyrae stars. 
    The Gaia astrometric spaceprobe in 2018 determined a distance to 
Polaris, the nearest Cepheid, as 131.1 parsecs. This is within the 
range previously assessed for calibrating the P-L relation. It matches 
the P-M formula here. 
    The Mapp of zeta Geminorum for Cepheid work is the average of its 
maximum and minimum illumination, (3.6+4.2)/2 = 3.9. Then 

    log(r) =  (Mapp - Mabs + 5) / 5 
           = (+3.9 - -4.2278 + 5) / 5 
           = 13.1218 / 5 
           = 2.6256
    r = 422.2706
     -> 422 parsec

Main-Sequence fitting 
    In the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram stars that shine by the 
hydrogen-helium energy process align along a narrow band, the Main 
Sequence. A star on the MS  has a specific absolute magnitude and 
spectral class corresponding to its mass.  
    The laws of nature work the same every where such that in an 
aggregate of stars, like a cluster or galaxy, the MS is the same as 
that for nearby stars. 
    Unless we previously know the distance to the cluster we can not  
plot its stars on an HRD by their absolute magnitude. ,
    In the stead we plot the stars by their apparent magnitude. The 
cluster's MS is displaced verticly from  the MS of a standard HRD. 
This displacement is measured as (Mapp - Mabs) at a given spectral 
class. Values are taken  from several points along the two MS curves 
and an average is worked up. 
    This magnitude displacement gives directly the distance of the 
    Note that the target's MS is always fainter than, graphicly under, 
the standard MS. Else the cluster would be close enough for direct 
distance measurement. 

    |                                |   
    | log(r) = (Mapp - Mabs + 5) / 5 | 

    For an example, the sigma Orionis cluster has a MS shifted 8.2 
magnitude fainter than the standard MS. (Mapp - Mabs) = +8.2. The 
separate Mapp and Mabs aren't needed because the shift is scaled 
directly off of the HRD in magnitude units. 

    log(r) = (Mapp - Mabs + 5) / 5 
          =   ((Mapp - Mabs) + 5) / 5 
          = (+8.2 + 5) / 5 
          = 13.2 / 5 
          = 2.6400 

    r = 436.5 parsec 

    A collateral method is applied to single stars, not part of a 
cohaerent group. If the star can be spectrometricly placed on the 
standard Main Sequence, its absolute magnitude is read out. This is 
subtracted from the star's apparent magnitude  to get (Mapp - Mabs). 
The above formula yields the star's distance. This method is commonly 
called spectrometric distance0or spectrometric  parallax. 
    Spectrometric distance is weak for stars off of the Main Sequence. 
Such stars do not have unique plots on the HRD, and a distance modulus 
can not be confidently calculated. 

 Type-Ia supernova 
    Certain supernvae are members of a binary star. In the course of 
the star's life it pulls off from its companion to gradually increase 
in mass. Eventually the mass crosses the Chandrasekar limit, the 
largest mass a star can have before it by its own gravity collapses 
into a supernova.  Because the increase is gradual, it seems that all 
such stars trip into supernova at about the same limiting mass and 
erupt into about the same luminance or absolute magnitude. 
    There are many kinds on supernova but only the Type-Ia has this 
unique property of a uniform peak magnitude. other supernova processes 
generate unpredictable peak brilliance. 
    In addition, the Type-Ia star has a unique spectrum and light 
output profile, This lets us recognize a Type-Ia star if we miss 
catching it at peak emission. We fit the observed profile to ones from 
previous supernovae and read out the apparent magnitude it had at peak 
    This Mabs is -19.3, as best we know in the 2010s. Some astronomers 
suggest there is a leeway, maybe +/- 0.4 magnitude, due to chemical 
composition of the star and binary orbit dynamics. 
    We massage the magnitude-distance formula: 
    log(r) = (Mapp - Mabs + 5) / 5 
           = (Mapp - (-19.3) + 5) / 5 
           = (Mapp + 19.3 + 5) / 5 
           = (Mapp + 24.3) / 5 

    |                                    | 
    | log(r) = (Mapp + 24.3) / 5         | 

    So brilliant are these stars that home astronomers can spot them 
in the closer galaxies. It happens commonly that we can not see the 
diffuse patch of the galaxy but only the pinpoint of the star itself. 
With several scores of galaxies within reach of small scopes in New 
York City, we may observe a Type-Ia star once per decade or so. 
    We must apply two major corrections to Mapp. First, the star may 
be dimmed by the interstellar medium of the host galaxy. 
    The other is that beyond around 500 million parsecs the spacetime 
distortion effects of Hubble expansion must be considered. 
    For  galaxies which home astronomers can observe, the formula 
given here may be used as is. Hubble expansion is negligible and we 
usually have no data for interstellar dimming. 
    In 2011 a Type Ia supernova erupted in galaxy M101. Its maximum 
apparent magnitude was +10.0. How far off is M101? 

    log(r) = (Mapp + 24.3) / 5 
           = (10.0 + 24.3) / 5 
           = 34.3 / 5 
           = 6.8600

    r = 7,244,360   
     -> 7,200,000 parsec 

Asteroid magnitude
    Home astronomers observe asteroids almost exclusively when they 
are near opposition. They are then closest to Earth and present a 
full-phase disc to us. These ae the traditional asteroids in the Main 
Belt region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter.they follow 
planetary orbits of greater rexcentricity and inclination than 
    Specifications for an asteroid include an 'absolute magnitude'. 
This is the apparent magnitude of the asteroid when in equilateral 
triangle formation with Earth and Sun and assumed to be in full phase. 
The sides of this triangle are each 1 AU.
    The geometry is not a plausible one for a Main Belt asteroid, 
which typicly stays at least 2-1/2 AU from Sun. Even for a highly 
excentric asteroid such as an Apollo class asteroid, the phase in 
triangular arrangement is not full at all, but gibbous. 
    But this artificial absolute magnitude does allow us to work out 
the expected magnitude near opposition. 
    An asteroid shines only by reflected light from the Sun. 
Illumination from the Sun is governed by the ISL and the asteroid's 
distance from Sun, R. The asteroid's illumination on Earth is an ISL 
function of its distance from us, r. The magnitude formula becomes 

    Mapp = Mabs + 5 * log(r) + 5 * log(R) 

Note well the final illumination on Earth is produced by two ISL 
applications, first from Sun to asteroid and then asteroid to Earth. 
This formula fails dismally for an asteroid away from opposition, it 
then has less than full disc illumination. There is no consistent 
practice to factor in phase, as a percent of full-disc, into a 
magnitude estimate for asteroid far from opposition. 

    | valid only near opposition            | 
    |                                       | 
    | Mapp = Mabs + 5 * log(r) + 5 * log(R) |  

    r is the asteroid-Earth distance in AU; R, asteroid-Sun. Phase is 
ignored here because we are examining an asteroid near opposition when 
it has full disc illumination from the Sun. 
    When an asteroid is discovered its parameters are determined, such 
as Mabs. 
    A special case is a near_Earth asteroid flying by near 
   A special case is an asteroid during a close flyby of Earth. it the 
proximity is really close, a few hundredth AU, the R, solar distance, 
is close to 1 AU. The magnitude formula reduces to 

    | valid for poopostion flybys      | 
    |                                  | 
    | Mapp = Mabs + 5 * log(r)         |  
    This assumes full phase, like when proximity occurs on the outward 
side of Earth, with asteroid in the midnight sky. For proximity any 
where else around Earth, this formula fails  terribly. 
    We estimate the apparent magnitude of asteroid 1998-OR2 that flues 
past Earth in April 2020. proximity is on the 29th at 0.04 AU. By luck 
this takes place near the asteroid's opposition, with assumed full 
disc. the absolute magnitude from the asteroid's specs is +15.8 

    Mapp = Mans + f * log(r)
         = +1538 + 5 * log(0.04)
         = +15.8 + 5 * (-1.3979)
         = +15.8 + (-6.9897) 
         =  +8.8103 
        -> +8.8
Comet magnitude 
    We now come to an obsolescent case, predicting the apparent 
magnitude of a comet. It was developed in the 1930s, so far as I know. 
This is when home astronomers took over much of the comet finding and 
observing work from campus astronomers. 
    In the old days we knew far too little about how comets shine. We 
did suss out that a comet shines by reflected sunlight and self-
luminance induced by solar radiation. The portion for reflected light 
was handled by the Inverse-Square law to factor in the Earth-comet and 
Sun-comet distances. 
    We had no decent model for the induced luminance. In spite of this 
want, we include the solar-induced light into the comet magnitude 
prediction in a simple recognition factor. 
    We had no good theory or model for the extent of a comet's tail or 
coma. We didn't try to add them into the comet's brightness. The 
equation applies only to the comet's head, ignoring extended coma and 
    When a comet is discovered it is assigned an absolute magnitude 
and a magnitude gradient, or slope, factor. Both are often guesses 
taken from similarity of the instant comet to previous ones. 
    The absolute magnitude of a comet is the apparent magnitude when 
the comet is in equilateral triangle with Earth and Sun. Each side is 
1 AU. Phase effect is neglected because the head radiates in all 
directions with no shadowed side. 
    As the Earth-comet side varies, the comet's magnitude changes 
according as the Inverse-Square Law. 
    When the comet-Sun side varies the comet changes its reflected 
light by the ISL,  To this is added to its luminous output induced by 
interaction with solar radiation. This additional light is governed by 
an other power function, not in general an inverse square. 
    What is this other factor? With no decent comet model until the 
explorations by spacecraft we could only cut-&-try a value for this 
other factor. The factor was taken from experience with prior comets 
which behaved like the instant one. 
    Crashing these factors and jumping directly into logarithms, we 
have the comet magnitude formula 

    | COMET MAGNITUDE FORMULA                     | 
    |                                             | 
    | Mapp = Mabs + 5 * log(r) + 2.5 * K * log(R) | 
    r is the comet-Earth distance in AU; R, comet-Sun distance in AU. 
    K is the slope or gradient parameter. It is composed of 2 for the 
reflected light and some other number for the solar-induced light. 
    The symbols differ widely among authors with no longer a strong 
effort to standardize them. One other common statement is  

    m1 = m0 + 5 * log(DELTA) + 2.5 * n * log(r) 

The symbols here line up with those in the boxed equation. The 
equation's circumstant text should explain the symbols in each 
    The value of K ranges from 2 for a dead worn-out comet to 5 or 6 
for a vigorous active comet jived by the Sun. For K = 2 the comet 
formula collapses to the asteroid formula because a dead comet acting 
like an asteroid. One practice for brand-new comets is to assign K = 4 
and hope for the best as the comet prcedes downrange. 
    Some astronomers combine K and the 2.5 factor into a one 
parameter. In such situations the slope parameter may range from 5 to 
10 or 12. 
    As the comet does its round thru the solar system, its behavior 
may depart form the current equation. Observations of the comet may 
call for revised values of Mabs and K to keep pace with the comet's 
current activity. Mabs and K are not stable parameters during a 
comet's apparition. 
    Since the mid 1990s as we learned more about comets from 
spacecraft visits and better comet models, the comet magnitude 
equation is in a slow  obsolescence. it is still in wide use, like for 
comet-tracking software. 
    Astronomers, on and off campus, learn of these various magnitude 
formula as separate topics with almost no attempt to correlate them. 
Here we see that the one Inverse-Square Law and the definition of 
'magnitude' are the root of all these formulae. They are simple 
permutations of each other. 
    Because the formulae are part of topics that can be scattered 
…long the tuition of astronomy, it may be clumsy to collect them into 
a single lesson. Perhaps near the end of a course, when the separate 
forms are in hand, a summation can be offered..