 John Pazmino
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2020 August 14

    Astronomers simulating celestial activity more than a few 
centuries ago run into the step between the Gregorian and Julian 
calendars. Modern astronomy software automaticly shift gears when the 
date rolls thru this step. This standard software feature sounds 
simple and carefree. 
    It isn't. 
    In the 1580s western Europe was living under the Julian 
calendar.This was a continuation of the Roman calendar, as modified by 
Julius and Augustus Caesar. The basic year was 365 days, with a 
leftover 184 day. This was collected into a full extra day ever y four 
years and added to the year as a leapday. The calendar gradually 
outpaced the solar year because it was a trifle too long. 
    Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 modified this calendar to, among other 
things, fix up a major glitch in leapdays and to omit a block of 
accumulated overrun of ten days. This is the Gregorian calendar. It is 
use today as the civil calendar thruout the world. 
    I give here a short history, full accounts being widely diffused 
in chronology litterature. The I show the considerations for handling 
the Julian-Gregorian crossover in astronomy software. 

Julius Caesar 
    The Romans developed a solar calendar with 12 moths of alternating 
30-31 days. The first month was either January (Januarius) or March 
(Martius), according as the district within the Roman world. March 
holds the spring equinox, arguing for it as the more relevant initial 
Many. The last month was February (Februarius) with the 29 left over 
days to fill out the 365-day year. 
    Roman astronomers knew that the solar year was 365-1/4 days. The 
shortfall was severe, a full da every four years, but there was no 
standard way to account for it. Extra days or months were added in a 
disorganized way in the various Roman districts. Calendar dates fell 
into discord across district frontiers.  
    Julius Caesar put the calendar in order, based on the March for 
the initial month. He in 45 BC put his reform into effect and ruled 
that leapdays be added consistently in the empire. The inaugural 
leapyear was 41 BC.. 
     His astronomers knew that 1/4 was only a close approximation to 
the fractional day closing the year. It was a trifle too long by some 
11 minutes per year. Julius thought the error was negligible. 
    Julius was so thrilled with is work that he renamed the fifth 
month Quintillis to himself Julius. This is our July. 
    There were technical disputes about leapdays insertion, length of 
months, start of year. In addition, weak enforcement caused the 
calendar to slowly unravel. 

August Caesar 
    Augustus Caesar put the calendar back in order and made sure that 
leapdays were added every fourth year. His astronomers retrofitted the 
sequence of leapdays for a smooth pattern from Julius's time. The 
initial leapyear under Augustus was 8 AD. Since then the calendar was 
rigorously maintained. Deviations here and there in the roman world 
fizzled out after a few years and the new Christian faith adopted the 
Augustus system for its official calendar. 
    I couldn't find when the 'multiple of 4' rule started. A common, 
and wrong!, explanation is that the first leapday was in 8 AD, a 
multiple of 4. 4-year steps then after are multiples of 4. 
    The initial leapyear was an utter accident. The current count of 
years didn't exist.Thweew was no '8 AD' in the time of Augustus. 
    Our count of years started in the 500s AD and 8 AD just happened 
to be the count back into the Augustus period. It could well have been 
some other year and we would not have the neat 'multiple of 4' rule. 
    This revised calendar is the Julian calendar, after the prototype 
from Julius Caesar. augustus was proud of his revisions that he 
renamed the sixth month, Sextillis, for himself, augustus, our august. 
But it had only 30 days by the 30-31 day sequence.  He captured a day 
from the end of the year, February 29th, tacked it onto August, and 
shifted the other months to finish the 30-31 order. February now had 
28 days in regular years and 29 in leapyears. 
    The Julian calendar, while no longer the civil calendar, is in 
significant circulation for specific functions. Most relate to the 
Eastern Christian faiths, which shows up in the US as a disparity in 
the date of Easter between them and the Gregorian calendar. 
    The most notable example of Julian as the civil calendar in the 
20th century is in Russia. When the Bolsheviks overrunned Petrograd 
(St Petersburg) on 1917 October 25, Russia was Julian. The 
insurrection is still called the Great October Revolution (with a few 
variations). It is now celebrated on the Gregorian date of November 

Vernal equinox 
    The Christian formal definition of Easter was laid down at the 
Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. It fixed the vernal equinox at 21 March, 
in place of determining it each year by astronomy procedures. The date 
of Easter banks off of this fixed vernal equinox.. It 
    The Julian calendar was supposed to pace the solar year with its 
leapday feature. The 1/4 leftover day was known to be a bit too long, 
forcing a drift of calendar dates against the solar year. The equinox 
slided earlier on the calendar by 3 days every 400 years. 
    For a few centuries, specially thru the Dark Ages, the drift 
attracted little notice. Easter seemed to work out correctly. 
    By the 1580s the drift accumulated to 10 days. This came from the 
excess leapdays added every four years. The table here was generated 
by astronomy software competent with long timespans. The date, in UT, 
of the venal equinox is when the Sun crossed the celestial equator. It 
may differ by one day from that date listed in a contemporary 

    FROM 0 (1 AD) TO 2000 AD 
    year - vernal eq- drift 
    ----   ---------  ------
       0 - 22 March - -2 day 
     100 - 21 March - -1 day 
     200 - 20 March -  0 day 
     300 - 19 March -  1 day 
     400 - 19 March -  1 day 
     500 - 18 March -  2 day 
     600 - 17 March -  3 day 
     700 - 16 March -  4 day 
     800 - 16 March -  4 day 
     900 - 15 March -  5 day 
    1000 - 14 March -  6 day 
    1100 - 13 March -  7 day 
    1200 - 13 March -  7 day 
    1300 - 12 March -  8 day 
    1400 - 11 March -  9 day 
    1500 - 10 March - 10 day 
    1600 - 10 March - 10 day 
    1700 -  9 March - 11 day 
    1800 -  8 Mar ch- 12 day 
    1900 -  7 March - 13 day 
    2000 -  7 March - 13 day 

    When Easter was computed from the equinox of 21 March ON THE 
JULIAN CALENDAR Easter could occur deep into spring rather than ne its 

Pope Gregory XIII 
    By the 1500s the calendar sipped by some 10 days, putting he 
vernal equinox on March 10 or 11, far from the established March 21. 
Gregory made several changes, banking on his astronomers's studies of 
the calendar problem. Two major ones are crucial for us here. 
    The first was to bring the calendar into synch with the solar 
year, putting the vernal equinox back to March 21st. He did this by 
making the day after Thursday 4 October 1582 into Friday 15 October 
1582. There is no valid date in this transition gap of, say, 8 October 
    Nota magis bene that the cycle of weekdays was NOT molested. 
Thursday was followed by Friday. The weekdays are ganged to the order 
of the seven classical planets (with Moon and Sun). Tinkering with the 
names or order of the weekdays would tear out the gears of human 
timekeeping beyond all possible repair. In fact, thruout all history 
that worked with current weekday system there was never a serious 
attempt to mess with it. 
    The other change by Gregory was to shorten the year to a bit less 
than exactly 365.25 day. His astronomers worked out that a year of 
365.2425 day is much closer to the solar year. The decrease could be 
accomplished by omitting three leapdays in each block of 400 years. 
his was done by leaving century years as regular years, except f they 
are multiples of 400. 
    There was no immediate alteration in the series of leapdays. Year 
1600 was a leapyear under both Julian and Gregorian systems. The next 
three century years (1700,1800, 1900) were regular years missing out 
three leapdays. Then 2000 was the second century leapyear. 

    The start of the year in March persisted into the Middle Ages, 
when gradually countries migrated to a January year start. I do not 
explore the history of this shift here. I do note that when a country 
made the shift, it generally made the final March-start year a short 
year ending in te next December. Then after the year rolled over in 
    With February now an interior month, I didn't find any country 
shuffling days to give February a full 30-day length. December, the 
new last month, would be the short month. 
    February remains the short month and also the month taking on 
the lwapday. 

    For the simplicity of the alterations to the Julian calendar, the 
Gregorian is amazingly accurate for the long term. The mean solar year 
in the 20th century was 365.2422 mean solar days. The Gregorian year 
is 365.2425 days versus the solar year of 365.2422 days. The excess is 
0.003 day/year, or one day in some 3.300 years. With only 400or so 
years of the Gregorian calendar past so far. we got over 2.500 more 
years before thinking about an adjustment. The simplest is to skip the 
leapday, February stays at 28 days, in a designatrd year. 
    This is a naive solution because it assumes the revolution and 
rotation of Earth are constant thruout such long spans of time. They 
    They vary in ways still not thoroly known. As example the length 
of the solar year, from one vernal equinox to the next, is illustrated 
here from 1950 to 2040. The fractional day is expressed in clock 
notation for easier appreciation. 

 Year, vern eq-vern eq    d  h    m   s
 ----------------------  --- -   --  --
 March 1950- March 1951  365 5   50  33
 March 1960 - March 1961 365 5   49  16
 March 1970- March 1971  365 5   41  50
 March 1980 - March 1981 365 5   53  20
 March 1990 - March 1991 365 5   42  48
 March 2000- March 2001  365 5   55  22
 March 2010- March 2011  365 5   48  23
 March 2020 - March 2021 365 5   47  55
 March 2030- March 2031  365 5   49   6
 March 2040 - March 2041 365 5   55   7

    No astronomy software I know or heard of include a Gregorian 
adjustment for far future times. None offer a choice of plausible 
methods to jigger the far off Gregorian date. It's straight gregorian 
until the program's end of time. 

    Discussion of calendars inevitably bring in the role of 
precession. By gyration of Earth's axis the equatorial coordinate grid 
rotate against the ecliptic grid. One effect is the westward migration 
of the vernal equinox point along the ecliptic. 2,000 years ago it was 
in Aries. Now it's in Pisces. The drift is roughly one sign every  two 
millennia, to complete a cycle in some 25/000 years. 
    In the mid north latitudes, where the bulk of early cultures 
lived, calendars were ganged to the seasons. The lifes of the people 
were impelled by the changes in weather, temperature, river flow, 
yield from hunting and fishing, snow & ice, farming & gathering.he 
society needed a calendar hat alerted it to the arrival of these favor 
and disfavors of nature. 
   The seasons are produced by the axis inclination of Earth, causing 
a wide range of daylight , shorter in winter, longer in summer, and 
the solar altitude, lower in winter, higher in summer. 
    Precession as a distinct astronomy phaenomenon wasn't recognized 
until Hipparchus in the 100s BC, but the consequences in the seasonal 
mutations was long appreciated. A calendar that maintains, or tries to 
maintain, the dates in synch with the seasons is a solar calendar and 
embeds the effect of precession. 
    In places with no strong seasons the need for a solar calendar is 
weaker. Two examples are the Nile River society in Egypt and the 
Islamic society in the Middle East.The Egyptian civil calendar had 365 
days with no consideration for the left over 1/4 day. When the 365 
days run out, a new year began. The Islamic calendar is a lunar 
calendar tied to the synodic, phase, cycle of the Moon. When twelve 
phase cycles, 354 days, run out, the new year begins. 
    The Julian and Gregorian calendars tries to make the calendar 
dates line up with the seasons. The slipping of dates in the Julian 
calendar came from the inexact adjustments to account for the 1/4 day  
after 365. The Gregorian is a far better fit with its leapday rules. 

Before Julius 
    Historians, and astronomers, must hang human events onto a stable 
calendar spanning all cultures. Else they can not confidently link 
native chronologies or investigate celestial events. 
    The Julian calendar is extended backward to the beginning of time 
on Earth as a global chronological framework. The years step down with 
every fourth being a leapyear.  
    That's why an eclipse is said to occur on 1500 BC August 1 in New 
York (it was a deep partial event in mid morning). There were no 
months of our modern names back then, or the multiple-of-4 rule for 
leapdays. This prolonged Julian calendar is the Julian Proleptic 
    Years before the AD, or CE, era are numbered two ways. The 
historical way, marked BC or BCE, omits the year number '0' in the 
year count. The year immediately prior to 1 AD is 1 BC. This method 
throws off calendar maths and forces a second look at the leapyears. 
Was 29 BC a leapyear? 
    The other, algebraic, method includes zero as the year prior to 1 
AD. Then before the years are negative numbers, compliant with 
calendar maths. The leapyear rule works. 29 BC is -28, a multiple of 
4, and a leapyear. For emphasis or clarity, sometimes the AD years are 
written with the plus signum, 2020 AD is +2020. 
    Astronomy softwares work with one of the methods or offer the 
choice. For uncertain situations, test the program by entering '0' for 
the year. The response tells which year system is in force.  

J-G step in software 
    Modern astronomy software embeds the step and jumps thru it 
automaticly without operator intervention. The calendar mode is 
indicated somehow in readouts with a symbol or char. 
    A few programs offer the choice to do all work in the one or other 
calendar. This ignores the J-G step and leaves it to the operator to 
manually interpret the results. 
    However the step is handled in the program, one and all assume 
that the step occurred simultaneously worldwide. And that's when 
trouble comes along. 
    A special situation applies to compilations of events spanning the 
J-G step, like a list of Jupiter oppositions for the Middle Ages. The 
software almost certainly run Gregorian after the official step and 
Julian, projected to the indefinite past, before the step. The caution 
is that these lists and tables are produced without operator 
intervention. The dates are internally generated by the software. 
    Some softwares do not clearly describe the handling of the J-G 
step. In such cases, while exercising the program, do test runs. Run a 
planet ephemeris between 1582 Sep 20 and 1582 October 20 at one-day 
intervals. Does the step appear at Oct 4 with the very next day Oct 
15? Do calendar math on 1582 Sep 30 and 1582 Oct 20. is the interval 
20 days or 10 days? Simulate planet motion from 1582 Sep 20 to 1582 
Oct 30, while watching the date readout. Did the date jump from Oct 4 
to Oct 15? Look at the Julian Day Number, the continuous count of days 
since 4713 BC. This is a common way to get around clumsy calendar 
maths in astronomy. Does the JDN show one day interval across the J-G. 
    Do these runs in reverse! A dew softwares work properly for time 
running forward but break down for backwards time.t 
    Once this is all figured out for the software, make a written note 
about the J-G step and keep it with the program's instructions.

Dates of J-G step 
    Countries allied with the Pope switched to Gregorian in October 
1582, or a few months later due to slow mail travel. But even in 
Europe some countries did the step decades or centuries later. Before 
the switch dates were recorded in Julian, almost always without 
caution of comment. A country may do the step in its homeland but its 
colonies may be switched over in stages later. 
    Outside of Europe there could be no prior use of the Julian 
calendar. The Gregorian calendar supplanted a native calendar. or, 
commonly, the native one continued in use along side Gregorian for 
cultural purposes. In these countries any dates before the Greorian 
inauguration are retrojected and must be somehow linked to the 
cultural calendar. 
    A nasty situation, particularly in Europe, was a REVERSAL of 
calendar! Julian was restored after a period of Gregorian. This 
happened when a Gregorian country was conquered by a Julian country. 
The victor imposes Julian on the land. In this situation the initial 
Julian date under the new ruler are EARLIER than the final dates in 
the previous Gregorian. There is a foldover of dates and I have no 
idea how this was handled in the change of society. 
    These cases must be considered when working astronomy software 
with observer in the affected countries. This could mean investigation 
the history of the country and perhaps reading material from it 
written in the native language. Such mental gyrations are et an other 
example how astronomy interacts with humankind. 

Typical example 
    Probably the most common whacks in the neck for astronomers in the 
US are  celestial  events during the colonial era. The present United 
States was built from regions ruled by England, Holland, France, 
spain, Russia (Russia?). All converted from Julian to Gregorian at 
different times. Travelling thru the US was somewhat like travelling 
thru the crazy-quilt system of Daylight Savings Time before the 1960s. 
    An instance I inquired after, sparking me to compose  this piece, 
was the solar eclipse in New York on 4 October 1717. This was well 
well after the official J-G step. The planetarium  software I played 
this eclipse on calculated in Gregorian. Contemporary accounts, taken 
from webs, assert this eclipse took place on 23 September 1717. 11 
days too early. 
    When I simulated the eclipse with the contemporary date, there was 
no eclipse. The Moon was a waning gibbous, far west from the Sun. 
    New York was then a British colony. Altho the official Julian-
Gregorian step was about 140 years earlier, the British regions stayed 
with Julian until 1752. The account was in the prevailing Julian 
    I manually had to make the date adjustment. That particular 
program had no way to alter the J-G step. I played the eclipse on an 
other program that allowed the choice of Julian or Gragorian. I threw 
the switch to 'Juluinan'. On 23 September 1717 the Moon covered the 
Sun in a deep partial event in mid morning. 
    As asides, when England went Gregorian it neffa-effa mentioned the 
Pope. The new calendar was the New Style calendar. 

Table of J-G step
    The table here is based on the one from Wikipeedia. It gives the 
present name of the country, section or area at the time of the step, 
final Julian date, initial Gregorian date. 
    In a few countries there are no definite dates for the step. 
Likely there are too scanty documents to stating the dates but there 
later there were enough to fix the year. In these instances the dates 
are replaced with '?'.  
    When there was no prior Julian calendar in force the Julian date 
is replaced by 'NJC' for 'no Julian calendar'. The country used a 
native or cultural calendar. The native calendar  still may be used 
for special functions. 
    Some countries returned to Julian. The dates are the final 
Gregorian and initial Julian and a flag 'RTJ' is added. This is 
'return to Julian'. 
    This table was produced thru rearl strong effort! It is thot, with 
emphasis on European countries. Plausibly records on the J-G step are 
denser there than else where and are easier to acquire. 
    Until the 20th century most of the rest of the world was under an 
empire of a European country. When the home country went Gregorian, 
the entire empire did also. There could be a lag  of weeks or months 
due to slow comms among parts of the empire.  This is why in, for 
example, Africa has few entries. The whole continent was included in a 
one or other empire. Similar situation applies in Middle East, the 
Americas, much of Asia and Pacific. 
     I noticed two omissions for the United States. Altho Alaska is 
mentioned, Hawaii is not. Hawaii probably ran on a native system 
before Gregorian was adopted. 
    The table misses the Dutch colonies,.The Dutch ruled in present 
New York City, parts of Hudson River, parts of Long Island. I can 
accept that with Holland, the Netherlands, having such a fractured J-G 
history in this table, the author may have let Dutch America a;one. 
    If this table doesn't help for peculiar instance, a concerted 
research into the history of the observer's location is needed. This 
may be a difficult  task if documents or other evidence is spotty or 
not recoverable. 
    There is no obvious order to this table. To locate a country or 
area do a 'find on this page' in the browser or wordproc. 

 Netherlands - Zeeland
 1582 14 Dec - 25 Dec 
 Montenegro - Yugoslavia
 1919 14 Jan - 28 Jan 

 North Macedonia - Yugoslavia
 1919 14 Jan - 28 Jan      [18] 

 Serbia - Yugoslavia
 1919 14 Jan - 28 Jan   

 Germany - Wrzburg
 1583 4 Nov  - 15 Nov 

 Germany - Westphalia
 1584 1 Jul - 12 Jul 

 Italy - various
 1582 4 Oct - 15 Oct 

 Switzerland - Valais 
 1655 28 Feb - 11 Mar 

 Netherlands -  Utrecht
 1700 30 Nov - 12 Dec 

 Ukraine - Ukrainian People's Republic
 1918 5 Feb - 1 Mar      [24] 

 Italy - Tyrol
 1583 5 Oct - 16 Oct 

 Germany - Trier
 1583 4 Oct - 15 Oct 

 Romania - Transylvania
 1590 14 Dec - 25 Dec 

 Armenia - Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic
 1918 17 Apr - 1 May 

 Azerbaijan - Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic
 1918 17 Apr - 1 May 

 Georgia - Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic
 1918 17 Apr - 1 May 

 Switzerland - Thurgau, Appenzell-Innerrhoden, Appenzell-Ausserrhoden
 1584 ? -  ? 

 Switzerland - Switzerland, Protestant parts  
 1700 31 Dec - 1701 12 Jan 

 Sweden - Swedish Empire, including Finland
 1700 28 Feb - 1 Mar - conversion mistake 

 Sweden - Swedish Empire, including Finland
 1712 30 Feb - 1 Mar - RTJ with mistake in conversion 

 Sweden - Sweden, Including Finland
1753 17 Feb - 1 Mar
 Netherlands - States Genera
 1582 14 Dec - 25 Dec 

 Spain - Spanish Empire
1582  4 Oct - 15 Oct

 Belgium - Southern Netherlands, except Spanish-hrlf areas
 1582 20 Dec - 31 Dec 

 Czech Republic - Silesia
 1584 12 Jan - 23 Jan 

 Germany  - Silesia
 1584 12 Jan - 23 Jan 

 Poland - Silesia
  1584 12 Jan - 23 Jan 

 Thailand - Siam 1
 1889 NJC - 1 Apr 

 France - Sedan
  1582 9 Dec - 20 Dec      

 Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia
 2016 NJC - 1 Oct 

 United States of America - Russian Empilre, Alaska
 1867 6 Oct - 18 Oct 

 Belarus - Russia
 1918 31 Jan - 14 Feb 

 Russia -  Russia
 1918 31 Jan - 14 Feb 

 Romania - Romania
 1919 31 Mar - 14 Apr 

 Switzerland - Roman Catholic Diocese of Basel
 1583 20 Oct - 31 Oct 

 France -  Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Strasbourg 
 1583  16 Nov - 27 Nov 

 Germany - Prince-Bishopric of Hildesheim
 1631 15 Mar  - 26 Mar  

 Portugal -  Portuguese Empire
 1582 4 Oct - 15 Oct      [7][8] 

 Poland - Poland
 1582 4 Oct - 15 Oct 

 Germany - Pfalz-Neuburg
 1585 13 Dec - 24 Dec  

 Germany - Paderborn
 1585 16 Jun - 27 Jun 

 Netherlands - Overijssel
 1700 30 Nov - 12 Dec      [7][19] 

 Turkey - Ottoman Empire
 1917 15 Feb - 1 Mar 

 Germany - Osnabrck
 1624 ? - ? 

 Switzerland - Obwalden, Nidwalden
 1584 11 Feb  - 22 Feb 

 Canada - Nova Scotia
 1710 13 Oct - 3 Oct -  RTJ

 Faroe Islands - Norway
 1700 16 Nov - 28 Nov  11 

 Iceland - Norway
 1700 16 Nov - 28 Nov 

 Germany - Mnster, Duchy of Cleves
 1583 17 Nov - 28 Nov 

 ÑFrance - ÑMulhouse
 1700 31 Dec - 12 Jan 

 Czech Republic - Moravia
 15843 Oct - 14 Oct 

 Germany - Mainz
 1583 11 Nov - 22 Nov 

 Switzerland - Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Zug, Freiburg, Solothurn, LeLanderon
 1584 11 Jan - 22 Jan 

 Switzerland - Lower Valais
 1623 ? -  ? 

 France - Lorraine
 1582 9 Dec - 20 Dec 

 France - Lorraine
 1735 ? -  ? - RTJ 

 France - Lorraine
 1760 16 Feb - 28 Feb  11 

 Latvia - Livland 
 1915 22 Aug - 5 Sep 

 Lithuania - Lithuania Governorate
 1800 11 Jan - 1 Jan  - RTJ 

 Belgium - LiŠge
 1583  10 Feb - 21 Feb 

 ÑLithuania - Kovno and Vilna Governorates
 1915 11 May - 25 May      [17] 

 North Korea -  Korea
 1896 NJC - 1 Jan 

 South Korea - Korea
 1896 NJC - 1 Jan 
 Ireland - Kingdom of Ireland
 1752 2 Sep - 14 Sep 

 United Kingdom  - Kingdom of Great Britain andKingdom of Ireland
 1752 2 Sep - 14 Sep 

 Germany - Jlich-Berg
 1583 2 Nov -13 Nov 

 Japan - Japan
 1873 NJC - 1 Jan    

 Netherlands - Holland
 1583 1 Jan -12 Jan 

 Netherlands - Groningen (province), Stad and Ommelanden]
 1700 31 Dec - 1701 12 Jan 

 Netherlands - Groningen (city)
 1583 1 Mar - 12 Mar 

 Netherlands - Groningen (city)
 1594 19 Nov - 10 Nov  RTJ 

 Greece - Greece, excluding Mount Athos
 1923 15 Feb - 1 Mar   13 

 Switzerland - Oberengadin and Bergel
 1783 ? - ? 

 Switzerland -  Schiers and Grsch
 1811 25 Dec - 1812 7 Jan 

 Switzerland - Graubnden (Catholic parts)
 1623 25 Dec - 1624 7 Jan 

 Lithuania - Grand Duchy of Lithuania
 1585 21 Dec -  1586 1 Jan 

 Switzerland - Glarus (Protestant part)
 1798 22 Jun - 4 Jul 

 Switzerland - Glarus (Catholic part)
 1700 31 Dec - 1701 12 Jan 

 Germany - Germany, Protestant parts
 1700 18 Feb - 1 Mar 

 Netherlands - Gelderland
 1700  30 Jun - 12 Jul 

 Netherlands -  Frisia
 1700 31 Dec - 1701 12 Jan 

 United States - French colonial empire and Spanish Empire
 1582 9 Dec -  20 Dec  

 Cambodia - French colonial empire
1863 NJC - ?

 Canada - French colonial empire
 1582 9 Dec - 20 Dec 

 Laos - French colonial empire
 1889 NJC - ?          

 France - France, excluding Alsace and Lorraine
 1582 9 Dec - 20 Dec 0 
 Belgium - Flanders
 1582 14 Dec - 2 Dec 

 Estonia - Estonia
1918 15 Feb - 1 Mar

 Egypt - Egypt
 1875 NJC - 11 Sep 

 Austria - Duchy of Styria
 1583 14 Dec - 25 Dec 

 Slovenia - Duchy of Styria
 1583 14 Dec - 25 Dec 

  Lithuania - Duchy of Prussia
 1612 22 Aug - 2 Sep 

 Poland - Duchy of Prussia
 1612 22 Aug - 2 Sep 

 Russia - Duchy of Prussia
 1612 22 Aug - 2 Sep 

 Luxembourg - Duchy of Luxemburg
 1582 20 Dec - 31 Dec 

 Netherlands - Drenthe
 1701 30 Apr - 12 May 

 Denmark - Denmark-Norway
 1700 18 Feb - 1 Mar 

 Norway - Denmark-Norway
 1700 18 Feb - 1 Mar   

 Latvia -  Courland
 1617 ? - ? - ? 

 Latvia - ÑCourland
 1796 7 Feb - 28 Jan - RTJ  

 Latvia -  Courland
 1915 11 May - 25 May 
 Germany - Cologne (archdiocese)
 1583 3 Nov - 14 Nov 

 Switzerland - City of St. Gallen
 1724 ? - ? 

 China - China
 1912 NJJC -  1Jan 

 Austria - Carinthia
 1584  6 Jan - 17 Jan 

 Myanmar - Burma (British Empire)
 1885 NJC - ?  

 Bulgaria - Bulgaria
 1916 31 Mar - 14 Apr 

 Austria - Brixen, Salzburg, Tyrol
 1583 5 Oct - 16 Oct  10 

 Canada  - British Empire
 1752 2 Sep - 14 Sep 

 United States of America - British Empire
  1752 2 Sep - 14 Sep     11 

 Germany - Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald
 1583 13 Oct - 24 Oct 

 Netherlands - Brabant
 1582 14 Dec - 25 Dec 

 Czech Republic - Bohemia
 1584 6 Jan - 17 Jan 

 Germany - Bishopric of Minden
 1668 1 Feb - 12 Feb 

 Germany - Bavaria, Regensburg, Freising
 1583 5 Oct - 16 Oct 

 Germany - Baden-Baden
 1583 16 Nov - 27 Nov 

 rance - Austrian Upper Alsace and Breisgau
 1583 13 Oct - 24 Oct  10      [11] 

 Germany -  Augsburg
 1583 13 Feb - 24 Feb 

 Switzerland - Appenzell-Ausserrhoden
 1597 ? - ? - RTJ 

 Switzerland - Appenzell-Ausserrhoden
 1798 3 Dec - 25 Dec 

 France - Alsace, Strasbourg
 1682 5 Feb - 16 Feb 

 Albania - Albania
  1912 14 Nov - 28 Nov 

 Albamia - Albanua Cathlic area
 1583 NJC - 5 Oct 

 Germany - Aachen
 1582 31 Dec  - 1583 11 Jan 

    Home astronomers know something about the calendar step in the 
15800s and may recite the textbook story. When astronomy softwares 
matured, astronomers saw that the programs built in the Julian-
Gregorian step. Missed out from most astronomy tuition was the 
irregular an slow adoption of the J-G step among countries. It wasn't 
clocked in at once worldwide. 
    When exploring early celestial events, it is crucial to inquire 
after the observer's calendar regime. The example I used is a typical 
one for events in colonial New York. The City was still in Julian, 
over a hundred years after the official J-G step. Astronomy software 
can not  easily handle the many cases of delayed adoption -- and 
reversals -- of the Gregorian calendar. 
    Investigations into the calendar status of the observer leads into 
fascinating history and culture, which previously passed you by.