OCCULTATION OF SATURN, 2014 AUGUST 31 -------------------------------- John Pazmino NYSkies Astronomy Inc nyskies@nyskies.org www.nyskies.org 2014 August 16 Introduction ---------- The Moon occults, covers, crosses in front of, planet Saturn on 2014 August 31 Sunday in early afternoon over New York City. This event occurs in full daylight with Sun in high sky and Moon in the east. For new York te coverage lasts about 1/2 hour wit Saturn entering on the dark, invisible, side of the Moon and leaving on the bright side. The Moon is a waxing crescent, usually easily seen in daylight. Occultations of planets by the Moon are an amazing sight! The planet's disc, and rings for Saturn!, take many seconds to sink into the lunar globe. It takes a comparable time to emerge from behind the Moon at the end of the occultation. Many home astronomers think that planet occultations are rare. Most can recall seeing only one or two in their entire astronomy career. We learn below that planet occultations aren't all that rare but many are tough to observe. Occultation from New York ----------------------- Calculations were made by Occult-4 for a central site within the City, The time at other nearby sites is a few seconds to a minute off. In general places west of the City see the events earlier; east, later. Prepare to view the occultation fifteen or more minutes before the listed time. The specs of the Saturn event are in the table below. The columns are: * UT date and hour. This is four hours AHEAD of EDST. * Phase: D for disappearance, immersion, ingress. R for reappearance, emergence, egress * The occulted star , Sat' for planet Saturn * Percent illumination of Moon. + for waxing, - for waning * Elongation of Noon from Sun on ecliptic: + for east; -, west * Sun altitude for the event in daylight or twilight * Moon altitude and azimuth for the event * Cusp angle from N or S cusp along limb, - for bright, + for dark * Position angle CCW around limb from celestial north * Vertex angle CCW around limb from instant zenith or top of limb * Libration angle for lon L and lat B, lon-lat of center of disc ----------------------------------------------------------------- Occultation prediction for New York NY East Lon -73 59 42.0, Lat +40 45 06.0; Alt 17m ---------------------------------------------- UT Day & Time P Star Mag %Ill Eln Sun Alt-Az Cusp Pos Ver LibL LibB --------------- - --- --- ---- --- ------ ---- --- --- ---- ---- Aug 31 17 26 17 D Sat 0.6 32+ 69 57 12 122 34N 50 91 -6.2 -2.6 Duration of planetary disk occultation: predicted time +/-33.4 secs Aug 31 18 1 41 R Sat 0.6 33+ 70 55 18 129 -26N 349 27 -6.3 -2.6 Duration of planetary disk occultation: predicted time +/-35.3 secs --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind well that the ingress is on the dark limb, which is completely blended into the daytime sky. The planet will suddenly start to 'eat away' with no apparent cause. The egress is near the north cusp on the bright limb a half hour later The vertex angle is useful for a telescope on on alt-azimuth stand lined up with geographic north. The position angle is for equatorial scopes properly lined up to the celestial pole. A regular scope, magnifying 30 or so times is really required. ou miss the whole show of the rings and globe merging into the Moon. Here is a timetable for August 31. The hour are EDST being that August in New York suffered under EDST, one hour ahead of RST. ---------------------------------------- EDST event | alt-az | remarks ------+----------------+--------+-------- 05:24 | nautical dawn | -- --- | end of full night 05.55 | civil dawn | -- --- | start of daytime work 06:23 | Sun rises | -- --- | start of daylight, azm 79d 12:07 | Moon rises | 00 110 | 12:12 | Saturn rises | 01 111 | 12:56 | Sun cuminates | 08 119 | local solar noon, alt 58d 13:26 | Saturn ingress | 12 122 | 14:02 | Saturn egress | 18 129 | 17:21 | Saturn culmin | 33 178 | alt 34d 17:26 | Moon culminate | 33 180 | 19:28 | Sun sets | 27 212 | end of daylight, azm 281d 19:56 | civil dusk | 27 218 | end of daytime work 20:29 | nautical dusk | 20 225 | start of full night 22:28 | Saturn sets | 01 247 | 22:35 | Moon sets | 00 248 | -------------------------------------------------- Graze occultation --------------- Saturn passes behind the Moon close to her north cusp. Some 250 kilometers north of the City Saturn grazes the Moon's north cusp. He skips behind mountains on the lunar limb like a spaceship doing a touch-&-go pass! If you are favored to visit family or friends north of New York, inquire at area astronomy centers about this graze occultation. Planet occultations ----------------- . Unlike an occultation of a star, that of a planet is far more complex to calculate. Both Moon and planet move thru the zodiac. Doing the calculations by hand was a hideous chore, taking a whole weekend with a mix of maths and graphs. Today a planet occultaiton can be computed thru astronomy softwares. This may be a general purpose planetarium or a dedicated occultation tracker. Occult-4, as one example, searches for planet events along with those for stars. Dance of the Planets, has a specific feature to hunt up planet occultations. The better planetarium software accurately simulate planet occultation for a given instance. The phase of occultation computed differs among software authors. Some bank off of the center of the planet's disc while others compute the tangent points of the event. Since you are ready to observe fifteen or more minutes in advance of the ingress, the few seconds discrepancy among calculations doesn't matter. A few authors include the events of the ansae of Saturn's rings. In this article the rings are omitted. They touch the Moon at ingress about 30 seconds before the ball and fully break free at egress some 30 seconds after the ball. Saturn on the limb ------------- -- When the planet is adjacent to the Moon you notice that the one or the other is 'brighter'. A tiny angular area of one shines with greater illumination than the same area of the other. This is due to the different reflective efficacy, sending more or less sunlight, of each. This comes from the different surface composition and texture of the two bodies. Surface brightness is commonly cited in stellar magnitude per square arcminute or arcsecond. This is also called, more photometricly correct, the angular illumination. For the full Moon this is -5.0 magn/min2 on the average. More over, the surface brightness of the Moon varies widely with phase, being far greater near full than in crescent phase. The difference is not simply the portion of shadowed to lighted areas, but the angle of sunlight at the limb of the Moon, the local hour of the lunar day, and the thick tunic of pulverized material on the ground. Because the planet at the lunar limb spans a significant linear extent on the Moon, most authors do not bother with applying limb correction. This is done for a star, being a point, that can hit the limb at a mountain or valley. Libration is applied, which orients the triaxial lunar globe to place the proper spot of 'sea level' limb at the planet. Public viewing ------------ The NYC Events column for August 2014 will list any public viewing for this event, if any are announced to NYSkies in time for publication at end of July. For locations wanting of listed occultation sessions, please call on the astronomy center in the vicinity for last minute news. Use the contact given for the center's other events in August. August 31st is sUnday, which could ease the problem of arranging for a viewing site away from the normal night viewing sessions. Each host facility has its own practice and procedure for letting astronomy groups use its premises. Permission obtained by the group on an earlier occasion can not promise a repeat permission for this occultation. Weather ----- The greatest impediment against seeing this occultation is weather. August in New York is when the Sun and Sirius commingle their rays at sunrise to make the Dog Days. Expect oppressive heat, specially if you must stay for long periods under the Sun. If you can stay in shade while keeping the Moon in clear view, so much the better. The sky in August will likely be filled with haze and humidity. It takes but a tiny amount of either to obscure the Moon and Saturn behind its whitish veil. In severe cases you may have trouble finding the Moon, Rain is unlikely early in the afternoon. A thunderstorm usually comes in late afternoon. Just in case, be prepared to pack up and run for shelter. Having these warnings for a general august in the City, I note that in 2014 summer has been more gentle to us than normal. We already had in June and July many clear dry skies with cool breezes. Excellent nighttime observing was accomplished, including a couple close calls for seeing the Milky Way. Such nights, with adjacent days, are not reliably predicted. You could luck out! Rarity of occultations -------------------- Planet occultations aren't rare but for a given planet they can occur at long intervals apart. If you're content to view an event for ANY of the classical planets, you get the chance every few years. Here I skip discussion of the modern planets of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the other thingies in the Kuiper Belt. These are hard to observe against the bright limb of the Moon. The table here gives the planet occultations visible from New York from 2000 thru 2020. Visible means only by geometry. FOr most of the past events, The computation came from Dance of the Planets. --------------------------------------- LUNAR OCCULTATIONS OF PLANETS, 200-2020 --------------------------------------- UT date & hour %SL Object Magn EST SAl PA Sep ----------------- --- ------- ---- ----- --- -- --- 17/07/2001 17:28 12- Venus -4.1 14:03 58 24 7* 15/08/2001 19:40 15- Jupiter -2.0 16:00 32 2 16* 10/09/2001 12:47 52- Saturn -0.0 08:55 37 43 7* 01/12/2001 01:58 100- Saturn -0.5 20:13 -42 39 6* 28/12/2001 07:52 95+ Saturn -0.4 04:19 -33 10 12* ------------------------------------------------------ 21/02/2002 00:20 56+ Saturn -0.0 20:04 -29 60 6* ------------------------------------------------------ 14/10/2004 14:20 0+ Mercury -1.0 07:35 15 10 9* 09/11/2004 16:32 11- Jupiter -1.7 11:42 32 35 7* 07/12/2004 10:56 27- Jupiter -1.8 04:28 -29 27 2* ------------------------------------------------------ 18/06/2007 15:09 14+ Venus -4.4 08:23 42 4 12* 12/08/2007 16:16 0- Mercury -1.9 10:23 57 61 3* ------------------------------------------------------ 05/03/2008 19:00 4- Venus -3.9 15:42 23 0 8* ------------------------------------------------------ 13/08/2012 19:48 15- Venus -4.3 16:01 32 0 10* ------------------------------------------------------ 09/05/2013 13:56 0- Mars 1.3 08:08 37 40 8* 09/05/2013 19:09 0- Mercury -2.1 15:47 35 33 5* ------------------------------------------------------ 31/08/2014 19:00 32+ Saturn 0.6 12:45 56 15 13* ------------------------------------------------------ 07/12/2015 17:16 13- Venus -4.2 13:18 23 11 8* ------------------------------------------------------ 05/01/2019 18:43 0- Saturn 0.4 14:35 17 16 8* 31/07/2019 20:41 0- Venus -3.9 16:51 25 23 4* ------------------------------------------------------ 18/02/2020 13:26 23- Mars 1.2 08:21 16 26 6* ------------------------------------------------------ The UT date and hour are for the place on Earth of maximum occultation, which sure as hell is not new York. The EST for New York is NOT just five hours behind the UT hour because the geometry is quite different between the City and the place of maximum occultation. Both hours are for the mid event when the planet is deepest behind the Moon, halfway between ingress and egress. To simulate an occultation from this table, set your planetarium program to one hour BEFORE the EST hour. Please remember that all hours for New York are EST. Daylight Savings Time is neglected. The columns are: * UT date & hour, just explained above * %SL, the percent of Moon lighted by Sun, + for waxing, - for waning * Object, the planet, of the classical ones * * Magn, the stellar magnitude of the planet for the event. Planets vary their magnitude by their distance and phase. * EST, the mid event for New York in Eastern Standard Time * SAl, the altitude of the Sun, - for below horizon. A positive value means the event occurs in local daylight * PA, the planet's altitude, substantially also of the Moon * Sep, the separation of Moon and planet at deepest occultation. Dance uses '*' as the symbol for arcminute. Most of the events in the 2000-2020 take place in local daylight, with positive solar altitude. I have far too scanty data for which were actually observed. Many I can assume were killed by adverse weather. The ones at night, negative solar altitude, were observed as far as weather allowed. Observing a planet in daytime is a special form of telescopy, discussed below. Daytime planets ------------- Most home astronomers know about seeing Venus in daytime, if only by anecdote. Some astronomers actually spotted her with one of several methods, described in observing litterature. Some are explained below, which you may try on Saturn on days off of the occultation. A very few people have eyesight acute and sensitive enough to find Jupiter by day. The other planets are just too dim, even at their brightest, to contrast well against the daylight sky to discern by bare eye. Some readers speculate about seeing Mars, who dos attain to -3 magnitude at a closer opposition. At that time, he is on the opposite side of the zodiac from the Sun, ,out of the daytime sky. When moves into the daytime sky Mars is quite faded by remoteness from Earth. One common suggested trick to see a planet by day is to view thru a long tube. It plain doesn't work.. The patch of sky seen thru the tube is altogether too brilliant to let the planets shine thru. The contrast of (planet + sky) against (planet) is orders too great and for the eye to detect. I actually tried this long-tube method while visiting a new electric plant under construction. The host took my team to the brand- new slip-formed chimney, some 150 meters tall. The base had a large chamber for the precipitators and was empty at the time. I looked yp, thinking maybe the sky will somehow be darker. I didn't expect any stars simply because there could be none in the zenith at the instant. The small disc of sky at the top of the chimney was dazzling since we were getting dark adapted in the chamber. Telescope focus ------------- The telescope, or binoculars, MUST be accurately focused! Even a tiny defocus, which you probably don't mind for night viewing, can diffuse the planet into the day sky and hide it. Use the Moon, , a distant landscape fixture,. You may focus on a star at night and then leave the scope undisturbed until the planet 's daytime viewing. Yet an other focus trick is to inspect the Sun with a proper front end solar filter. Focus on the texture and structure on the solar disc. Move the scope well away from the Sun and remove the filter, being careful to avoid disturbing the focus. Lunar conjunction --------------- To spot a daytime planet you must first look toward it. Casually scanning the sky will not work, trust me. One method of knowing where to look is to wait until the Moon conjuncts the planet. From a planetarium computer program or other wise, note the direction and distance of the planet from the Moon. If your program shows daylight, turn it off. The Moon, so long as she is more than 20ish degrees away from the Sun, should be found easily. The sky better be both clear and dry, else the planet may be veiled from view. From the Moon, pace of the distance and direction to the planet and relax the eyes. You may be rewarded with the sight of a shiny speck. This is the planet. Use binoculars to confirm it. This method is available once per month, each time the Moon passes by the planet. If the planet is in retrograde movement you could get two hits in the month. You could be killed by adverse weather or earthly reason that keeps you away from the sky. On the next or previous day the Moon is too far from the planet to guide you to it. Surrogate star ------------ Pick a star or asterism at night having the same declination as the planet, taken from your planetarium software. Qt night find the star and line it up with a known landscape fixture. This can be a roof corner, a certain tree top, telephone pole. Also note exactly where you're standing for the lineup. From the software diurnally rotate the sky to put the planet by day at the same lineup place in the sky. Note the hour this occurs at. Go out at the daytime hour , stand at your lineup spot, and look at the lineup fixture. The planet should be near where you saw the surrogate star at night. Meridian transit -------------- From your planetarium software find when and at what altitude the planet by day crosses your meridian. This is the north-zenith-south line in your landscape, which you probably know from your regular nighttime observing. About 15 minutes before the transit hour, stand in shade, to avoid sunlight in your eyes. Scan the meridian at the planet's altitude. Coordinate offset --------------- This method requires that a traditional equatorial mot be properly aligned with the celestial sphere, From your planetarium software take the RA & De of both Sun and planet. Subtract the Sun's coordinates from the planet's. Mind any rollover thru 0h or 0d. The results are offsets from Sun to planet. Some softwares can give the distance between two points in coordinate difference as well as the straight-line angle. If so, use these as the offset from Sun to planet. With a solar filter attached, center the scope an the Sun . Read the setting circles. The DE circle should be close to the actual declination of the Sun but the RA circle, depending on the mount design, could be all wrong. Leave it be for now. Move the scope gently from Sun to the planet by the amount of the offsets. Be sure to mind N-S and E-W directions. Lock the scope and remove the solar filter.. Remove the solar filter. The planet should be somewhere in the field of view.. Gp-to scope --------- Finding a planet by day is one good application for a go-to telescope. Align the scope to scope to the celestial sphere but you will likely not see the alignment stars in the eyepiece. Assume you did every thing correctly and tell the scope the stars are in the eyepiece. Pick the planet from the control console and let the scope slew to the planet. The planet should be in the eyepiece. If the planet is to close to the Sun, according to the limits built into the scope, the scope may refuse to aim at the planet. Wait for a day when the planet is receded farther from the Sun. The planet should be in the field of view. Planet detail ----------- When acquired in the telescope the planet by day looks radicly different from your usual nighttime scene. There is no glare or halation of light from hard contrast of bright disc on black filed. Viewing is more comfortable from the ambient daylight to illuminate your scope, accessories, surrounds. Tools, book, printouts, &c are in easily sight and reach The planet's disc can show its texture far more vividly than by night. Jupiter's belts seem more colorful because you're viewing them with day vision over the whole field. No, you will not see any of the moons. They are well beyond visibility by day. Same with Saturn, where you may see that the rings are more blue than the ball. His clods, much weaker than Jupiter's, show up more clearly. No moons, they being way too dim for daytime viewing. Venus could exhibit shading here and there, lost in the night view. Mercury has no structure anyway but with him in high sky in day he's shining thru thinner air and yields a steadier image. Mars probably will not offer more detail than by night because he is a pinkish hue set against the blue sky. This combination lays tricks with most people's eyes to smooth out the disc. On the other hand you may discern his phase as a defect from fully round. Filters ----- The blue sky can be darkened around the planet with a minus-blue filter in the eyepiece. Some observers prefer a green or red filter. You may have a set of planet-observing filters in your kit that offers s these colors.. You can get from a e photography or typography shop a set of tricolor filters for the primary and secondary colors. These are red- green-blue and yellow-cyan-magenta. Look for small-diameter ones to fit inside the eyepiece, even if you must use masking tape. Double occultations ----------------- The Moon occults one planet at a time, even when the planets are close together in the sky. There's no reason why the Moon can not cover two planets in close proximity but as far as I know this was observed ONLY ONCE in human history. On 1998 April 23 Jupiter and Venus were in close conjunction AND the Moon covered BOTH of them! This occurred in New York when the Moon was sown. New York saw The Moon rise AFTER she passed the planets. . Observers fanned out in mid and south Africa and Atlantic Ocean to watch it. The planets immerged and emerged within a couple minutes of each other!! I haven't yet heard of any predictions for the next possible instance of a double planet occultation. Conclusion -------- Occultations of planets by the Moon are beautiful events. Even those by daytime, provided weather and skill are on your side. Else you will bomb out. It really pays to practice seeing Saturn in the clear days before the occultation. The effort will prepare you for the big day. This August 31st Saturn occultation is one of the better ones geometricly but it occurs when weather is likely to be hazy and humid. It could also be cloudy or rainy. New York in the 2013-2014 period so far lost many fantastic eclipses and occultations due to weather. This is the grandest unpredictable factor of all observing programs.