This page has my astronomy and related sciences articles. My all-oter, cultural, 
articles are in a separate page HERE.

   date         title  - description  
   -----------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  2023 Feb  8   I SAW THE GREEN COMET - views of comet 2022-E3 (ZTF()
  2022 Dec  8  A BLIP ON THE MOON - Moon-Mars near miss, 2022 Dec 7
  2022 Nov 16   THE ELECTION ECLIPSE - report of 2022 Nov 8 lunar eclipse
  2022 Aug 14  MARS OPPOSITIONS, 1950-2061  - table for both opposition and proximity  
  2022 May 16  YES, YES, NO -     report on lunar eclipse of 2022 May 15-16
  2021 Sep 19  SATURN RING CROSSINGS - Table of Saturn ring crossings, 1600s-2100s 
  2021 Jun 10  THE ONE-MINUTE ECLIPSEA - report on solar eclipse of 2021 June 10
  2021 Jan 18  COMPARISON OF STAR ATLASES - specs and features of common star atlases
  2020 Oct 29  HALLOWEEN FULL MOONS - Full Moons on/near Oct 31 in 19-22 centuries
  2020 Oct 18  CRUX SEEN FROM NEW YORK CITY - How precession removed Crux from NYC sky
  2020 Oct  4  ECLIPSES DURING RAMADAN - eclipse patterns and seasons in Ramadan
  2020 Aug 23  TISSERAND PARAMETER - use for comet, asteroid, spaceprobe orbits
  2020 Aug 20  SOLAR SYSTEM DATA  - handy compact tables of solar system information
  2020 Aug 14  ISLAMIC MOON AND ECLIPSES [Islamic calendar, First Crrescnt, eclipses
  2020 Aug 14  JULIAN AND GREGORIAN CALENDARS - J-G cautions for astronomy software
  2020 Jul 17  HORIZON ECLIPSES - with 26 May 2020 lunar and 10 June 2020 solar exlipses
  2020 Jun 15  SOME MATHS FOR HOME ASTRONOMERS - explanation and guidance for maths operations
  2020 Apr 14  FACTORS FOR FIRST CRESCENT [- atural factors influencing sight of First Crescent
  2020 Feb  8  GRAVIY WAVES CREATED GOLD - Metzger lecture, 2020 Feb 5
  2019 Nov 11  MY LAST TRANSIT OF MERCURY? - report of Mercury tranit, 2019 Nov 11
  2019 Nov  9  FORMULAE FOR BINARY STARS - assorted useful formulae related to binary stars
  2019 Oct 20  AAS andd S&T - Amer Astro Soc acquires Sky & Telescope
  2019 Jan 22  AS COLD AS THE SHADOW ON THE MOON - report of 2019 Jan 20-21 lunar eclipse
  2018 Sep 14  E=MC2 AT CON EDISON - Effect of Einstein and Carnot laws on Con Edison and astronomy
  2018 Aug  3  The Milky Way's blackhole [calculating properties of MW's blackhole]
  2018 Feb 22  Passover and spring equinox Passover-equinox relation in Jewish calendar]
  2017 Dec  5  Supermoon [explanation of 'supermoon' events]
  2017 Nov 15  The search for water and life on Mars [Wray lecture 2017 Nov 15]
  2017 Aug 22  Southern Summer Eclipse [solar eclipse observation from South Carolina]
  2017 Jul 28  Solar eclipse in New York, 2017 August 21 [observing the eclipse from NYC]
  2017 Jul 24  Rainbows under Second Avenue [rainbow-colored splashes in 2nd Av line stations]
  2017 Mar 27  VENUS IN MORNING AND EVENING [seeing Venus as both morning and evening star=
  2017 Jan 13  lIFE OF STARS ON THE MAIN SEQUENCCE [MS functions derived from H-He burning]
 2017 Jan  2 SIMULATION OF DELTA-T [Earth spindown, length of day, eclipse paths]
  2016 Sep  4  Suspended Summer [lingering Summer Triangle in autumn]
  2015 Dec  3  Inverse-Square law and magnitude formulae [astronomy uses of ISL]
  2015 Nov 26  Thank you, Thanksgivig [Aldebaran occulttion, 2015 Nov 26]
  2015 Nov 14  Forging the Moon [Wilding talk 2015 Nov 11 on forged Sidereus Nuncius]
  2015 Sep 12  Total lunar eclipse, 27-28 September 2015 [info and timetable for eclipse in NYC]
  2015 Aug 14  Why Does the Moon Skip Around? [Moon longitude and phase at annual events] 
  2015 Jul 15  Daylight on Pluto [Eath & Pluto ground lighting compared] 
  2015 Apr 21  A Long Time in Astronomy [Jupiter & Saturn years of astronomy service]
  2014 Sep 13  Two eclipses in October 2014 [lunar on 8th, solar on 23rd]
  2014 Aug 16  Occultation of Saturn, 2004 August 31 [daytime planet observing]
  2014 Jul 11  Eclipse facts and concepts [background information for eclipses]
  2014 Mar  3  Total lunar eclipse of 2014 April 15 [with Spica, Mars, Saturn]
  2014 Feb 14  Wil Regulus blink? [Regulus-Erigone occultation, 2014Mar 20]
  2014 Jan 20  Extraordinary Women [Grolier Club exhibit, Sep-Nov 2013]
  2013 Oct  8  Tale of two eclipses [sunrise eclipses of 1959 and 2013]
  2013 Sep 22  Special events at the United Nations [advice for attennding UN special events]
  2013 Sep  5  New field for stars and city [UN's public sessions]
  2013 Aug  1  The astronomy of Grand Central Terminal [2013 Jul INSAP tour of GCT']
  2013 Aug  1  Juice Box on Jupiter [Space Fest, 2013 Jul 25-27]
  2013 Jul 13  Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena [INSAP-8 conf, 2013 Jul 7-12]
  2013 Jun  7  Chemistry for home astronomy [chemical behavior of atoms] 
  2013 May 24  WOMEN IN SPACE [UN panel on encouraging women for science careers]
  2013 May  3  Graffias graze over New York on 2013 May 24 [view from NYSkies land]
  2013 Apr 13  Women in space [UN celebration of Tereshkova-Gagarin flights]
    2012 Sep 12  Beam height for 'Tribute in Light' [light beams honoring 9/11]/
   2012 Jul 18  Electric and magnetic fields 2/2 [magnetic pole, field, force]
  2012 Jul 18  Electric and magnetic fields 1/2 [electric charge, field, force]
  2012 Jun 24  Should you pay for astronomy? [charging fees for astronomy events]
  2012 Jun 12  Distance to Sun by Venus transit [Venus parallax  obtained from transits]
  2012 Jun  7  Weather and the Venus Transit [cloudy weather against stargazing]
  2012 May 100  More perfect universe [Sobel's Copernicus play 2012 May 7]
  2012 Apr 29  2012 TRANSIT OF VENUIS IN NEW YORK [background and preparation for transit] 
  2012 Mar 17  To Mars via the Lower East Side [Center of Space Science Education]
  2012 Feb 18  New months in the year [realigning months and names]
  2012 Jan 27  SUN'S APPARENT MAGNIUDE FROM A STAR [simple form of distance modulus for Sun]
  2012 Jan 23  GREATEST ILLUMNATED AREA OF VENUS [new observable parameter for Venus]
  2012 Ja  8  Geocentric calculation [Venus-Jupiter conjunction by Ptolemaeus method]
  2011 Dec 12  Kepler's parallax of Mars [plotting Mars orbit by parallax]
  2011 Aug 21  When Did I Get Home? [finding clock hour with star and astrolabe]
  2011 Apr 10  Ancient Jewish science [astronomy in the Book of Enoch]
  2011 Mar 15  A fabulous show, Porrima! [gamma Virginis 2005 periastron]
  2010 Dec 18  Sidereal and synodic cycles [planetary motions and positions]
  2010 Nov 14  A mathematician's journey [Neugebauer conf, 2010 Nov 12-13]
  2010 Sep 10  Comet 103P/Hartley-2 [bright evening comet for New York]
  2010 Jul 19  The Perseid meteor shower [2010 apparition]
  2010 Apr 23  Earth Day in New York [astronomy exhibit in NYC's Earth Day]
  2010 Feb 10  Did Homer describe an eclipse in The Odyssey? [Magnasco talk 2010 Feb 8] 
  2010 Jan 10  Astrophotography with simple digital cameras [RF, not SLR, models]
  2010 Jan  4  Mars opposition of 2010 [observing by eye and binoculars]
  2009 Nov 11  End of Pleiades occultations [current season ends in 2010]
  2009 Nov  8  Astronomy on a Highway Overpass [AAVSO meeting, 2009 Nov 5-7]
  2009 Oct 12  Observing double stars - topics for home astronomers
  2009 Oct  9  Human artifacts on the Moon  - landings and crashes
  2009 Sep 19  Targets for skies over New York City - deep sky objects
  2009 Aug 13  Operation of the astrolabe [use, function of mediaeval device
  2009 Jul 21  Comet paths in the sky - geocentric track of comet thru sky
  2009 Jul  5  Non-Messier object cross-reference - Hartmut Frommert's table
  2009 Jul  5  Examples for spectral classes - tables of stars from Observer's Handbook catalog
  2009 Jun  6  Stellar spectrometry - topics for home astronomy
  2009 May 30  The planispheric astrolabe - Chandler talk 2009 May 22
  2009 May  9  Blessing the Sun [Birkat Hachama, Jewish astronomy] 
  2009 Apr 27  Do I see omega Centauri? [seeing NGC5128 & 5139 from NYC]
  2009 Jan  2  Jupiter Neptune triple conjunction [May, Jul, Dec 2009]
  2008 Dec 21  Moon-Jupiter-Venus conventions [planet conjunctions
  2008 Dec 15  Forgotten Stars [Manilius conf 2008 Oct 24-25
  2008 Nov 15  That is one long eclipse! [epsilon Aurigae]
  2008 Sep  7  Ecliptic cyclorama [astronomy features in horoscope 'wheel' chart[
  2008 Aug 31  Table of asteroid groups [classes and families of minor planets]
  2008 Aug 31  Decanates [Greek and Egyptian stars]
  2008 May 27  Striking water and striking out - Hayd Plm's Phoenix show]
  2008 Mar 10  GLOBE at Night 2008 telcon - luminous graffiti in NYC
  2008 Feb 16  How high can you jump on the Moon? [lab exercise to measure jump heights]
  2008 Jan  5  Will Mars get gonged? [asteroid 2007-WD5 collision]
  2007 Dec 11  Sun's selenographic colongitude [lunar lat-lon coords, phases, libration]
  2007 Dec  8  Astrology for astronomers? [using astrology principles for astronomy functions'  
  2007 Dec  8  What's my qibla? [direction to face Mecca]	
  2007 Oct 23  Strange lights on the Moon [Crotts talks in 2007] 
  2007 Sep 23  Moon's void of course [astrology feature]
  2007 Sep  9  In the shadow of the Moon [movie review] 
  2007 Jun 13  Greener greater New York [greening the City for 2030]
  2007 Apr 15  The Pioneer anomaly [Isaac Asimov debate, March 2007] 
  2007 Feb  8  Is that a planet on my image?!?! [epsilon Eridani] 
  2006 Nov 12  Chandra and Fulton Street [AAVSO meeting 2006 Oct 26-28] 
  2006 Oct 28  Sunshine at Ground Zero [Wedge of Light at WTC site]
  2006 Sep 19  New trends in astrodynamics [AstroCon-3 2206] 
  2006 Mar 10  Oh!, Cincinnati [theft of Cincinnati Observatory lens]
  2006 Mar  8  L, l, 1 Carinae [star designation]
  2006 Jan 26  Saturn edge-on phase [tilt of rings and edge-on events]
  2006 Jan 16  How often is that star occulted? [rule-of-19, occultation sesons]
  2005 Dec 26  International law of outer space [Lieber talk, 15 Dec 2005]
  2005 Dec 24  Roving Mars [Squyres talk 2005 Dec 13]
  2005 Nov 27  AAVSO Conference, october 2005 [Part 1 of 4]
  2005 Nov 27  AAVSO Conference, october 2005 [Part 2 of 4]
  2005 Nov 27  AAVSO Conference, october 2005 [Part 3 of 4]
  2005 Nov 27  AAVSO Conference, october 2005 [Part 4 of 4]
  2005 Oct 19  Babylonian moons [fixing full and new Moon]
  2005 Oct 15  Station at the center of the universe [Grand Central]
  2005 Oct  9  Happy 70th birthday [Hayden Planetarium]
  2005 Aug  2  The leap second [keeping atomic time and Earth rotation in synch]
  2005 Apr  3  America's future in space [Allies in Space 2005 April]
  2005 Mar 28  They're closing in!! [gamma Virginis] 
  2004 Oct 16  American urban Star Fest 2004 [AUSF in Central Pk, 2004 Oct 9]
  2004 Jul 27  High Attrition Rate [substantial drop out rate in home astronomy]
  2004 Jun 11  Venus on the Sun [transit 2004 Jun 8]
  2004 Apr  7  Moon, Mars, and beyond [Tyson talk 2004 Mar 13]
  2003 Dec  3  Marsapalooza! [coming landing of Mars rovers]
  2003 Oct 17  Welcome back, Hermes [asteroid recovery] 
  2003 Aug  3  Outline of 18th century astronomy [invention, discovery, theory]
  2003 Jun 11  Disc parameters for Mars [observing the planet] 
  2003 Jun  5  Oppositions of Mars [1900-2035]
  2003 May 24  The Stonehenge effect in New York City [history, theory, advice to watch Manhattanhenge]
  2003 May 23  Observing the aurora in New York [theory, features, advice]
  2002 Nov  2  Seeing the Milky Way from New York [chances, preparation, seasons, advice]
  2002 Oct 27  American Urban Star Fest [stars from Central Park, Manhattan]
  2002 Sep 27  Are these stars looking back at us? [table of bright planetary stars and exoplanets] 
  2002 Jul 25  AAVSO convention in Hawaii [July 2002]
  2002 May  1  Satellite observing [viewing artificial Earth satellites]
  2002 Mar 17  What is a Kreutz comet? [sungrazing comets, SOHO discoveries]
  2001 Nov 19  The Leonids did roar! [meteor storm of 2001]
  2001 Nov  6  AAVSO 2001 fall meeting in Somerville 
  2001 Nov  4  The other dark sky [light pollution in New York]
  2001 Oct 25  Hohmann orbits - space flight trajectories
  2001 Oct  3  The Lagrange points [libration, equilibrium, L points]
  2001 Aug  2  Planetary synodic cycles - interaction of Earth and planet orbita; motion
  2001 Aug  1  The cardboard diffraction micrometer [double stars]
  2001 Aug  1  Halo minor and parhelia [atmospheric optics]
  2001 May 26  Sky orientation
  2000 Oct 28  The promise for starry eyes [light pollution in New York]
  2000 Jul  1  Bump, bump, bump, bang! [Hayden Planetarium show]
  2000 Jul  1  Lopsided sunrises? [sun's diurnal motion] 
  2000 May 10  Photoessay of the Hayden Planetarium [00-09 of 60]]
  2000 May 10  Photoessay of the Hayden Planetarium [10-19 of 60]
  2000 May 10  Photoessay of the Hayden Planetarium [20-29 of 60]
  2000 May 10  Photoessay of the Hayden Planetarium [30-39 of 60]
  2000 May 10  Photoessay of the Hayden Planetarium [40-49 of 60]
  2000 May 10  Photoessay of the Hayden Planetarium [50-59 of 60]
  2000 Apr  1  A star on the move [gamma Virginis] 
  1999 Dec 18  Leonids storm the planet! [1999 meteor shower]
  1999 Nov 30  From the Bronx to Buzzard's Bay [AAVSO fall 1999] 
  1999 Oct 31  The therapeutic stars [Monefiore Children's Hospital]
  1998 Nov  1  New York's new Hayden Planetarium
  1998 Aug 1  New Lighting for New England [NELPAG conference 1998 Jul 5]
  1998 Mar 17  Great comets in history [table and definition of 'great comet']
  1997 Mar 11  Observations of comet Hale-Bopp 1995-O1 [from New York & Brooklyn]
  1996 Nov  1  MASTER ROSTER OF COMETS [building a comet database, finding new comet activity]
  1996 Oct  7  Closing the gap! [electric trains to Boston, light pollution]
  1996 Oct  3  THE INTRNATINAL DARKSKY SHRINTE [K-Mart's Penn Plaza store on Manhattan]
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  1996 May  1  Brief comet Hyakutake reports [comet 1996-B2 in New York]
  1996 Mar 29  Yuji Hyakutake, discoverer of the great comet of 1996]
  1995 Sep  1  General news about comet Hale-Bopp 1995-O1
  1995 Jun  1  DARK SKY FOR NEW YORK CITY [light abatement projects in NYC]
  1994 Dec  1  Manhattan can go by GPS [proof that GPS works]
  1994 Oct 15  4th magnitude - light pollution on Manhattan
  1994 Sep  1  Jupiter and Shoemaker-Levy-9 [- omet-Jupiter collision in 1994 July]
  1994 Mar  1  New cluster in Puppis - Arline Caldwell's star cluster
  1994 Jan  1  What an eclipse! - unar eclipse of 1993 Nov 28
  1993 Oct 30  WHY ARE OUR SKIWS SO DARK? - factors mitigating light pollution on Manhattan
  1993 May  1  George Lovi -- 1939-1993 - obituary for Brooklyn astronomer
  1992 Jun  1  Earth's new dustdeck - Pinatubo volcano eruption
  1992 Feb  1  ABCs and PQRs of CCDs - early CCD imaging systtems
  1991 Dec  1  SMITHSONIAN GETS POWEE-OF-TEN - exhibit of Awad model of universe y at SI
  1991 Apr  1  The new Instrument Shop - telescope making in New York
  1991 Jan  1  The Brooklyn College Observatory - active urban college cobservatory
  1989 Jan  1  Starname abbreviations - proposed 3-letter symbols for stars]   
  1988 Jul 30  TAKE THE 'A' TRAIN TO THE STARS - IAU  conference, 1988 Jul 27-30   
  1988 Jun  1  The Awad Power-of-10 Model - scale model of universe
  1987 Aug  1  Antique astronomy books - ollecting old books and maps
  1987 Jun  1  Supernova 1987A in Large Magellanic Cloud
  1986 Sep  1  Amateur astronomers and the Hubble Space Telescope - HST open for amateur astronomer projects
  1984 Mar  1  The emancipation of the urban astrophotographer- starfield photos with new 1000 ASA film
  1981 Mar  1  The spectacularity of deep sky objects - rating DSO by combo of size and magnitude
  1979 Oct  1  Ahnighito and The Woman move to Museum - Hayden Planetarium meteorite
  1979 Sep  1  Dewey Decimals in outer space - location codes for solar system objects
  1977 Nov  1  A new star cluster in Camelopardus? - Pazmino's Cluster
  = = = = = = = = = = 
