 John Pazmino
 NYSkies Astronomy Inc
 2020 August 20

    While working on other matters I came across this handy table of 
astronomy data for solar system bodies. and a few stars  It's from The 
Physics Hypertextbook web in eaarly august were compiled I 
did minor editing, I did minor editing, mainly to shorten or clarify 
    There are several banks of data:inner planets, outer planets, 
minor bodies, Jupiter satellites, other large satellites, some stars. 
By having this table in a simple file, saved to disc, I find that it 
saves a lot of time and effort looking items up in books and charts. 
    One curious omission are the perigee and apogee of 'selected 
large' satellites. These can be calculated as needed from the given 
semimajor axis and eccentricity. 

    perigee = (semimajor axis) * (1 + eccentricity) 
     apogee = (semimajor axis) * (1 - eccentricity) ASTRONOMICAL DATA  

    I fetched thsd table in early August 2020. Data in it may be 
revided as new indformation becomes available. 

 The inner planets (terrestrial planets)
                    Mercury     Venus       Earth       Mars   
                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 mass (1e24 kg)     0.33011     4.8675      5.9723      0.64171
 mean radius (km)   2,439.7     6,051.8     6,371.000   3,389.5
 equat'l rad (km)   2,439.7     6,051.8     6,378.137   3,396.2
 polar radius (km)  2,439.7     6,051.8     6,356.752   3,376.2
 flat factor        0.0000      0.0000      0.003353    0.00589
 mom'tinertia const 0.33        0.33        0.3308      0.366
 axial tilt (ø)     0.034       177.36      23.44      25.19
 s'maj axis(1e6 km) 57.91       108.21      149.60     227.92
 peri'n (1e6 km)   46.00       107.48      147.09      206.62
 aphelion(1e6 km)  69.82       108.94      152.10      249.23
 eccentricity       0.2056      0.0067       0.0167      0.0935
 inclination (ø)    7.00        3.39         0       1.850
 sid period (days)  87.969      224.701      365.256   686.980
trop period (days)  87.968      224.695      365.242    686.973
 sid day (hours)    1,407.6     -5,832.5      23.9345    24.6229
 solar day(hours)   4,222.6     2,802.0       24.0000    24.6597
surf atm pres (kPa) 1e-12       9,200        101.325    0.638
 mean surf temp (K) 440         737          288        210
 blabody temp (K)   442.5       231.7        254.3      210.1
 nat/lsatellites   none        none         1          2
 planet rings       none        none         none       none
 The outer planets (Jovian planets)
                    Jupiter    Saturn      Uranus  N   Neptune
                 -  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------
  mass(1e24 kg)     1,898.19   568.34      86.813      102.413
 mean radius(km)    69,911     58,232      25,362      24,622
 equa'l rad (km     71,492     60,268      25,559      24,764
 polar radius(km)   66,854     54,364      24,973      24,341
 flat factor        0.06487    0.09796     0.02293     0.01708
 mom't inertia cons 0.254      0.210       0.225       ?
 axial tilt (ø)     3.13       26.73       97.77       28.32
 s'naj axis(1e6 km) 778.57     1,433.53    2,872.46    4,495.06
 perihe'n (1e6 km)  740.52     1,352.55    2,741.30    4,444.45
 aphelion (1e6 km)  816.62  1  1,514.50    3,003.62    4,545.67
 eccentricity       0.0489     0.0565      0.0457      0.0113
 inclination (ø)    1.304      2.485       0.772       1.769
 sid period (days)  4,332.589  10,759.22   30,685.4    60,189
 trop period (days) 4,330.595  10,746.94   30,588.740  59,799.9
 sid day (hours)    9.9250     10.656      -17.24     16.11
 solar day (hours)  9.9259     10.656      17.24      16.11
 surf atm pres(kPa) n/a        n/a         n/a         n/a
 mean sur temp (K) 165         134         76          72
 blkbodytemp (K)   110.0       81.1        58.2        46.6
 naturalsatellites 79          62          27          14
 planetary rings   1           extensive   13          9
 discovery         antiquity   antiquity   13 Mar 1781 23 Sep 1846
 Selected minor bodies
                    Ceres       Halley      Pluto       Eris
                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 family             main belt   comet       Kuiper belttransNeptunian
 mass (1e24 kg)     0.000938    0.0075      0.01303    ?
 mean radius (km)   469.7       5.5         1,187      1,350
 axial tilt (ø)     ?           ?           122.53     ?
 s'maj axis(1e6 km) 414.012     2,667.95   5,906.38    10,139.8
 perih'n (1e6 km)    382.621    87.661     4,436.82    5,671.36
aphelion (1e6 km)    445.405    5,248.24   7,375.93    14,608.3
 eccentricity        0.758228   0.967143   0.2488      0.440685
 pnclination (ø)     10.5934    -17.7373   17.16       44.0447
 sid period (days)   1,681.63   27,509.1   90,560      203,824
 trop period (days)  ?          ?           ?          ?
 sideral day (hours) 9.07417    ?           -153.2928  25.9
 dolar day (hours)   ?          ?           153.2820   ?
 surf atm pres (kPa) ?          ?           0.0003     ?
 mean surf temp (K)  167        ?           0          ?        
 lckbodytemp (K)     ?          ?           37.5       ?
 naturalsatellites   0          0           5          1
 discovery           1 Jan 1801 antiquity   8 Feb 1930 5 Jan 2005
 The Galilean satellites of Jupiter 
                     Io         Europa      Ganymede   Callisto
                     ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------
 mass(1e22 kg)       8.932      4.800       14.819     10.759
 mean radius(km)     1,821.6    1,560.8     2,631.2    2,410.3
 s'maj axis (km)     421,800    671,100     1,070,400  1,882,700
 eccentricity        0.004      0.009       0.001      0.007
 inclination (ø)     0.04       0.47        0.18       0.19
 sid periodt (days)  1.769138   3.551181    7.154553   16.689017
 discovery           7 Jan 1610 7 Jan 1610  7 Jan 1610 7 Jan 1610
Selected large satellites 
                     Moon       Titan        Triton       Charon
                     ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 satellite of        Earth      Saturn       Neptune     Pluto
 mass (1e22 kg)      7.346      13.455       2.14        0.1586
 mean radius (km)    1,737.4    2,575        1,353.4     603.6
 s'maj axis (km)     384,400    1,221,830    354,760     19,596
 perigee (km)        363,300    n/a          n/a         n/a
 apogee(km)          405,500    n/a          n/a         n/a
 eccentricity        0.0549     0.0292       0.000016   0.0002
  inclination (ø)    5.145      0.33         157.345    0.00005
 sid year (days)     27.3217    15.945421    -5.876854  6.3872
 surf atm pres (kPa) 1e-13      150          ?          ?
 mean surf temp (K)  95-390     95           ?          ?
 discovery           antiquity  25 Mar 1655  10 Oct 184 22 June 1978
 Selected stars 
                   Sun         Prox Cen    Sirius      Betelgeuse
                   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 mass             1.988e30 kg  0.12 Sun    2.14 Sun   12-17 Sun
 radius           6.957e08 m   0.12 Sun    1.68 Sun   650 Sun
luminosity        3.828e26 W  0.0009 Sin   26.1 Sun?   9,400 Sun
 temperature      5772 K      2670 K       9900 K      3100 K
 type             G2 main seq M5red dwarf  A1 main se  M1 supergiant
 distance         1.496e11 m  4.27 ly       8.57 ly    520 ly