THE SPECTACULARITY OF DEEP SKY OBJECTS ------------------------------------ John Pazmino NYSkies Astronomy Inc 1981 March 1 initial 2009 September 11 current
[This article was published in three parts in Eyepiece on January 1, February 1, and March 1 of 1981. The issue date in the neader is for the concluding part. It is here consolidated into one piece with touchup. Newsletter editor Jack Dittrick explains: "Ed. Note: John Pazmino's SPECTACULARITY treatise was presented at the 68th annual AAVSO meeting in Cambridge, Mass., October 1979. Here begins a verbatim serialization. Chopping John's paper into parts is a rather violent act, as it is made of whole cloth. Even the most erudite readers who miss the beginning or middle of the paper are likely to find the parts they do read entirely unintelligible. Observers who can stay with the tract from beginning to end should find it an invaluable aid in the telescopic observation of deep sky objects."] = = = = =
It has always been for deep sky objects -- nebulae, galaxies, and clusters -- that there was no single, simple rating by which the observer could assess the object's impressiveness, conspicuousness, or ease-of-finding prior to searching out the object in the sky. All the observer had to go by were verbal commentaries, haphazard brightness values, and illrepresentative pictures. For the beginning stargazer, interpretation of such notes can be uncertain, hesitant, even downright frustrating. This leads to huge waste of time and effort at the telescope and, frequently, to abandonment of stargazing altogether. About two years ago, when fellow AAAer Frances McCool and I began to observe together regularly, this lack of a descriptive figure-of- merit for deep sky objects became a severely acute situation. Frances, having the typical stargazer's telescope and other equipage, was first starting out in deep sky observing. And she frittered away her valuable hours looking for a this or that nebula because she had no sure way of ascertaining beforehand how hard it would be to find or what to expect of its appearance when found. True, we two could work together to share the frustrations, but what was really needed was an index -- a spectacularity index -- for deep sky objects. Now, there are two elemental properties of deep sky objects of concern to the observer, the angular size and the total magnitude. The visual impact of the object, based on physiological grounds, depends on both how much total illumination is sends to the observer and how much this illumination is spread out by the object's angular extent on the sky. So I began by setting down directly the definition of angular illumination from ordinary photometry:
Then, I converted this into the magnitude system by which all good observers are brought up:
The units here are magnitude per square radian above whatever base illumination one cares to use. I calibrated the magnitudes to the standard stellar photometry so the base illurnination is 2.65E-6 lumens per square meter. Factoring this last equation results in two terms:
The second term is a function only of area and can be pretabulated for convenient intervals over the size range of astronomical interest. I call this term the dilution modulus because it acts to spread out the total illumination over the angular extent of the object. With such a prepared table I can look up an object's dilution modulus, knowing the size, and add it directly to the total magnitude. The algebraic sum is immediately the object's angular magnitude, tantamount to one of the two determiants of the object's spectacularity. The other, the total magnitude, I already had all along. Having now in hand the determinants of impressiveness and ease-of- finding, I sought a function of the two which would generate a simple, easily evaluated spectacularity index. There heretofore never having been such a function, I could define one myself. Obviously, tho, the index must follow the spectacularity in a single-valued, monotonic manner. I chose a straight addition function:
That is to say, the spectacularity index of an object is twice its total magnitude plus its dilution modulus. All this reasoning took an evening or two of deskwork, but far more was to come. In the course of calculating spectacularity indices for the objects in the usual observing lists, hideous aberrations reared up. Objects known to be impressive received poor indices and vice-versa. The same object taken from different lists got discordant indices. The cause was in the values cited for total magnitude and angular size. It seemed as if some compilers were truly on the weed! Sizes were copied from previous authors, measured in outsized instruments, enclosed dim outlaying areas, taken from hearsay. Same thing with total magnitudes with the added complication that photographic and visual values were often mixed together without distinction. In many cases the numbers were so misleading that I had to just go outside and examine the object for myself in the sky. It took the better part of two years to card the entangled litterature and assemble (at least for the more prominent objects) a uniform and consistent set of magnitudes and sizes from which valid spectacularity indices could be worked up. The end results are presented here in two tables. Table 1 gives the spectacularity index versus total magnitude and angular size. This eliminates even the simple mathematics described above; the index can be read out directly from this table by entering it with the object's magnitude and size. Table I is divided into two zones, the left one for objects of index +1.5 and better and the right one for objects of index worse than +1.5. [The zones are demarcated by '#'.] The left zone embraces those objects suitable for the novice telescope user in an urban setting to work with when just starting out in deep sky observing. The right zone takes in objects for the more practiced observer. The breakpoint of index +1.5 is based on my own experience with many tens of observers of assorted skill working under the skies of New York City. By and large, novice telescope users in the City (transparency averaging +3.5 [in 1981]) spend overly and frustratingly long times looking for objects of index worse than +1.5. Some difficulty is experienced at index +1.5, but only enough to present a realistic challenge repaid by a pleasing impact from the object once found. By going to skies of better transparency the boundary between the two zones shifts to the right by one column in Table 1 for each 0.5 magnitude improvement in transparency, unveiling ever dimmer, more diffuse objects to view. For poorer skies the boundary migrates leftward at the same rate, leaving fewer and fewer objects of merit to look at. Thus, for our country friend, if just starting out in deep sky stargazing, the breakpoint index is +4.5; this includes most of the Messier objects and a good number of objects in the NGC catalog.
TABLE 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ SPECTACULARITY INDEX VERSUS TOTAL MAGH[TUDE AND ANGULAR SIZE --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGN +4.5 +5.0 +5.5 +0.0 +0.5 +7.0 +7.5 +8.0 +B.5 +9.0 +9.5 10.0 10.5 DIAM ---------------------------------------------------------------- I' -9.0 -8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.O -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 2' -7.5 -6.5 -5.5 -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 3' -6.5 -5.5 -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 +0.5#+1.5 +2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 4' -0.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 5' -5.5 -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +I.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 6' -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 +6.0 7' -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 +7.5 8' -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 +7.5 9' -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 67.0 +8.0 10' -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 67.0 +8.0 12' -3.5 -2.~ -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 +7.5 +8.5 14' -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 +7.0 +8.0 +9.0 16' -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 +7.0 +8.0 +9.0 I8' -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 +7.5 +8.5 +9.5 20' -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 +7.5 +8.5 +9.5 24' -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 +7.0 +8.0 +9.0 10.0 28' -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +0.5 +7.5 +8.5 +9.5 10.5 32' -1.5 -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +0.5 +7.5 +8.5 +9.5 10.5 36' -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +0.0 +7.0 +8.0 +9.0 10.0 11.0 40' -1.0 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +u.O +7.0 +8.0 +9.0 10.0 11.0 45' -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +0.5 +7.5 +8.5 +9.5 10.5 11.5 50' -0.5 +0.5 +1.5#+2.5 +3.5 +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 +7.5 +8.5 +9.5 10.5 11.5 55' 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 +7.0 +8.0 +9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 60' 0.0 +1.0#+2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0 +6.0 +7.0 +8.0 +9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 2 gives all the deep sky objects visible in the latitude of New York whose indices are +1.5 or better; which is to say, all objects which the novice observer should choose from for starting out in looking for deep sky objects under a city sky. Because, despite my concerted efforts, there may yet be further adjustments in an object's adopted magnitude and size, In the table I list those I finally settled on and from which the indices are derived. [There are many more such deep sky objects, but I didn't catch them when I wrote this article.] Should other values prove more appropriate, Table 1 can be used to obtain the new index for the object. However, contemplated adjustments to either the total magnitude or the angular size ought to be founded where ever possible on actual recourse to the object in the sky, not on quotations from compiled lists. It is essential to enclose in the magnitude and size only the principal seats of light in the object and no more. Taking in the faint peripheral territories will only increase the angular size with no real increase in illumination; this will unfairly depress the object's spectacularity index. Use of the spectacularity index is quite easy and direct. Just think of it as an ordinary magnitude rating. The algebraicly smaller indices denote the more showy, easier-to-find, objects. Take, by way of a simplified example, a sky of uniform transparency. We've just looked at M 80 Scorpii, an old favorite. Now we want to look for M 56 Lyrae which we haven't seen before. Turning to Table 2 we see that both M 80 and M 56 have an index of -0.5. While M 56 is half a magnitude fainter than M 80, it is also less than half as large areawise. The two factors compensate to yield equal spectacularity indices. Thus, overall, we would have just as much ease (or trouble) locating M 56 as M 80 and we would be about equally impressed with its aspect. But if instead we wanted to look for M 12 in Ophiuchus we would have quite a bit harder a time finding it than M 80 and it would seem significantly more mediocre. M 12's index is +1.0, as read out from Table 2. Suppose, tho, the sky is not of uniform transparency. Usually the transparency decreases toward the horizon and there may be regions of poor transparency due to local circumstances. Take the same two clusters, M 80 and M 56, again. M 80 is, say, in a part of the sky whose transparency is one magnitude worse than M 56's part. So instead of M 80's magnitude being +7.5, it is equivalently only +8.5. Look up in Table 1 under +8.5 magnitude, 3 arcminute diameter, and take out the equivalent index of +1.5. M 80's equivalent index of +1.5 compared to M 56's index of - 0.5 indicates that we should locate M 56 much more easily than M 80 (which we have already appreciated) and it would look much more conspicuous. The spectacularity index enables us to assess the visibility of objects in different skies. Let us already from our city location have appreciated M 3 in Canes Venatici. Could we try for M 51, also in Canes Venatici, during a visit .to our country friend? The sky in the city was overall of transparency +3 and we can reasonably expect an overall transparency of +5 where our friend lives. M 3's index is 0.0 from Table 2. We adopt magnitude +8.5, diameter 8 arcminutes, for M 51. Since the difference in transparency is 2 magnitudes in favor of M 51, we look in Table 1 under +6.5 and 8' and read out the equivalent index of -0.5. We under our friend's sky would find M 51 a somewhat easier object to pick up than M 3 is under our own sky.
TABLE 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- DEEP SKY OBJECTS WITH SPECTACULARITY INDEX OF +1.5 AND GREATER SORTED BY CATALOG NAME ---------------------------------------------------------- CATALOG RA (1950) DEC DIM TOT. SPEC. PROPER NAME TYPE CONST HR MN DEG MIN MAGN INDEX NAME ------- ---- ----- -- -- ---- --- ---- ----- -------- M 2 GC AQR 21 31 -01.1 8 +6.5' -0.5 AQR CLUS M 3 GC CVN 13 40 +28.6 10 +6.5 0.0 CVN CLUS M 4 GC SCO 16 21 -26.4 14 +6.0 0.0 M 5 OC SER 15 16 + 2.3 13 +6.0 0.0 SER ClUS M 6 OC SCO 17 37 -32.2 25 +5.0 -1.0 M 7 OC SCO 17 51 -34.8 60 +3.0 -3.0 SCO CLUS M 8 ON SGR 18 02 -24.3 10 +4.5 -4.0 LAGOON NEB M 9 OC OPH 17 16 -18.5 2 +6.0 +0.5 M 10 GC OPH 16 55 - 4.0 8 +7.0 +0.5 M 11 OC SCT 18 48 - 6.3 10 +6.0 -1.0 SCT ClUS M 12 GC OPH 16 45 - 1.9 9 +7.0 +1.0 M 13 GC HER 16 40 +36.6 10 +6.0 -1.0 HER CLUS M 14 OC OPH 17 35 - 3.2 3 +7.5 -0.5 M 15 GC PEG 21 23 +12.0 7 +6.5 -0.5 PEG CLUS M 16 ON SER 18 16 -13.8 8 +5.5 -2.5 EAGLE NEB M 17 ON SGR 18 18 -16.2 10 +5.0 -3.0 OMEGA NEB M 18 OC SGR 18 17 -17.2 7 +7.5 +1.5 M 19 GC OPH 17 00 -26.2 4 +7.0 -1.0 M 20 ON SGR 17 59 -23.0 8 +5.5 -2.5 TRIFID NEB M 21 OC SGR 18 02 -22.5 10 +6.0 -1.0 M 22 GC SGR 18 33 -24.0 17 +5.0 -2.0 M 24 OC SGR 18 13 -18.5 30 +4.5 -1.5 SGR CLUS M Z7 GN VUL 19 57 +22.6 6 +7.0 0.0 BUMBBELL NEB M 28 GC SGR 18 22 -24.9 5 +7.0 -0.5 M 29 OC CYG 20 22 +38.4 12 +7.0 +1.5 M 30 GC CAP 21 38 -23.4 6 +7.5 +1.0 CAP CLUS M 31 GX AND 0 40 +41.0 40 +3.5 -3.0 AND GALAXY M 32 GX AND 0 40 +40.6 2 +8.0 -0.5 M 34 OC PER 2 39 +42.6 18 +6.0 +0.5 M 35 OC GEM 6 6 +24.3 30 +5.5 +0.5 GEM CLUS M 36 OC AUR 5 32 +34.1 16 +6.5 +1.0 M 37 OC AUR 5 49 +32.6 24 +6.0 +1.0 M 39 OC CYG 21 30 +48.2 30 +5.5 +0.5 CYG CLUS M 41 OC CMA 6 45 -20.5 20 +5.0 -1.5 CNA CLUS H 42 ON ORI 5 33 - 5.4 15 +3.0 -6.0 ORI NEB M 43 ON ORI 5 33 - 5.3 5 +5.0 -4.5 M 44 OC CNC 8 38 +19.9 90 +3.5 -1.0 PRAESEPE M 45 OC TAU 3 44 +24.0 100 +1.5 -5.0 PLEIADES M 46 OC PUP 7 40 -14.7 24 +6.0 +1.0 M 47 OC PUP 7 34 -14.4 2S +4.5 -2.0 PUP CLUS M 48 OC HYA 8 11 -05.6 30 +5.5 +0.5 M 50 OC MON 7 1 - 8.3 10 +6.5 O.Q M 53 GC COM 13 11 +18.4 3 +8.0 +0.5 M 54 GC SGR 18 52 -30.5 2 +7.5 -1.5 M 55 GC SGR 19 37 -31.1 10 +6.5 0.0 M 56 GC LYR 19 15 +30.1 2 +8.0 -0.5 LYR CLUS M 57 GN LYR 18 52 +33.0 1 +8.5 -1.0 RING NEB M 62 GC SCO 16 58 -30.1 4 +6.5 -2.0 M 67 OC CNC 8 43 +12.0 15 +6.5 +1.0 M 68 GC HYA 12 37 -26.5 3 +8.5 +1.5 M 69 GC SGR 18 28 -32.4 3 +7.5 -0.5 M 70 GC SGR 18 40 -32.4 3 +8.0 +0.5 M 73 OC AQR 20 56 -12.8 3 +8.5 +1.5 M 75 GC SGR 20 03 -22.1 2 +8.5 +0.5 M 79 GC LEP 5 22 -24.6 3 +8.5 +1.5 M 80 GC SCO 16 14 -22.9 3 +7.5 -0.5 M 81 GX UMA 9 52 +69.3 13 +7.0 +1.5 M 82 GX UMA 9 52 +69.9 3 +8.5 +1.5 M 92 GC HER 17 16 +43.2 8 +6.5 -0.5 M 93 OC PUP 7 42 -23.8 25 +6.0 +1.0 M 103 OC CAS 1 30 +60.5 5 +7.0 -0.5 CAS CLUS M 107 GC OPH 16 30 -13.0 2 +8.0 -0.5 M 110 GX AND 0 40 +41.0 5 +8.0 +1.5 NEL 25 OC TAU 4 17 +15.5 240 +1.0 -4.0 HYADES MEL 111 OC COM 12 23 +26.4 360 +3.0 +1.0 COM CLUS N 869 OC PER 2 16 +56.9 30 +4.0 -2.5 DOUBLE CLUS N 884 OC PER 2 20 +56.9 30 +4.0 -2.5 DOUBLE CLUS N 1980 OC ORI 5 33 - 6.0 14 +4.0 -4.0 lOT ORI N Z237 OC MON 6 30 + 4.7 10 +6.5 0.0 N 2244 OC MON 6 30 + 4.9 27 +5.0 -0.5 ROSETTE N 2264 OC MON 6 38 +10.0 30 +4.5 -1.5 15 MON N 5128 GX CEN 13 22 -42.8 9 +7.0 +1.O CEN GALAXY N 5139 GC CEN 13 24 -47.1 23 +3.5 -4.0 OME CEN N 6356 GC OPH 17 21 -17.8 2 +8.5 +0.5 N 6638 GC SGR 18 28 -25.5 1 +9.0 0.0 M 6642 GC SGR 18 29 -23.5 1 +9.5 +1.0 M 6712 GC SCT 18 50 - 8.8 2 +8.0 -0.5 PAZ 1 OC CAM 3 13 +59.7 10 +6.0 -1.0 PAZMINO'S CLUS ------------------------------------------------------------------