NYSkies Astronomy Inc

The support service for home astronomy


email group


NYC Events


 John Pazmino 
  NYSkies Astronomy In+c 

    The following astronomy activities in the NYSkies region,roughly 
100km radius from Herald Square on Manhattan, are open to the public. 
A few cultural items of interest to astronomers are also included. 
    Altho NYC Events confirms the items, they are subject to change 
after NYC Events is issued. Inquire at the event's contact for 
addiurnate news. Let the contact know that you learned of its event 
thru NYC Events. 
    Frequently asked questions about NYC Events are at 
    Only the current issue is in the web. It is replaced by next 
month's issue. You may request previous NYC Events thru 
'nyskies@nyskies.org'. These are archived offline and incorporate 
corrections refered to our attention since their issuance. 
    For events missing NYC Events, check the NYSkies email GROUP at 
'nyskies@groups.io'. When ADVISING about a new event deliberately 
account for the seven W's: What, Where, When, Who, Wht, Why, hoW, Wow. 
    Join the nyskies group by sending an empty, blank, email to 
nyskies+subscribe@groups.io'. Any text and subject in the email are 
     The email addressfrom where you sent the subscribe is the one you 
then after converse with the group. Messages come to you when posted 
in the group. Send messages to the group AT 'nyskies@groups.io'. 

    'whole City' means the event has no specific or dedicated place. 
    It may be enjoyed from the whole NYSkies territory or at a number 
of individual places. Celestial events are typicly 'whole City' 
    'all day' means the event is continuous or repeating during the 
open hours of the host facility. Facilities may have limited hours per 
day or days per week. Check with the event contact.  
    'adv regn reqd', for 'advance registration required/requested', 
means that YOU MUST SIGN UP before the event. You must have your 
ticket in hand at the gate. There could be a deadline some days before 
the event, after which no more signups are accepted. Check with the 
event contact for specifics.  Mind well all instructions in he ticket. 
skipping or improperly following them may complicate your admision. 
    Admission prices are the 'rack rate'. You could qualify for 
discounts, as may be offered by the event. Besides the admission price 
there may be collateral or optional fees to consider. 

  Plain dates are in current month; 
  -, previous month; +, next month. 
  #, NYSkies Astronomy Seminar, digital sessions at 
  Moon phase: .NM., .FQ), (FM), (LQ.  
  Sunset is given for each Saturday  
      Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   sunset 
      ---  ---   ---   ----   ---   ---   ---   -------
      -27   -28   -29   -30   -31    .1#.   2   17:50 EDST 
        3     4     5     6     7     8    .9)  16:43 EST 
       10    11    12    13    14   (15#)  16   16:37 EST 
       17    18    19    20    21   (22.   23   16:32 EST 
       24    25    26    27    28    29    30   16;29 EST ------- -----
    All hours from Nov 1 to Bov 2 are Eastern Daylight Savings Time 
(UT - 4h). All hoUrs from Nov 3 and out are Eastern Standar Time 
 (UT - 5h). 

 * = NASA-JPL Night Sky Network affiliate  
 date = in-person event in 'list of events' /ection 
 ' 0 ' = in-person event in 'ongoing and continuing events' section 
 'AUT'= event in 'skipped, autumn resumption' section 
 'SPR' = event in 'skipped, spring resumption' secrion 
 '???' = event in 'skipped' for uncertain or low-interest event '!!!' = 
event in 'skipped' for having no in-person event 
 ------- -----------------------------------------------

  Secret Science club- - -  ???   3 

 *Astro Soc of Gtr Hartford ??? 
  Astro Sco of Greenwich  - !!! 
 *Astro Soc of New Haven - -!!! 
  Boothe Memorial Astro Soc 1, 15 
 *Bowman Observatory - - - - 6, 20              2, 16 
  Litchfield Hills AAC mtg  AUT 
  Litchfield Hills AAc lect AUT 
  *McCarthy Observatory - -  9  
  New Pond Farm -  - - -     9 
  Stamford Museum - - - - -  1, 8, 15, 22, 29    - -  - -            
4, 11, 18, 25 
  Van Vleck Obsy (ASGH)   -  2 
  Van Vleck Obsy (WU)  - --- 6, 13, 20, 27 
  Westport Astro Soc mtg  - 19 
  Westport Astro Soc starvw  6, 13, 20, 27           2, 9, 16, 23, 30  

 *Amateur Observers Soc m -  3 
 *Amat Obsrs Soc starvwing   0 
  Amer Instt Aeron & Astron ??? 
  Astro Soc of Long Island -  6, 13, 20        2, 9, 16, 23, 30 
  Custer Institute -   - --  2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 26 
  Hamptons Observatory - -              ??? 
  Hofstra Univ Obsy - - - -  3 
 LuminoCity Festival  - - -  8-Jan 5 
  SUNY Stony Brook Astro -   1 
 *Susan Rose Observatory-    2, 9, 16, 23, 30 
                         - - - - - 
   *Amat Astro Assn starvwg  0 
 *Amat Astro Assn lecture --!!! 
  Amer Instt Archaeology  - !!! 
  Ctr for Atmos & Ocean Sci 13          2, 9, 16, 23, 30 
  Ctr for Sci & Soc  - -  -  0 
  Central Pk (Great Lawn) - !!! 
  Columbia Univ Astro - - - ??? 
  CUNY Graduate Center  - -  7, 13, 15 
  Eastern  Standard Time  -  3 
 Election Day  - - - - -  -  5 
  Globe at Night - - - - -  22-Dec 1 
  Govvernors Island  - - --  0 
  Hayden Planetarium -  - - 20   
  Instt Stud Ancnt World  -  6, 13, 19, 25 
  Intrepid Museum  - - - -- SPR 
  Macy's Thanksgi'ng parade 28 
  Milky War autumn seaaason  1-30 
  Natl Musm of Mathematics   6 
  NYC-H2O  - - - - - - - -   0 
  New York Map Society  - - !!! 
  NYU Astrop & Relatvty -    5, 12, 19, 26    
 *NYSkies Astronomy Seminar  1, 15 (digital sessions) 
  New York City Marathon - - 3 
  SciCafe' -  - - - - - - -  6           9 
  Simons Foundation - - - - AUT 
  Thanksgiving Day - - - - - 28 
  *Top of the Laawn  - - - -!!! 
  Urban Park Rangers  - - -            0 
  Veterans Day  - - - - - - 11 
 Ctr for Space Sci Edu - -- info@nyccsse.reading org, 
        www.nyccsse.org, 212-598-6164 

  Bear Mountain - - - - - -  23 
   Lamont-Doherty Obsy  -  - !!! 
  Mid-Hudson Astro Assn - -- 29 
  Vassar Collee Obsy  - - -   6, 13, 0, 27 
  Ward Pound Ridge  - - - -  23, 30 
  Westchester AmatAstro  - -  8 
  A A A of Princeton  - - -    ??? 
  *Amat Astro Inc meeting =- -  1 
  Amat Astro Inc lecture  - -  15                    20 
  Astro Soc of Toms Rv Area    ?8 
  Morris Musm Astro Soc - -- -  9 
  NJ Astro Assn lecture  - - - SPR 
  NJ Astro Assn sunviewing   - SPR   
  NW Jersey Amat Astro  - - -  !!! 
  North Jersey Astro Group - - 12 
  Peyton Observatory  - - - -  ??? 
  Plasma Physics Lab  - - - -  AUT 
  Rutgers Univ Astro Collqm     !!! 
  Rutgers Univ Astro Semnr -   !!! 
 *S*T*A*R - - - - - - - - - -  !!! 
  Schommer Observatory - - - -  7, 14, 21 
  Sheep Hill Asro Assn - - - - 15 
  *Utd Astro Clubs of NJ - - - SPR 
   Washington Xing St Pk - - - SPR 
 Dark Sky Observers - www.users.nac.net/gburke/club  
  Montclair Telescope Club - 973-948-5284,,    
  Passaic Co Astro Assn - www.users.nac.net/gburke/PCAA, 973-523-0024 
 *Raritan Vy Co Coll Plm  - www2.raritanval.edu/planetarium  
   Skyland Stargazers  -  skylandstargazers.tripod.com n 

  York College ObserVatory - -  13 



    THE BRONX - bx 
  Holiday Train Show - - - - 16-Jan 20 


    all day - Governors Island - MH - cultural shows 
        Open all year! Walk and tour thru former military base and \        
        new urban park. Shows vary each day or visit by foot or bike. 
        Ferries run every 40 min from   Battery Marine Terml, MH. On 
        weekdays also from Pier 6, BK; and Atlantic Basin, BK. Island 
        is free but ferry fare is $3 RT. Adv regn reqd, no at-door 
       tkts. www.nps.gov/gois, www.govisland.com 
    allday - whole City - MH - cultural tours & lectures 
        Urban Park Rangers. Tours of parks, landmarks, nabes, hoods. 
        Lectures on history and culture of NYC. Program varies each 
        month. Free. www.nyc.gov/parks  
     all day - whole Island - LI - clearsky starviewing  
        Amat Obsrs Soc. Sessions convene in parks usually at dusk. 
        Occasional daytime sunviewing. Free. Cancelled for clouds. 
         www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net 
   all day - Columbia Univ - MH - Ctr for Sci and Soc lecture          
        Fayerweather Hall, Rm 513. 'Exploring Mars with Perserverance 
        and ingenuity''.Free, adv regn reqd.   212-853-1612, a        
    all day - whole City - MH - cultural tour 
        NYC-. Walk, bike, ride thru history and culture of NYC 
        muwater system facilities and natural waterways in and near 
        the City.  Events are pay orfree, adn regn reqd. Bike tours 
        need own bike. www.nych2o.org, 
    all day - whole City - MH - clearsky starviewing  
        Amat Astro Assn. Sessions convene in parks usually at dusk. 
        Occasional daytime sunviewing. Free. Cancelled for clouds. 
          president@aaa.org, 718-522-5014, www.aaa.org  

lLIST OF EVENTS --------------                                        

Fri  1 Nov 
    18:30 - McBurney Houall - MH - NYSkies Astronomy Seminar 
        125 W 14 St, 6/7 Av. Discussion of astronomy topics, show & 
        tell, skywatching reports, news of astro activity in NYSkies 
        territory. Free. nyskies@nyskies.org, www.nyskies.org r    
    19:30 - Stony Brook - LI - astronomy lecture                    
        SUNY Stony Brook, Earth & Spc Sci Hall. Indoor lecture, 
        clearsky starviewing. Free. www.ess.sunysb.edu/astro, 
        631-632-8100, slutterbie@notes.cc.sunysb.edu 
    20:00 - whole City - MH - Milky Way autumn season 
        Thru Nov 30. Fall season for sighting Milky Way from within 
        NYC. Requires dark clear sky and thoro knowledge of normal 
        luminous graffiti in sky. Milky Way is in high west sky at 
        at nightfall. www.nyskies.org/articles/pazmino/milky-ny.htm 
    20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture 
        Stamford Muum & Natr Ctr. Live planetarium show and talk. $14 
        musm adm.  Obsy itself is closed. www.stamfordmuseum.org, 
    20:00 - Srattford - CT  - Bootge Meml Astro Soc mtg 
        Boothe Memorial P, Museum. Free. 203-375-9675, 
        friendsofboothepk@gmail.com, www.bothememorialpark.org 
    20:30 - Cranford - NJ - Amat Astro Inc - meeting 
       Union Commty Coll, Sperry Obsy.  Indoor talk, clearsky 
       starvireing.Free. www.asterism.org 

Sat  2 Nov 
    20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting 
        Custer Instt. Indoor program, clearsky starviewing. $5-$15. 
        Varies with program. www.custerobservatory.org, 
        president@custerobservatory.org, 631-765-2626 
    20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing 
        Amat Obsrs Soc. capus of Custer Institt. Sessions concurrent 
        with Custer's own events. Free, cancelled for clouds. 
     20:00 - Middletown - CT -clearsky starviewing 
        Astro Soc of Gtr Hartford, Wesleyan U, Van Vleck Obsy. Free. 
        cancelled for clouds. asgh.org, 860-872-9069, 

Sun  3 Mov 
   02:00 - whole City - MH - Eastern Standard Time returns 
        Set clocks BACK, BEHIND, one hour to return to EST. Most 
        readers will do this on the previous night when they go to 
        sleep so they wake up in the proper time. The clock hour 01:00 
        to 01:59 repeats, first for EDST and again for EST. 
    08:00 - whole City - MH - New York City Marathon 
       Starts at SI end of Verazzano Bridge, then BK, QN, MH, BX. MH 
        again, Ends  in Central Pk. ~50,000 tunners take ~3h to 
        complete race. Free, view from any where along route except on 
        bridges. www.nyrr.org, local News media 
    13:30 - Uniondale - LI - Amat Obsrs Soc meeting 
         Hofstra University,Berliner Hall, Rm 117. Free, 
        www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net 
    19:00 - Uniondale - LI - clear starviewing 
         Hofstra University,Berliner Hall, Rm 117. Free, 
        adv regn reqd. Cancelled for clouds. 516-463-2759, 
        www.hofstra.edu/starsonsunday, observatory@hofstra.edu 

Tue  5 Mov 
    all day - whole City - MH - Elections Day 
        Please check with event contact for session falling on this 
        day by rule or outdated schedule 
    14:00 - New York University - MH - astronomy lecture 
        726 Broadway, Rm 940. Various topics in astrophys and 
        relativity. Free. Have GI photo ID for campus security. 

Wed  6 Nov 
    16:00 - Natl Musm of Mathematics - MH - scienceshow 
        Also 19:00. 'Mathematical Encounters'. Free, adv regn 
       reqd. www.momath.org, 212-542-0566,info@momath.org 
    17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World -  MH - cultural lecture 
        15 E 84 St, 5/Madison Av. Various topics on history and 
        culture of ancient societies. Free, adv regn reqd. 
        isaw.nyu.edu, isaw@nyu.edu, 212-992-7800 
    19:00 - Amer Musm Natl Hist - MH - SciCafe' social 
        Enter at 77 St, follow ushers to event hall. Discuss various 
        science topics with Musm sceintists. Re reshments and drinks. 
        Free, adv regn reqd. For 21+ YO. Have fedl/state photo ID.  
     19:30 - Greenwich - CT - clearsky starviewing 
        Astro Soc of Greenwich. Curtis Elem Schl, .a Obsy. Free. 
        Cancelled for clouds. greenwichstars@gmail.com, 
    20:00 - Centerport - LI - Astro Soc of LI meeting 
        Vanderbilt Plm. Free. asliastronomy@yahoo.com, 
    20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing 
        Westport Astro soc. Rolnick Obsy. Free, cancelled for clouds. 
        www.was-ct.org, 203-227-0925 
    20:00 - Middeltown - CT - cleasky starviewing 
        Wesleyan U, Van Vleck Obsy. Free, cancelled for clouds. 
        860-685-3664, www.wesleyan.edu/astro/events 
    21:00 - Poughkeepsie - NY - clearsky starviewing 
        Vassar College, Observatory. Free. Cancelled for clouds. 
Thu  7 Mov 
    18:30 CUNY Graduate Center - MH - cultural lecture 
       365 5 Av & 34 St.  Various history and culture topics elated 
         New York City.  Free, adv regn reqd. 212-817-7000, 
    20:30 - Piscataway - NJ - clearssky starviewing 1 
        Rutgers Univ, Schommer Obsy. Free. Cancelled for clouds. 
        732-205-0020, www.physics.rutgers.edu/ast/ast-serin.html  

fti  8 Nov 
    16:30 - East Measow - LI - LuminoCity festival light show 
        Thru Jan 5. Eisenhower Pk. Luminous holiday and artistic 
        scenes, some animated, some operated by visitor cellphone. 
Tees & a        bushes with lighted leafs, birds. Closing fireworks 
display. Music, 
        docents. performers, kids activities, vendors, food service.  
        $38.80 timed entry, adv regn reqd. www.luminocityfestival.com, 
  19:00 - Toms River - NJ - Astro Soc of Toms Rv Area meeting 
       Ocean Cnty Coll, Novins Planetarium. Free. 
       www.astra-nj.com, 732-255-0343, webmaster@astra-nj.org 
    19:30 - Pleasantville - NY - Westchester Amat Astro meeting  
        Pace Univ, Wilcox Hall, Free.    
     20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture- see Nov 1   

Sat  9 Mov 
    11:30 - Morristown - NJ - Morris Museum Astro Soc meeting  
        Morris Museum. Free. 973-386-1848, 973-386-1848,, 
        www.morrismuseum.org/astro-society, info@morrismusem.org, 
         ckkrish@gmail.com, www.mmastrosociety.org 
    18:00 - West Reqding - CT - astronomy lecture 
         New Pond Farm, obseratory. outdoor clearsky  starviewing. 
        $10,  adv regn reqd, cancelled for clouds. www.newpondfarm.org 
        www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net 
    19:00 - New Milford - CT - astronomy lecture 
        NcCarthy Obsy, New Milford HS. indoor lecture, clearsky 
        starviewing. Free. www.mccarthyobservatory.org, 860-354-1595, 
   20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting- see Nov 2 
    20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 2 

Mon 11 Nov 
    all day - whole City - MH - Veterans Day 
        Please check with event contact for session falling on this 
        day by rule or outdated schedule 

Tue 12 Nov 
    14:00 - New York University - MH - astronomy lecture- see Nov 5 
     20:00 - Upper Montclair - NJ - No Jersey Astro Gp meeting 
         Montclair St Univ, Ctr Enviro & Life Sci. Free. 
         njastro.org, 732-255-0343 

Wed 13 Nov 
    15:30 - Courant Institute - MH - science lecture 
        Ctr for Atmosp & Ocean Studies. Weaver Hall, 251 Mercer 
        St. Various topics in geophysics and earth science. Free. 
        caos.cims.nyu.edu, shafer@cims.nyu.edu 
    17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World -  MH - cultural lecture- see Nov 6 
    18:30 CUNY Graduate Center - MH - cultural lecture - see Nov 7 
    19:330 - York College - QN - astronomy lecture 
        Core Academic Bdg, Rm AC-2E01. Indoor lecture, clearsky 
        starviewing. Free, adv regn reqd. 718-262-2082,  
    20:00 - Centerport - LI - Astro Soc of LI meeting- ssee Nov 6 
    20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 6 
    20:00 - Middeltown - CT - cleasky starviewing- see Nov 6 
    21:00 - Poughkeepsie - NY - clearsky starviewing - see Nov 6 

Thu 14 Nov 
    20:30 - Piscataway - NJ - clearssky starviewing 1- see Nov 7 

fri 15 Mov 
    18:30 - McBurney Houall - MH - NYSkies Astronomy Seminar 
        125 W 14 St, 6/7 Av. Discussion of astronomy topics, show & 
        tell, skywatching reports, news of astro activity in NYSkies 
        territory. Free. nyskies@nyskies.org, www.nyskies.org r    
    18:30 CUNY Graduate Center - MH - cultural lecture - see Nov 7 
    19:00 - Boonton - NJ - clearsky starviewing 
        Sheep Hill Astro Assn, Sheep Hill  Obsy. Free, cancelled for 
        clouds. www.sheephillastro.org 
    20:00 - Cranford - NJ - Amat Astro Inc lecture 
       Union Commty Coll, roy Smith audm. or talk, clearsky 
      starvireing. free. www.asterism.org 
     20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture- see Nov 1 
    20:00 - Srattford - CT  - Bootge Meml Astro Soc mtg- see Nov 1 

Sat 16 Nov 
    10:00 - NY Botanical Garden - BX - Holiday Train Show 
        Thru Jan 20. Haupt Conservatory. Huge model train layout with 
        larg-scale vehicles. Scenety has many NYC landmarks. Display 
        lighted at night. Certain days only for 21+ YO because hard 
        drinks are offered at food service. Else all ages are 
        admitted. 10h-18h + certain evenings. $35 & up timed-entry, 
        adv regn reqd. www.nybg.org, 718-817-8716 
    20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting- see Nov 2 
    20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 2 

Tue 19 Nov 
    14:00 - New York University - MH - astronomy lecture- see Nov 5 
    17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World -  MH - cultural lecture- see Nov 6 
    20:00 - Westport - CT - Westport Astro soc meeting- see Oct 1 
       Rolnick Obsy. Free. www.was-ct.org, 203-227-0925 

Wed 20 Nov 
    19:00 - Hayden Planetarium - MH - astronomy lecture 
        lecture in 'Live!' or 'Frontiers' series, besides routine sky 
         shows. Enter at 81 St/Cntl Pk W, then follow usher. 
         $15, adv regn reqd. 212-769-5100, www.amnh.org/calendar 
     19:30 - Greenwich - CT - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 6 
    20:00 - Centerport - LI - Astro Soc of LI meeting- ssee Nov 6 
    20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 6 
    20:00 - Middeltown - CT - cleasky starviewing- see Nov 6 
    21:00 - Poughkeepsie - NY - clearsky starviewing - see Nov 6 

Thu 21 Nov 
    20:30 - Piscataway - NJ - clearssky starviewing 1- see Nov 7 

Fri 22 Nov 
    20:00 - whole CIty - MH - Globe at Night 
        Thru Dec 1. NYSkies runs its Globe at Night exercise this 
        season while Orion is in sky at nighfall. Same method and 
        procedure as for prior years for documenting sky transparency 
        over City. Dates this year ar: 
    20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture- see Nov 1 
        2024 Nov 32-Dec 01 
        2024 Dec 22-31 
        2025 (not yet issued) 

Sat 23 Nov 
    20:00 - Ward Pound Ridge - NY - clearsky starviewing 
        Westchester Amat Astro. Meadows Picnic Area. Free. Cancelled 
        for clouds. waa-president@westchesterastronomers.org 
    20:00 - Beear Mountain - NY - clearsky starviewing 
        Rockland Astro Club. Anthony Wayne Rec Pk, picnic field. Free, 
        cancelled for clouds. www.rocklandastronomy.com 
    20:00 - Jenny Jump St Forest - NJ - Utd A C of NJ mtg- see Oct 5 
    20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting- see Nov 2 
    20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 2 
Mon 25 Nov 
    17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World -  MH - cultural lecture- see Nov 6 

Tue 26 Nov 
    14:00 - New York University - MH - astronomy lecture- see Nov 5 
 -- Wed 27 Nov 
    20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 6 
    20:00 - Middeltown - CT - cleasky starviewing- see Nov 6 
    21:00 - Poughkeepsie - NY - clearsky starviewing - see Nov 6 

Thu 28 Nov 
    all day - whole City - Thanksgiving Day 
        Please check with event contact for session falling on this 
        day by rule or outdated schedule 
    08:300 - Midtown - MH - Macy's Thansgiving parade 
        Starts at 77 St & Centl Pk w, then CPW, Columbus Cr, Centl Pk 
        S, 6 Av, 34 St, ends at 34 St & 7 Av.  Balloons, floats, 
        nusic, performers. Christmas season worldwide begins when 
        Santa's float passes memorial Gate of macy's store at 12:00 
        EST.  Viewing along all 4km route. Free. 

Fri 29 Nov 
   16:30 - Lk Taghkanic St Pk - NY - clearsky starviewing 
       M6d3Hudson Astro Assn. West Beach parking lot. Free,  ,        
       cancelled for clouds. Free, adv regn reqd.      
    20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture- see Nov 1 
    20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 2 

Sat 30 Nov 
    20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting- see Nov 2 
    20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 2 
    20:00 - Ward Pound Ridge - NY - clearsky starviewing- see Nov 23 

 = = = = = 
    17:00 - Intrepid Museum - MH - Free Friday show 
        Pier 86 and ship. Exhibits, demos, talks. Clearsky movies 
        and starviewing. Free. www.intrepidmuseum.org 
    14;00 - Vorhees St Pk - NJ - clearsky sunviewing 
        Robinson Obsy. clearsky sunrviewining. 
        Free.  www.njaa.org, 908-368-8500 
    20;00 - Wash'n X'ing - NJ - clearsky starviewing 
         Amat Astro Assn of Princeton. Simpson Obsy. Free, cancelled 
        for clouds. www.princetonastronomy.org, 609-737-2575, 
    20:00 - Jenny Jump St Forest - NJ - Utd A C of NJ mtg 
        UACNJ Obsy. Indoor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free. 
        www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net- see Jul 1 
    20;30 - Voorhees St Pk - NJ - NJ Astro Assn lecture 
        Robinson Obsy. Indoor talk, clearsky starviewining. Free. 

    10:00 - Princeton - NJ - science lecture 
        Plasma Physics Lab. Various topics related to PPPL work. 
          Free,. Have state/fedl photo ID for campus security. 
     18:00 - Simons Foundation - MH - scinece lecture 
        160 5 Av & 21 St. Various topics on physics, astronomy, maths. 
        Free, adv regn reqd. 646-654-0066,  www.simonsfoundation.org 
    19:00 - Litchfield - CT - Litchfield Hills A AC lecture 
        White Memorial. Inddor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free. 
    19:30 - Torrington - CT - Litchfield Hills A A C meeting 
        Five Points Arts Cttr. Free.lhaacsec@gmail.com, lhastro.org -
    14:00 - Bridgehampton - LI astronomy workshop 
        Hamptons Obsy.  South Fork Natl Hist Musm. diurnal motion of 
        Sun and shadow. Construct a take-home sundial 
        . www.hamptonsobservatory.org 
    18:00 - East Meadow - LI - Amer Instt Aeron & Astron lecture 
        Borelli's Restaurant, 1580 Hempstead Tk.  $50 incl dinner. Adv 
        regn reqd. 516-458-8593, davidparis@twc.com 
    18:30 - Bell House - BK - Secret Science Club meeting 
       149  7 St, 2/3 Av. (Gowanys Hills) Lecture and music on various 
        science topics. Free, adv regn reqd. 
         secretscienceclub.blogspot.com, -    19:00 - Rocky Hill - CT 
- Astro Soc of Gtr Hartford meeting 
        Rocky Hill Commty Ctr, Rn 1C,761 Old Main St. Free asgh.org 
    19:00 - Columbia University - MH - astronomy lecture 
        Pupin Hall, follow signs to room. Insdoor talk, clearsky 
        starviewing. Free. www.astro.columbia.edu/content/outreach, 
        212-854-3278, 212-854-3257 c    19:30 - Princeton - NJ - Amat 
Astro Assn of Princeton meeting 
        Princeton U, Peyton Hall. Free. www.princetonastronomy.org, 
        609-737-2575, info@princetonastronomy.org 
        212-769-5100, www.amnh.org/programs    
    20:00 - Princeton - NJ - clearsky starviewing 
        Princeton Univ, Peyton Hall. Free. Cancelled for clouds 
        jeg@astro.princeton.edu, lee@astro.princeton.edu 

   10:30 - Piscataway - NJ - astronomy lecture 
        Colloquium series. Rutgers Univ, Busch Campus, Astro & Phys 
        Lecture Hall. Free. www.physics.rutgers.edu/colloquium, 
    13:30 - Piscataway - NJ - astronomy lecture 
        Seminar series. Rutgers Univ, Serin W330. Free. 732-445-3974, 
    14:00 - Avenues HQ - MH - New York Map Society lecture 
        11 E 26 St, 17th floor. Various topics about map making, 
        cartography, geography.  Free, adv regn reqd. Have GI photo ID 
        for caampus security. www.newyorkmapsociety.org, 
    15:30 - Greenwich - CT - Astro Soc of Greenwich meeting 
        Greenwich Audubon Ctr. Free with musm adm. 
        greenwichtars@gmail.com, astrogreenwich.org 
    18:15 - Amer Musm Natl Hist - MH - Amat Astro Assn lecture 
         Kaufmann Theater. Free, no musm adm fee. 718-522-5014, 
         president@aaa.org, www.aaa.org 
     18:30 - Hunter College - MH - Amer Instt Archaeolgy lecture 
        Hemmerdinger Screening Room. Various topics on archaeology and 
    19:00 - New Haven - CT - Astro Soc of New Haven meetinG 
        Yale Univ, Leitner Family Obsy. Indoor talk, clearsky 
        starviewing. Free. www.asnh.org, prez@asnh.org 
   20:00 - Blairstown - NJ - NW Jersey Astronomers meeting 
        Alan Observatory. Indoor talk, clearsky starviewing. 
        Free. www.nwjaa.org, info@nwjaa.org 
     20:00 - Lincroft - NJ - S*T*A*R meeting 
        Brookdale Commty Coll, Mommouth Museum. Free. 
        www.starastronomy.org, s-walters@comcast.net 
    20:00 - Central Park - MH - clearsky starviewing 
        Top of the Lawn. North path of Great Lawn. Free. Cancelled for 
        clouds. tags_p@yahoo.com, www.nyskies.org, nyskies@nyskies.org 

    The Paarade of Trains for Sep 2024 was called off. The Brighton 
line's express tracks, used for Parade, are closed with all traffic on 
local tracks. shutoff is part of mahor rebuild of Newkirk Pz station. 
When this is finished, likely by yearend, express service resumes.a 
    Astro soc of LI usually meets every Wed. In Nov it skips the Wed 
before Thanksgiving.
     Please know well that NY Marathon runs a few hours after we 
revert to EST. To correctly engage in Marathon activity make sure you 
set your clock BACK one hour, preferibly at bedtime on Sat the 2nd. 
        I got many replies about your '!!!' entries, for having no in-
person events. Most were news that the event no longer runs. I'm 
organizing these replies and will blend them into the December NYC 
    Columbia Univ campus is still agitated with anri-Israwl/Jew 
demonstrations. College restricts oursider bisits. Astro dept called 
off its public lectures until future notice. I moved Coluambia to 

   On Oct 4 NYC Dept of Investgtnbegan purging ' no-show' city 
aofficials appointed to 'no-dhow' pisitions. These were named by Mayor 
Adams, prior mayors, as thank-yous for suppoering mayor elections. 
They have no degined function, but carry a title and nest in a city 
    Intl Longshoremen's Assn on Oct 1 000h EDST went on strike at East 
and Culf Coast seaports. It and port managers  broke off negotiations 
for new wok contracts. Dialog resumed on 3rd, with temporary reurn to 
work until Han 15. Poer for NY-NJ suffered only minor interruption, 
about like for mahor storms.
    US FBi continued in Oct to investigate NYC officials for fraus, 
corruption, bribery. Probe extended to officials's family and outside 
friends.  some resigned when they got FBI notie or visit. 
    John Bachelor Show, WOR radi 710AM New York, on Oct 7 discussed 
'Asteroid hunterl with author Dante Lauretta. They laid out story of 
Osiris-REX spaceprobe to asteroid Benu to retrieve samples of its 
surface.  Craft  released sample capsule for Earth landing and is now 
on way to explore asteroid Apophis. .   Msnh FS Bragg on Oct 9 opened 
own inquest of NYC officials for fraud, money laundering, more. some 
suspects are already in federal probe, others are new ones. a   Flt 
204 of Turkish Airlines made wmwrency landing at JFK airport ~06h EDST 
on Oct 9. It left Seattle WAs heading to Istanbul when its pilot 
dropped dead at the wheel.. Copilot and other crew took over for the 
landing. Riders continued to Turkey on other flights. 
    Study in mid Oct of NJ earthquake from Apr 2024 revealed new fault 
lines in state. At first tied to known Raamapo gault, Apr quake may 
result from 35k, deep N-S line roughly parallel to Ramapo . It is at 
issue not fuly mapped. 
    New Jersey counties, tows, then state itself called a water 
emergency during Oct 2024. since eatly Sep NJ got almost no rain. 
Reservoirs, rivers,, ponds were drying up. Water shortage also 
prompted imposing a fire hazard warning in state. 
a    Prez Trump, many local & state officials, on Oct 17 attended 
annual Al Smith Dinner on Manh. Event is run by NY Archdiocese as 
fundraiser for church charities.  
alets guests to mock and spoof each other in jst. trump presented 
humorous speech on national problems and programs.
    The Vessel, Hudson Yds MH, reopened after multi-year rebuild  on 
Oct 21. Originally an open-air stack of decks and stairs, sevral 
people jumped off in suicide. It now is enclosed in steel mesh but 
weave is so dense it obstructs clelar view and photography.
    NYC on Nov 1 begins closed-bin garbage collection. Garbage must be 
contained in solid cans, bot loose bags, with tight-fitting lids. 
    Tickertape parade for women's basketball team Liberty on Oct 23. 
Team won league champion for first time ever. Parade stepped off at 
10h EDST from Bowling Green, ended at City Hall for ceremony.
    During Oct both baseball teams Yankees and Mets competed for 
league titles. Hope erupted for 'subway' World Series where fans 
shuttle by subway between Mets and Yankee stadia. Yankess took AL 
title but Mets lost to Los Angeles Dodgers. Games are now an East-West 
    Prez Trump visited Knockout Barber, Castle Hill BC, on Oct 17. The 
event was unannounced and ownr Jacier Rodriguez and customers were 
surprised. All present spoke with Trump, shook hands, wished him wll 
in election. he then head to Masnh for Al Smith Dinner.
    Former NYS Gov Patterson & Guardian Agnle anthony Slowa were 
ssaulted on Oct 4 ~21h EDST. They were on 96 St & 3 Av  walking 
Patterson's dog when sliwa caught teens scaling fence to enter a 
building. Sliea chased them off and continued on way. The teens with 
gr own-ups jumped the two. Patterson & Slowa took injuries, treated at 
hospital, and are rcovering at home.
    Rockefeller Center on Oct 3 opeed new ride oon its roof dekc. It, 
Skylift, is glass waal & floor, open top, cabin for 13 riders to walk 
around in. It rises on tpiston and turns full 360 d. Riders look thru 
eall, 180cm high, oru fllor and get breeze thru top. It joins existing 
Beam ride and costs $35 above roof admission for a 3-1/2 minute round. 
    NY Yankees lost the world Series on Oct 30 to LA Dodgers. Dodgers 
took first three games, Yankees won game #4, dodgers won game #5, 
making it 4 or 7 to capture thee Series. Yankees keeps league pennant 
flag thru 2025 season. 
    Prez rump staged grand show on Oct 27 at Madison Sq Gdn. Arena was 
packed withl20,000 people. Myriads moe surrounded MSG to watch on 
jumbo displays. Additional myriads lines 5 Av to cheer Trump motorcade 
from trump Tower to NSG. 

    October 2024 was a better observing month with long runs of clear 
nights and mild/cool air. NYSkies got aurora displays around the 10th 
and peeks at comet 2023-A3 in mid-late month. No night met Milky Way 
quality but constellations wer filled out with their dimmer stars. 
    Day on Oct 6 was utterly clear dense blue with blinding sun. Sky 
actually showed bare-eye polarization in  high alt opposite Sun.  hSky 
weakened by nightfall but still extra dark and clear. Sky filled with 
dim stars . Aqr, Psc, Cet, faint parts of other groups, shined thru. 
No Milky Way of aurora reported. 
    NYSkies got its first major aurora in decades on Oct 10 evening! 
sky was clear and dark to let glows and rays shine thru, even overr 
NYC. Dislay seemed to start with broad tall glow in north, peaked with 
rayed arc/band, eaned back to glow. some observers noted parches 
elsewhere in sky. Aurora came from massive geomag storm hitting Earth 
earlier in  day.
    My own view of Oct 10 aurora was near mednight of 10-11. Display 
was probably eaning then. There was a green blow to ~8 deg alt 
centered on ~20d azm.. It was stable for couple minutes. I looked 
again at ~02h on 11 to see no more glow. 
M    On Odt 15 Prez Trump announced a campaign  rally for Oct 27 at 
Madison Square Garden. All 20,000 tickets were snatched up within 
three hours of the event website opened.a 
    Saturn, Jupiter, Mars are well placed in evening sky. They are 
joine by Venus in Nov as she climbs into high soutwest. By end Nov she 
has gibbous phase.
    As at issue I have scretchy news of comet T-A (2023-A3) or 
northern lights observed in NYSkies region. While assembling this NYC 
Events I saw almost nothing on astro webs, altho there was plenty of 
reports of the April 2024 solar eclipse.