NYSkies Astronomy Inc The support service for home astronomy |
NYC EVENTS FOR 2025 FEBRUARY ============================ Pazmino NYSkies Astronomy In+c www.nyskies.org nyskies@nyskies.org The following astronomy activities in the NYSkies region,roughly 100km radius from Herald Square on Manhattan, are open to the public. A few cultural items of interest to astronomers are also included. Altho NYC Events confirms the items, they are subject to change after NYC Events is issued. Inquire at the event's contact for addiurnate news. Let the contact know that you learned of its event thru NYC Events. Frequently asked questions about NYC Events are at 'www.nyskies.org/nyc-faq.htm'. Only the current issue is in the web. It is replaced by next month's issue. You may request previous NYC Events thru 'nyskies@nyskies.org'. These are archived offline and incorporate corrections refered to our attention since their issuance. For events missing NYC Events, check the NYSkies email GROUP at 'nyskies@groups.io'. When ADVISING about a new event deliberately account for the seven W's: What, Where, When, Who, Wht, Why, hoW, Wow. Join the nyskies group by sending an empty, blank, email to nyskies+subscribe@groups.io'. Any text and subject in the email are ignored. The email addressfrom where you sent the subscribe is the one you then after converse with the group. Messages come to you when posted in the group. Send messages to the group AT 'nyskies@groups.io'. GENERAL NOTES ------------ 'whole City' means the event has no specific or dedicated place. It may be enjoyed from the whole NYSkies territory or at a number of individual places. Celestial events are typicly 'whole City' events. 'all day' means the event is continuous or repeating during the open hours of the host facility. Facilities may have limited hours per day or days per week. Check with the event contact. 'adv regn reqd', for 'advance registration required/requested', means that YOU MUST SIGN UP before the event. You must have your ticket in hand at the gate. There could be a deadline some days before the event, after which no more signups are accepted. Check with the event contact for specifics. Mind well all instructions in he ticket. skipping or improperly following them may complicate your admision. Admission prices are the 'rack rate'. You could qualify for discounts, as may be offered by the event. Besides the admission price there may be collateral or optional fees to consider. CURRENT MONTH CALENDAR -------------------- Plain dates are in current month; -, previous month; +, next month. #, NYSkies Astronomy Seminar, digital sessions at 'www.nyskies.org/av-files/av-files.htm' Moon phase: .NM., .FQ), (FM), (LQ. Sunset is given for each Saturday --------------------------------- Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat sunset --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- ------- -26 -27 -28 .-29. -30 -31 1 17:14 2 3 4 .5) 6 7# 8 17:23 9 10 11 (12) 13 14 15 17:31 16 17 18 19 (20. 21# 22 17:39 23 24 225 26 .27. 28 +1 17:46 ------- ---------------------------------------------- All hours are Eastern Standar Time (UT - 5h). INDEX OF EVENTS ------------- * = NASA-JPL Night Sky Network affiliate date = in-person event in 'list of events' /ection ' 0 ' = in-person event in 'ongoing and continuing events' section 'AUT'= event in 'skipped, autumn resumption' section 'SPR' = event in 'skipped, spring resumption' secrion '???' = event in 'skipped' for uncertain or low-interest event '!!!' = event in 'skipped' for having no in-person event ------- ----------------------------------------------- BROOKLYN - BK ------------- Secret Science club- - - 6? 3 CONNECTICUT - CT ------------------- *Astro Soc of Gtr Hartford 19 Astro Sco of Greenwich - !!! *Astro Soc of New Haven - 25 Boothe Memorial Astro Soc 7, 21 *Bowman Observatory - - - 5, 19 Litchfield Hills AAC mtg ??? Litchfield Hills AAc lect ??? *McCarthy Observatory - - 8 New Pond Farm - - - - - 8 Stamford Museum - - - - - 7, 14, 21, 28 Van Vleck Obsy (ASGH) - ??? Van Vleck Obsy (WU) - ---SPR Westport Astro Soc mtg - -??? Westport Astro Soc starvwg 5, 12, 19, 26 27 LONG ISLAND - LI -------------------- *Amateur Observers Soc mtg 2 *Amat Obsrs Soc starvwing 0 Amer Instt Aeron & Astron ??? Astro Soc of Long Island - 5, 12, 19, 26 Custer Institute - - -- 1, 8, 15, 22 Hamptons Observatory - - ??? Hofstra Univ Obsy - - - - SPR SUNY Stony Brook Astro - SPR *Susan Rose Observatory - - 1, 8, 15, 22 - - - - - MANHATTAN - MH ---------------- *Amat Astro Assn starvwg 0 *Amat Astro Assn lecture --!!! Amer Instt Archaeology - !!! Anne frank exhinition s - - 2-Apr 30 Ctr for Atmos & Ocean Sci SPR Ctr for Sci & Soc - - - 0 Central Pk (Great Lawn) - !!! Columbia Univ Astro - - - SPR CUNY Graduate Center- - - SPR Cdl return-to-office - - 3 Globe at Night - - - - - 19-28 Govvernors Island - - -- 0 Hayden Planetarium - - - 25 Instt Stud Ancnt World - 12, 20 25, 27 Intrepid Museum - - - -- SPR Natl Musm of Mathematics 12 NYC-H2O - - - - - - - - 0 New York Map Society - - !!! NYU Astrop & Relatvty - SPR *NYSkies Astronomy Seminar 7, 21 (digital sessions) SciCafe' - - - - - - - - 5 Simons Foundation - - - - sPR *Top of the Laawn - - - - !!! Urban Park Rangers - - - 0 -------------------------------------- Ctr for Space Sci Edu - -- info@nyccsse.reading org, www.nyccsse.org, 212-598-6164 METRO-NORTH - NY ------------------ Bear Mountain - - - - - - SPR Lamont-Doherty Obsy - - !!! Mid-Hudson Astro Assn - -- 28 Vassar Collee Obsy - - - SPR Ward Pound Ridge - - - - SPR Westchester AmatAstro - - 14 NEW JERSEY - NJ ----------------- A A A of Princeton - - - - 11 *Amat Astro Inc meeting =- - ??? Amat Astro Inc lecture - - 21 Astro Soc of Toms Rv Area 14 Hoboken station closure - - -1-23 Morris Musm Astro Soc - - - 8 NJ Astro Assn lecture - - - SPR 0 NJ Astro Assn sunviewing - SPR NW Jersey Amat Astro - - - !!! North Jersey Astro Group - - 11 Peyton Observatory - - - - ??? Plasma Physics Lab - - - - 8, 15 Rutgers Univ Astro Collqm !!! Rutgers Univ Astro Semnr - !!! *S*T*A*R - - - - - - - - - - !!! Schommer Observatory - - - - 13, 20, 27 Sheep Hill Asro Assn - - - 21 *Utd Astro Clubs of NJ - - - SPR Washington Xing St Pk - - - SPR ----------------------------------------- Dark Sky Observers - www.users.nac.net/gburke/club Montclair Telescope Club - 973-948-5284,, users.erols.com/njastro/orgs/mtc.htm Passaic Co Astro Assn - www.users.nac.net/gburke/PCAA, 973-523-0024 *Raritan Vy Co Coll Plm - www2.raritanval.edu/planetarium Skyland Stargazers - skylandstargazers.tripod.com n QUEENS -QN --------------- York College ObserVatory - - - SPR REST OF WORLD --------------- STATEN ISLAND - SI --------------------- THE BRONX - bx ------------- ============================================== nGOING AND CONTINUING EVENTS -------------------------- all day - Governors Island - MH - cultural shows HOURS VARY BY SEASON; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Open all year! Walk and tour thru former military base and \ new urban park. Shows vary each day or visit by foot or bike. Ferries run every 40 min from Battery Marine Terml, MH. On weekdays also from Pier 6, BK; and Atlantic Basin, BK. Island is free but ferry fare is $3 RT. Adv regn reqd, no at-door tkts. www.nps.gov/gois, www.govisland.com allday - whole City - MH - cultural tours & lectures VARIOUS PLACES, DATES, HOURS; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Urban Park Rangers. Tours of parks, landmarks, nabes, hoods. Lectures on history and culture of NYC. Program varies each month. Free. www.nyc.gov/parks all day - whole Island - LI - clearsky starviewing VARIOUS PLACES, DATES, HOURS; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Amat Obsrs Soc. Sessions convene in parks usually at dusk. Occasional daytime sunviewing. Free. Cancelled for clouds. www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net all day - Columbia Univ - MH - Ctr for Sci and Soc lecture VARIOUS LOCATIONS, DATES, TIMES; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Fayerweather Hall, Rm 513. 'Exploring Mars with Perserverance and ingenuity''.Free, adv regn reqd. 212-853-1612, a scienceandsociety@columbia.edu, scienceandsociety.columbia.edu all day - whole City - MH - cultural tour VARIOUS LOCATIONS AND TIMES; INQUIRE AT CONTACT NYC-. Walk, bike, ride thru history and culture of NYC muwater system facilities and natural waterways in and near the City. Events are pay orfree, adn regn reqd. Bike tours need own bike. www.nych2o.org, matt@nych2o.org all day - whole City - MH - clearsky starviewing VARIOUS PLACES, DATES, HOURS; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Amat Astro Assn. Sessions convene in parks usually at dusk. Occasional daytime sunviewing. Free. Cancelled for clouds. president@aaa.org, 718-522-5014, www.aaa.org lLIST OF EVENTS ------------- Sat 1 Feb all day - Hoboken - NJ - Hoboken PARH station closure Thru feb 23.Station is closed to continue repairs from hurricane Dandy. Station is next to NJT Hoboken terminal for transfers. Riders should do shuttle buses to other PATH stations or do alternate means to reach Manh. www.panynj.gov 20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting Custer Instt. Indoor program, clearsky starviewing. $5-$15. Varies with program. www.custerobservatory.org, president@custerobservatory.org, 631-765-2626 20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing Amat Obsrs Soc. capus of Custer Institt. Sessions concurrent with Custer's own events. Free, cancelled for clouds. www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net Sun 2 Feb 09:30 - Ctr for Jewish Studies - MH - Anne Frank echibit Thru Apr 30. 15 W 16 St, 5/6 Av. History of anne Frank's experience in Nazi-ruled Holland. Replica of home, documents, artifacts, pictures. Sun-Fri, closed Sat. $21-$27 timed tkt, online. Adm requires photoID and security check. www.annefrankexhibit.org, info@annefrankexhibit.org 13:30 - Uniondale - LI - Amat Obsrs Soc meeting Hofstra University,Berliner Hall, Rm 117. Free, www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net Mon 3 Feb 08:30 - wjp;e City - MH - federal return-to-ofice US Federal employees working remotely since coronavirus wposode must return to their duty posts in office. Options are retirement, buy-out, terination. Details at agency''s human resources department Wed 5 Feb 19:00 - Amer Musm Natl Hist - MH - SciCafe' social Enter at 77 St, follow ushers to event hall. Discuss various science topics with Musm sceintists. Re reshments and drinks. Free, adv regn reqd. For 21+ YO. Have fedl/state photo ID. 212-769-5100, www.amnh.org/programs 19:00 - Greenwich - CT - clearsky starviewing Astro Soc of Greenwich. Curtis Elem Schl, .a Obsy. Free. Cancelled for clouds. greenwichstars@gmail.com, astrogreenwich.org 20:00 - Centerport - LI - Astro Soc of LI meeting SOME MEETINGS ARE REMOTE ACCESS; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Vanderbilt Plm. Free. asliastronomy@yahoo.com, www.asliclub.org 20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing Westport Astro soc. Rolnick Obsy. Free, cancelled for clouds. www.was-ct.org, 203-227-0925 thu 6 Feb 18:30 - Bell House - BK - Secret Science Club meeting MEETS AT DISCOVERY PIER 57, HUDSON RV, $10 ADM 149 7 St, 2/3 Av. (Gowanys Hills) Lecture and music on various science topics. Free, adv regn reqd. secretscienceclub.blogspot.com, Fri 7 Feb 18:30 - McBurney Houall - MH - NYSkies Astronomy Seminar SEMINARS ARE OFFERED AS DOWNLOAD AUDIO-VIDEO FILES AT 'www.nyskies.org/av-files/av-files.htm'. 125 W 14 St, 6/7 Av. Discussion of astronomy topics, show & tell, skywatching reports, news of astro activity in NYSkies territory. Free. nyskies@nyskies.org, www.nyskies.org r 20:00 - Srattford - CT - Bootge Meml Astro Soc mtg Boothe Memorial P, Museum. Free. 203-375-9675, sites.google.com/view/bmas-ct/home, 0friendsofboothepk@gmail.com 20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture MEETS ON CERTAIN FRIDAYS; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Stamford Muum & Natr Ctr. Live planetarium show and talk. $14 musm adm. Obsy itself is closed. www.stamfordmuseum.org, 203.977.652, Sat 8 Feb -- 09:00 - Princeton - NJ - science lecture Plasma Physics Lab. Various topics related to PPPL work. Free,. Have state/fedl photo ID for campus security. www.pppl.gov/events/science-saturday 11:30 - Morristown - NJ - Morris Museum Astro Soc meeting Morris Museum. Free. 973-386-1848, 973-386-1848,, www.morrismuseum.org/astro-society, info@morrismusem.org, ckkrish@gmail.com, www.mmastrosociety.org 18:00 - West Reqding - CT - astronomy lecture New Pond Farm, obseratory. outdoor clearsky starviewing. $10, adv regn reqd, cancelled for clouds. www.newpondfarm.org www.newpondfarm.org 19:00 - New Milford - CT - astronomy lecture NcCarthy Obsy, New Milford HS. indoor lecture, clearsky starviewing. Free. www.mccarthyobservatory.org, 860-354-1595, mccarthyobservatory@gmail.com 20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting- see Feb 1 20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Feb 1 Tue 11 Feb 12:00 - Upper Montclair - NJ - No Jersey Astro Gp meeting LOCATION NOT STATED; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Montclair St Univ, Ctr Enviro & Life Sci. Free. njastro.org, 732-255-0343 19:30 - Princeton - NJ - Amat Astro Assn of Princeton meeting Princeton U, Peyton Hall. Free. www.princetonastronomy.org, 609-737-2575, info@princetonastronomy.org Wed 12 Feb 16:00 - Natl Musm of Mathematics - MH - scienceshow Also 19:00. 'Mathematical Encounters'. Free, adv regn reqd. www.momath.org, 212-542-0566,info@momath.org 17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World - MH - cultural lecture 15 E 84 St, 5/Madison Av. Various topics on history and culture of ancient societies. Free, adv regn reqd. isaw.nyu.edu, isaw@nyu.edu, 212-992-7800 20:00 - Centerport - LI - Astro Soc of LI meeting- see Feb 5 20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing- see Feb 5 Tju 13 Feb 20:30 - Piscataway - NJ - clearssky starviewing 1 Rutgers Univ, Schommer Obsy. Free. Cancelled for clouds. 732-205-0020, www.physics.rutgers.edu/ast/ast-serin.html Fri 14 Feb 19:00 - Toms River - NJ - Astro Soc of Toms Rv Area meeting Ocean Cnty Coll, Building #13. Free. www.astra-nj.com, 732-255-0343, webmaster@astra-nj.org 19:30 - Pleasantville - NY - Westchester Amat Astro meeting Pace Univ, Wilcox Hall, Free. www.westchesterastronomers.org, waa-president@westchesterastronomers.org 20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture- see Feb 7 Sat 15 Feb -- 09:00 - Princeton - NJ - science lecture- see Feb 8 20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting- see Feb 1 20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Feb 1 Wed 19 Feb 20:00 - whole CIty - MH - Globe at Night Thru Jan 30. NYSkies runs its Globe at Night exercise this season while Orion is in sky at nighfall. Same method and procedure as for prior years for documenting sky transparency over City. Dates this year ar: ---------------- 2024 Nov 22-Dec 01 2024 Dec 22-31 2025 Jan 21-30 2025 Feb 19-28 2025 Mar 21-30 -------------------- - 19:00 - Rocky Hill - CT - Astro Soc of Gtr Hartford meeting Rocky Hill Commty Ctr, Rn 1C,761 Old Main St. Free asgh.org 19:00 - Greenwich - CT - clearsky starviewing - see Feb 5 20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing- see Feb 5 20:00 - Centerport - LI - Astro Soc of LI meeting- see Feb 5 Thu 20 Feb 17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World - MH - cultural lecture- see Feb 12 20:30 - Piscataway - NJ - clearssky starviewing 1 - see Feb 13 Fri 21 Feb 18:30 - McBurney Houall - MH - NYSkies Astronomy Seminar SEMINARS ARE OFFERED AS DOWNLOAD AUDIO-VIDEO FILES AT 'www.nyskies.org/av-files/av-files.htm'. 125 W 14 St, 6/7 Av. Discussion of astronomy topics, show & tell, skywatching reports, news of astro activity in NYSkies territory. Free. nyskies@nyskies.org, www.nyskies.org r 19:30 - Boonton - NJ - clearsky starviewing Sheep Hill Astro Assn, Sheep Hill Obsy. Free, cancelled for clouds. www.sheephillastro.org 20:00 - Cranford - NJ - Amat Astro Inc lecture Union Commty Coll, roy Smith audm. or talk, clearsky starvireing. free. www.asterism.org 20:00 - Srattford - CT - Bootge Meml Astro Soc mtg- see Feb 7 20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture- see Feb 7 Saat 22 feb 20:00 - Southold - LI - Custer Institute meeting- see Feb 1 20:00 - Susan Rose Obsy - LI - clearsky starviewing- see Feb 1 Tue 25 Feb 17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World - MH - cultural lecture- see Feb 12 19:00 - Hayden Planetarium - MH - astronomy lecture Lecture in 'Live!' or 'Frontiers' series, besides routine sky shows. Enter at 81 St/Cntl Pk W, then follow usher. $15, adv regn reqd. 212-769-5100, www.amnh.org/calendar 19:00 - New Haven - CT - Astro Soc of New Haven meetinG LOCATION NOT STATED; INQUIRE AT CONTACT [Yale Univ, Leitner Family Obsy]?. Indoor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free. www.asnh.org, prez@asnh.org Wed 26 Feb 20:00 - Centerport - LI - Astro Soc of LI meeting- see Feb 5 20:00 - Westport - CT - clearsky starviewing- see Feb 5 Thu 27 Feb 17:30 - Instt Stud Anct World - MH - cultural lecture- see Feb 12 20:30 - Piscataway - NJ - clearssky starviewing 1 - see Feb 13 Fri 28 Feb 17:30 - Lk Taghkanic St Pk - NY - clearsky starviewing M6d3Hudson Astro Assn. West Beach parking lot. Free, , cancelled for clouds. Free, adv regn reqd. www.mhaa.nidhudsonastro.org 20:00 - Stamford - CT - astronomy lecture- see Feb 7 EVENTS SKIPPED IN THIS MONTH EVENT MAY RvESUME AT DIFFERNT PLACE AND TIME INQUIRE AT EVENT CONTACT ====================================== = = = = = [SPR] SPRING RESUMPTION OF ACTIVITY -------------------------------- 14;00 - Vorhees St Pk - NJ - clearsky sunviewing Robinson Obsy. clearsky sunrviewining. Free. www.njaa.org, 908-368-8500 14:00 - New York University - MH - astronomy lecture 726 Broadway, Rm 940. Various topics in astrophys and relativity. Free. Have GI photo ID for campus security. physics.nyu.edu/events.htm 15:30 - Courant Institute - MH - science lecture Ctr for Atmosp & Ocean Studies. Weaver Hall, 251 Mercer St. Various topics in geophysics and earth science. Free. caos.cims.nyu.edu, shafer@cims.nyu.edu 17:00 - Intrepid Museum - MH - Free Friday show Pier 86 and ship. Exhibits, demos, talks. Clearsky movies and starviewing. Free. www.intrepidmuseum.org 18:00 - Simons Foundation - MH - scinece lecture TOPIC IS THE APRIL 8TH SOLAR WCLIPSE 160 5 Av & 21 St. Various topics on physics, astronomy, maths. Free, adv regn reqd. 646-654-0066, www.simonsfoundation.org 18:30 CUNY Graduate Center - MH - cultural lecture 365 5 Av & 34 St. Various history and culture topics elated New York City. Free, adv regn reqd. 212-817-7000, www.gc.cuny.edu/publicprograms 19:00 - Uniondale - LI - clear starviewing Hofstra University,Berliner Hall, Rm 117. Free, adv regn reqd. Cancelled for clouds. 516-463-2759, www.hofstra.edu/starsonsunday, observatory@hofstra.edu 19:00 - Columbia University - MH - astronomy lecture Pupin Hall, follow signs to room. Insdoor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free. www.astro.columbia.edu/content/outreach, 212-854-3278, 212-854-3257 19:330 - York College - QN - astronomy lecture Core Academic Bdg, Rm AC-2E01. Indoor lecture, clearsky starviewing. Free, adv regn reqd. 718-262-2082, www.york.cuny.edu/centers-institutes/observatory, 19:30 - Stony Brook - LI - astronomy lecture SUNY Stony Brook, Earth & Spc Sci Hall. Indoor lecture, clearsky starviewing. Free. www.ess.sunysb.edu/astro, 631-632-8100, slutterbie@notes.cc.sunysb.edu 20;00 - Wash'n X'ing - NJ - clearsky starviewing Amat Astro Assn of Princeton. Simpson Obsy. Free, cancelled for clouds. www.princetonastronomy.org, 609-737-2575, info@princetonastronomy.org 20:00 - Beear Mountain - NY - clearsky starviewing Rockland Astro Club. Anthony Wayne Rec Pk, picnic field. Free, cancelled for clouds. www.rocklandastronomy.com 20:00 - Jenny Jump St Forest - NJ - Utd A C of NJ mtg UACNJ Obsy. Indoor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free. www.aosny.org, suerose@optonline.net- see Jul 1 20:00 - Ward Pound Ridge - NY - clearsky starviewing Westchester Amat Astro. Meadows Picnic Area. Free. Cancelled for clouds. waa-president@westchesterastronomers.org www.westchesterastronomers.org, 20;30 - Voorhees St Pk - NJ - NJ Astro Assn lecture Robinson Obsy. Indoor talk, clearsky starviewining. Free. www.njaa.org 20:00 - Middeltown - CT - cleasky starviewing MEETS ONLY DURING CLASSES; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Wesleyan U, Van Vleck Obsy. Free, cancelled for clouds. 860-685-3664, www.wesleyan.edu/astro/events 21:00 - Poughkeepsie - NY - clearsky starviewing MEETS ONLY DURING CLASSES; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Vassar College, Observatory. Free. Cancelled for clouds. physicsandastronomy.vassar.edu/observatory.html, 845-437-7340 ================================================ ;???] UNCERTAIN DATE OR LOW-INTEREST EVENT ------------------------------------------ 18:00 - East Meadow - LI - Amer Instt Aeron & Astron lecture Borelli's Restaurant, 1580 Hempstead Tk. $50 incl dinner. Adv regn reqd. 516-458-8593, davidparis@twc.com 18:00 - Southampton - LI - astronomy lecture Hamptons Obsy. Southampton Arts Ctr.Indoor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free, adv regn reqd. www.hamptonsobservatory.org 18:30 - Princeton - NJ - clearsky starviewing Princeton Univ, Peyton Hall. Free. Cancelled for clouds www.astro.princeton.edu/observatory/publicobserving.php, jeg@astro.princeton.edu, lee@astro.princeton.edu 19:00 - Litchfield - CT - Litchfield Hills A AC lecture White Memorial. Inddor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free. 19:30 - Torrington - CT - Litchfield Hills A A C meeting Five Points Arts Cttr. Free.lhaacsec@gmail.com, lhastro.org 20:00 - Middletown - CT -clearsky starviewing Astro Soc of Gtr Hartford, Wesleyan U, Van Vleck Obsy. Free. cancelled for clouds. asgh.org, 860-872-9069, pparkerrs@cs.com 20:00 - Westport - CT - Westport Astro soc meeting- see Oct 1 Rolnick Obsy. Free. www.was-ct.org, 203-227-0925 20:30 - Cranford - NJ - Amat Astro Inc - meeting Union Commty Coll, Sperry Obsy. Indoor talk, clearsky starvireing.Free. www.asterism.org ===================================================== [!!!] NO IN-PERSON EVENTS DUE TO ASSORTED CAUSES -------------------------------------------------------- 10:30 - Piscataway - NJ - astronomy lecture Colloquium series. Rutgers Univ, Busch Campus, Astro & Phys Lecture Hall. Free. www.physics.rutgers.edu/colloquium, 732-445-3974 13:30 - Piscataway - NJ - astronomy lecture Seminar series. Rutgers Univ, Serin W330. Free. 732-445-3974, www.physics.rutgers.edu/ast/seminar 14:00 - Avenues HQ - MH - New York Map Society lecture 11 E 26 St, 17th floor. Various topics about map making, cartography, geography. Free, adv regn reqd. Have GI photo ID for caampus security. www.newyorkmapsociety.org, mapsocietyny@gmail.com 15:30 - Greenwich - CT - Astro Soc of Greenwich meeting Greenwich Audubon Ctr. Free with musm adm. greenwichtars@gmail.com, astrogreenwich.org 18:15 - Amer Musm Natl Hist - MH - Amat Astro Assn lecture Kaufmann Theater. Free, no musm adm fee. 718-522-5014, president@aaa.org, www.aaa.org 18:30 - Hunter College - MH - Amer Instt Archaeolgy lecture Hemmerdinger Screening Room. Various topics on archaeology and 20:00 - Blairstown - NJ - NW Jersey Astronomers meeting Alan Observatory. Indoor talk, clearsky starviewing. Free. www.nwjaa.org, info@nwjaa.org 20:00 - Lincroft - NJ - S*T*A*R meeting Brookdale Commty Coll, Mommouth Museum. Free. www.starastronomy.org, s-walters@comcast.net 20:00 - Central Park - MH - clearsky starviewing PLUS OCCASIONAL EXTRA SESSIONS; INQUIRE AT CONTACT Top of the Lawn. North path of Great Lawn. Free. Cancelled for clouds. tags_p@yahoo.com, www.nyskies.org, nyskies@nyskies.org c = = = = = GENERAL NEWS ---------- The Anne Frank exhibit at Cte for jewish Studies is a must-see for Jewish history AND the current climate of antiJew activity. The displayed material could be emotionally disturbing. The museum has strict security check on entry. Please follow all admissions instructions. See Feb 2. Westprot Astro Soc apparently skips its February meeting. Next one is in March. Amat Astro Inc has no Fri meeting in Feb. It had two in Jan, on 3 and 31. Club does stage regular lecture on 21. Boothe Meml Astro Soc simplified its contact to a Google website. It previously had several overlapping webs. See Feb 7. Princeton Plasma Phys Lab started its 2025 lecture series. It runs on certain Saturdays, the 8 and 15 in Feb. Campus security requires GI photo ID Astro Soc of New Haven now has monthly in-person meetings. The Feb 25 one has no stated Location. Do ask at club contact. CITY NEWS ------- On Jan 10 Prez Trump was finally sentenced in the 'hush money' case. He was deemed guilty of 34 felony counts in May 2024. Judge Merchana gave Trump 'unconditional release' meaning there is no actual penalty like jail or fine. Trump is a free person except that the conviction is on the books. He plans appeal soon. Manh congestion tolls began on Jan 5 with ceremony at Bdy & 61 St, .held by transit and city officials. They counted down to midnight of 5th to ring in the new toll scheme at that corner.Cars and small vehicles pay $9 by EZ-Pass or mailed bill. Large vehicles pay higher rate. Riders in taxis and hire cars get surcharge to fare. Full details at congestion.mta.info.a NYC Medl examnr on Dec 31 IDrd remains of woman set on fire on Dec 22. Debrina Kavaan, Toms River NJ, was sleeping on an F train in Coney Is station when at ~07:60 EST a man set her on fire, consuming her in the flames. suspect Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, a Guatemala illegal, was captured a couple hours later and now faces arson and murder charges. On Jan 25 news broke about mutiny in NYOD! Police is under standing orders to refuse and avoid interaction with US ICE, other fed LEOs, Feds already started capturing criminal illegas to send back to home countries. Some cops are, by personal means, tipping off feds about illegals and giving soft support and assistance in heir capture. Inauguration of Prez Trump as 47th US prez was on Jan 20 12H EST. Ceremony was indoors in Capitol Rotunda due to frigid weather in US i Cortheast. Festivals later continued in basketball arena and White House. VP Vance also sworn in and moves into Blair House at USNO. nyc Mayor Adams invited to Trump inauguration and attended with small staff. He skipped civil Rights shows in City NYC Mayor Adams sat with Prez Trump in Mar a Logo on Jan 17. They discussed program to expel criminal illegals from City. NYC and US ICE will work together, skipping NYC claim of 'sanctuary city'. On Jan 18 NYC Mayor Adams dropped Jan 17 agreement with Prez Trump for deporting criminal illegals. He vowed to deny cooperation and assistance for US ICE due to NYC 'sanctuary city' status. NYSkies felt quake on Jan 27 10:45 EST. It was centered ~1015k, none noted damage or injuries. Magn 2.4 quake hit under Paramus NJ on Jan 24 ~18:50 EST.slight rattling but no serious damage or injuries. Rudy Giuliani on 16 5Jan settled his election defamation case with terms thrilling to him. He was accused of defaming 0election workers i.n Georgia during 2020 president elections. A 'default judgement', not y trial or jury, awarded $148 million [! ]. Guiliani now keeps all assets and possessions and swears off further derogatory comments against accusers. Details in later news. several restaurants S of 60 St are offering rebate of $9 for customers arriving by car. Methods vary, all to ease pain of congestion toll. All are on honor sine there is no immediate proof of toll payment until customer gets EZ-Pass statement or mailed bill. NYC Mayor Adams on Dec 12 overseed start of demolition of Floyd Bennett Field illegals tent city. Its 2,000 residents were moved to a shelter in the Bronx. Action foresees Prez rump's coming ban on housing on federal parkland. SKY NEWS ------ January 2025 was a lousy observing month with almost all nights filled with clouds. By some good luck the occultaions of Pleiades and Mars occurred in clear dark sky. NYC got occasional snow, a couple cm cover. It dissipated within days as temps danced between -5C and +5C. Occultation of Pleiades on Jan 9 was widely observed thruout NYSkies. Sky was clear and dark, transp in Bklyn ~3-1/2 to 4 even with almost full Moon. Once in a while a thin cloud passed over to momentarily dull Pleiades with no serious hindrance to observing. Air was cold, -5 to -10 C across NYSkies. Early hours suffered strong arctic wind. Final hour was calm. Dec 31 features final thunderstorm of 2024! Thunder & rain started in NYC ~21:30 EST but no significant lightning. Storm lasted most of night. New Years celebrations every where in NYSkies were drenched. Invader drones over NJ and else where in NYSkies dwindled in early Jan 2025 under FAA suspension of all drone flights.. suspension ended on Jan 17. A couple days later the drones came back, maybe a bit fewer than before. At month end they once again are a routine sight over NYSkies. Mars occultation on 13 Jan in NYSkies was widely observed under clear sky, cold air. Mars took 15ish sec to sink into Moon, emerge from he. Mars was white to me, not orange or red, likely from global dust storm that erupted ~4 Jan. New comet 2024-G3 sweeped around Sun reaching -4 magn in mid Jan 2025. It was badly places for north hemisphr observers, who could look for it only in daylight against sun. south hemisphr observers got thrilling views in both morn and eve sky. Elder astronomers are storming views of Saturn to watch closure of his rings. This could be the final ring closing of their life. Next chance is in 2039. Crossing occurs in deep dawn right after conjunction with Sun. then after rings open up to show their south face. Prez Trump on Jan 28 explained that the invasion of drones over NJ was staged by US, not enemy or foreign, agencies. All flights were duly cleared by US FAA. Drones apparently did research and other activities related to remote sensing, detection, signature finding of various targets thruout NJ. Drones invaded state, nearby other areas, in Nov- Dec 2024 with no satisfactory discussion from FAA, other aviation and federal sources. D Perihelion Day on Jan 3 was lightly observed among astronomers. I got no actual cards, or even digital ones. I did verbal perihelion cheers during general conversations. Globe at Night in Jan was mostly clouded out. Transp was at best 2nd magn thru gaps in clouds. Next round is Feb 19-28. Observers are psyching up for the double eclipse month of March 2025. On 14 is total lunar eclipse in evening; 29, sunrise partial solar eclipse. = = = = =